Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 589: Goddess Ji Yao is in danger

After Lin Feng and the Dragon King came out, they planned to find a secluded place and quickly adjust their bodies.

Soon Lin Feng and the others found a quiet valley, where there was a natural cave. Lin Feng sealed the place with a ban, and then he and the Dragon King of the Ridgeback entered it for retreat to heal their wounds.

Lin Feng returned directly to his time and space. Soon Lin Feng's injuries recovered as before, and his body completely returned to its peak condition.

Then, Lin Feng took out the broken stone sword.

He refined the broken stone sword, and at the same time, he was also observing the gap position of the broken stone sword, trying to see how it broke.

"Such a deep gap, looks like it was cut with a sharp weapon?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

You know, the thirty-six stone swords are extremely powerful because of the special materials.

It's just too difficult to destroy them.

Using magic weapons and weapons to destroy these stone swords would be even more difficult than climbing to the sky.

When Lin Feng saw this broken stone sword before, he guessed that this broken stone sword was most likely destroyed by some special means.

But now it seems that is not the case.

No matter how this stone sword was destroyed, it is already a thing of the past.

What Lin Feng wants to do most now is to find the whereabouts of the other part of the stone sword.

Lin Feng tried to establish some kind of special connection with this stone sword, and then used this special connection to sense the whereabouts of the other part of the stone sword.

At first, I couldn't sense anything.

But as time went by, Lin Feng gradually sensed something special, and he seemed to see a darkness.

Lin Feng didn't know what kind of world that dark world was at first.

But not long after, Lin Feng discovered that there seemed to be a bright light in the distance.

Very weak.

He tried to fly towards the bright light in the darkness, but no matter how Lin Feng flew, he could not get close to the bright light. It seemed that the bright light was far away from where he was, otherwise it would be impossible to reach that location. .

Lin Feng gave up flying towards the bright light and stopped in the darkness, observing the darkness and the bright light in the distance.

Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself, "This place doesn't seem to be an independent world. It looks like an alien starry sky?"

When Lin Feng's voice fell, many lights suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Those bright lights were also far away from Lin Feng.

The entire dark world seemed to have turned into a world covered with silver sand.

Sure enough, as Lin Feng guessed, this is not an independent world, but an extraterrestrial starry sky.


Suddenly, not far away, something flew past quickly.

"It's Broken Sword!".

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly focused, it was the broken sword he was sensing, and Lin Feng wanted to grab the broken sword.

But this time.

All sensation is gone.

Lin Feng found that he was still sitting in time and space, holding the other half of the broken sword in his hand.

Rely on the broken sword in your hand.

He sensed the information about the other half of the broken sword. It seemed that that part of the broken sword should be left in the starry sky outside the territory.


The starry sky outside the territory is so vast and boundless, and it is really difficult to find where it was left. However, this is indeed a clue. Since there is a clue, this means that there is still hope of finding the broken sword in the future.

Wait until the Ridgeback Dragon King comes out of seclusion.

Lin Feng also flew out of time and space.

In the recent period, he has experienced too many things, and Lin Feng's progress has been quite astonishing.

For this.

Lin Feng was also quite satisfied.

Lin Feng had already sent a message to Poison Ancestor before, asking him to just go back on his own.

Now he also plans to go back. The next step is to wait for the Divine Tree of Samsara to appear. After the Divine Tree of Samsara appears, he will **** the Divine Tree of Samsara.

If he had left it alone, Lin Feng really felt that there was little hope of snatching the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation.

But now, he has conquered a strong man like the Dragon King on the back of the spine.


The Nine-Female Emperor will also obey his orders.

Lin Feng felt that he still had a certain probability of getting the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation.

Regardless of success or failure.

When the time comes, we must all work hard.

On the way back.

In the distance, Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King felt violent fluctuations coming from the distant mountains and forests.

However, they took a closer look and found that there was no fighting within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

This shows that the place where the battle took place should be farther away from them.

And across such a long distance, the energy fluctuations escaping from the war that broke out could be transmitted to such a long distance. It can be seen that the monks who fought in the war were absolutely extremely powerful.

Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King planned to go over and see who was fighting together.

Their speed is extremely fast.

Soon we came to the place where the big battle took place.

After arriving here, Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King saw a man and a woman fighting together.

The main reason was that the woman was violently attacked by the man.

What surprised Lin Feng was that he actually knew those two people.

One is the goddess Ji Yao.

One person is a wild demon.

Needless to say, Goddess Ji Yao had helped Lin Feng before.

Anyway, Lin Feng's sense of goddess Ji Yao is very good.

Of course, when Lin Feng faced Goddess Ji Yao, he still felt a little uneasy. After all, in order to stimulate Jiu Mu Emperor, he had previously said that he would pursue Goddess Ji Yao and sleep with Goddess Ji Yao. He didn't know that Ji Yao What is Goddess Yao thinking?

The monk who attacked Goddess Ji Yao was none other than Huang Mo.

Previously, this guy conspired with the Book of Prophecy to plot against many top powerhouses.

Definitely a scheming guy.

It's just that after many strong men were injured, he chose the wrong target to attack. If he had chosen someone else instead of Goddess Ji Yao, the person he targeted might have been killed in his hands.

But Goddess Ji Yao was really powerful and avoided death.

But this is tantamount to a slap in the face of the wild demon.

Therefore, the wild demon was unyielding to Goddess Ji Yao. After Goddess Ji Yao escaped, he pursued and killed Goddess Ji Yao.

Now it seems.

During this period of time, Goddess Ji Yao failed to get rid of this guy.

Today's goddess Ji Yao is a little sluggish.

This guy, Huang Mo, has a lot of blood.

It's the peak time.

If the goddess Ji Yao was at her peak, she would naturally have no fear of fighting against the wild demon.

But the current goddess Ji Yao is far from the peak. She was forced back by the wild demon, and the situation was quite bad.

The wild demon laughed ferociously, "We'll see how you die later!".

Goddess Ji Yao's face is pale, but even if she is in danger, she is still calm. However, the limitations of her own situation make her more and more exhausted.

If this continues, Goddess Ji Yao will inevitably end up tragically soon.

Lin Feng said to the Dragon King on the back of the spine, "Dragon King on the back of the spine, I will attract the attention of the wild demon later. You hide in the dark and attack the wild demon!".

Although Huang Mo didn't know what the relationship between Goddess Ji Yao and Lin Feng was, thinking that Goddess Ji Yao had helped Lin Feng before, he guessed that the two had a close friendship.

The wild demon said, "Okay, then I'll lurk first. This wild demon is extremely terrifying, so the master must be careful!".

As soon as the words fell, the wild demon hid in the void and lurked.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, flew towards the place where the battle was taking place.

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