Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 588: White-haired witch

"No!". The spirit of the magic lamp screamed in horror. Now he was really scared, mainly because the strength displayed by the mysterious iron box far exceeded his imagination. Such terrifying strength made him frightened and even desperate.

Since becoming the spirit of the magic lamp, even in the last reincarnation, it has never been so depressed, but now it has found itself in such a situation, which makes the spirit of the magic lamp, which has always been extremely arrogant, completely unable to accept such a thing.

Therefore, for the spirit of the magic lamp, not only the body may be in great danger now.

There is also mental torture, which is the most terrible.

Let him go crazy with hatred.

But the fear inside was uncontrollable.


The next moment, the fierce sound of collision suddenly came out. The mysterious iron box and the spirit of the magic lamp collided fiercely. The mysterious iron box instantly destroyed the body of the spirit of the magic lamp.

After the body of the magic lamp spirit exploded, a powerful devouring force was released from the inside of the mysterious iron box.

This devouring power wants to devour the spirit of the shattered magic lamp.

It seems that after the spirit of the magic lamp became the new spirit of the magic lamp, its body should have undergone tremendous changes, so that it could attract the mysterious iron box and make the mysterious iron box interested in him.

Otherwise, the mysterious iron box would not try to swallow the spirit of the magic lamp at all.

"No, no, no, help...". The spirit of the magic lamp screamed in horror.

Before, he looked aloof and arrogant, but now he looked like a bereaved dog. The contrast was too huge.

"I asked you to pretend to compete, now pretend to be stupid - let's compete!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Hearing Lin Feng's sarcasm to him, the spirit of the magic lamp was about to explode with anger. But at this time, how could he have the energy to engage in a verbal dispute with Lin Feng?

Survival is the most important thing now.

He was still shouting for help.

He was probably asking for help from the magic lamp. No one would save him except the magic lamp, but Lin Feng also had a doubt in his heart.

That's it.

The previous spirit of the magic lamp has died. The current spirit of the magic lamp has just become the new spirit of the magic lamp. Now the spirit of the magic lamp has flown out and is about to be robbed. The magic lamp has no spirit. Without control, could he still help? Unless that magic lamp had some kind of powerful instinct.

Maybe you can take action.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, the spirit of the magic lamp itself still has residual thoughts, but this part of the residual thoughts is too small, and it will not recover under normal circumstances. If this is the case, Then the spirit of the magic lamp is not even the real spirit of the magic lamp. It can only be regarded as a puppet.

But no matter what the situation was, Lin Feng did not want to see the spirit of the magic lamp rescued.

There was no other reason than that he couldn't stand this guy's arrogance.

Seeing that the spirit of the magic lamp was about to be swallowed by the mysterious iron box, Lin Feng's mood became happy. After this guy died, the magic lamp lost its spirit. It should be much easier to suppress it. However, something that depressed Lin Feng happened at this time. At the most critical time and space, the magic lamp actually took action.

The magic lamp hit the mysterious iron box directly.

It's rare to see things or treasures that dare to hit the mysterious iron box directly, but that magic lamp dared to do so.

A loud bang was heard, and the two sides collided fiercely.

The surrounding void instantly collapsed.

Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King quickly retreated, but even so, they were still almost swallowed by the collapsing void. Fortunately, they were fast enough and had good luck, so they retreated in time.

"Depend on!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but swore. Judging from the performance of the magic lamp, he felt that there might really be some lingering thoughts inside the magic lamp, and the spirit of the lamp was just a puppet. Otherwise, then It is impossible for a magic lamp to show such terrifying strength.

Although the magic lamp did not shake the mysterious iron box, it also prevented the mysterious iron box from swallowing the spirit of the magic lamp.

The spirit of the magic lamp took this opportunity and quickly flew back into the magic lamp.


Immediately afterwards, the magic lamp quickly flew towards the distance, and in the blink of an eye, it escaped without a trace.

"Damn it, what's going on? That magic lamp is so cowardly?".

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng suddenly felt dumbfounded.

After all, that magic lamp is also extremely terrifying.

Now the momentum has been built up.

Next, he should have had a hearty battle, but he ran away.

What an extreme reversal.

However, from this incident, we can also see the terrifying aspect of the mysterious iron box. Obviously, the magic lamp knew more details. It did not want to be an enemy of the mysterious iron box at all, so it ran away.

If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't afford it.

It's absolutely impossible to escape.

Lin Feng was in a very unhappy mood, because Lin Feng originally wanted to suppress the ancient lamp, but failed and let him run away.

What a pity to miss such a great opportunity.

It will be difficult to find such a good opportunity next time, but since things have already happened, there is no use being upset, everything must be moved forward.

Lin Feng put away the mysterious iron box.

Then, he said to the Spineback Dragon King, "Let's continue walking downstream and have a look!".

"good!". The Dragon King on the back of the spine nodded.

Lin Feng and the others haven't found the source of that weird power yet, so they won't leave here so quickly. No matter whether they can find it or not, at least they have to search for it carefully.

During the following journey, neither Lin Feng nor the Dragon King Qibei encountered any danger again.

Everything went quite smoothly.

Three hours later, they found the source location, where the strange power emitted was in this underground river.

Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King dived deep into the depths and found a palace filled with a gloomy atmosphere at the bottom of the underground river.

Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King entered the palace, but when they entered, they found that the place was already empty.

Only a black giant cauldron was left, and there was this weird and cold aura permeating the black giant cauldron.

"It may have been radiated by a certain powerful man. Now he has left seclusion and has left this place." The Ridgeback Dragon King said.

Lin Feng nodded.

This island is indeed one of the ancient battlefields where leveling battles were held in the last reincarnation, and there are indeed many strong people buried here.

Some have been turned to dust forever.

And some people came back from the catastrophe.

It will definitely write a glorious chapter in this era.

Lin Feng and the Ridgeback Dragon King didn't stay long and left the palace immediately.

What they don't know is.

After they left.

A woman with white hair and black clothes appeared in this palace.

That woman was surrounded by demonic aura.

She should be the one in the palace.

It's just that she hid it too well.

Even Lin Feng and the Dragon King Chibei never noticed her.

"Who is that person? Why does he have that thing?". The white-haired witch couldn't help but mutter to herself.

It turned out that she noticed the collision between the mysterious iron box and the magic lamp.

She was extremely afraid of the mysterious iron box, so Lin Feng didn't show up when he came over.

If not.

He must have already attacked and killed Lin Feng and the Dragon King.

The two of them could be considered to have escaped disaster.

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