Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 590: The furious demon

At this moment, the Desolate Demon was planning to take down the goddess Ji Yao in one go, but Lin Feng came to kill him at this time, directly used the soul attack technique, and activated the black and yellow war drums and other magic weapons to attack the soul, and launched an attack on the Desolate Demon. attack.

Lin Feng's idea is that his soul power is relatively powerful.

After all, his soul power has reached the level of Quasi-Pioneer Fourth Level Immortal Palace.

With various soul attack methods being used, even a top-level quasi-pioneer-level terrifying existence like the Desolate Demon might be harmed without any preparation.

The actual situation was similar to what Lin Feng had guessed.

The wild demon who was dealing with Goddess Jiyao suddenly let out a painful roar of filial piety.

It was because Huang Mo was attacked by Lin Feng's soul and suffered a certain amount of trauma.

It's just that Huang Mo's realm is too advanced, and he quickly stabilized his state.

Although his soul was injured, this injury was actually completely within the control of Huang Mo.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't think that he could severely damage the wild demon with the soul attack technique.

This kind of thing is not very realistic.

Lin Feng's goal has actually been achieved. After all, he only wanted to hinder the process of the desert demon dealing with the goddess Ji Yao, so that the goddess Ji Yao can get rid of the attack of the desert.

Just when the Desolate Demon was attacked by Lin Feng's soul, Goddess Ji Yao had already seized that golden opportunity and successfully got rid of the Desolate Demon.

"You little beast, how dare you trick me?"

Huang Mo looked at Lin Feng with angry eyes, and the murderous intent in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

He had plenty of reasons to be angry.

If it weren't for Lin Feng, Goddess Ji Yao might have been killed by him.

But because of Lin Feng, not only his soul was damaged to a certain extent.

Even Goddess Ji Yao got rid of him.

Lin Feng said, "How could I have tricked you? I dealt with you in a fair and upright manner. Speaking of tricks, I think you, the wild demon, should be the more sinister one. You conspired with the grandson of the book of prophecy to scheme against others, and you still It's really embarrassing to attack others secretly. From now on, instead of saying that you are the Supreme Demon God, you might as well say that you are the Supreme Yin God!"

"You don't know how to live or die, and you dare to compare me with something as lowly as the Yinshen. You are seeking death!".

The wild demon's eyes showed murderous intent.

Lin Feng felt that something was wrong.

next moment.

In the void, a magic hand suddenly appeared.

It was only half a meter away from Lin Feng.

This is the magical power condensed by the wild demon. The method of this wild demon is really powerful. It has condensed such terrifying magical power quietly. The key is that it has been hidden from Lin Feng, so that Lin Feng did not notice it at all. About half a meter away The distance was so far that there was no time to use any magical powers to avoid it.

Even some methods such as illusory spells were too late to be used.

Lin Feng quickly made a move.

He put his hands across his body to resist the attack from the wild demon.

"Damn it!".

In the distance, Goddess Ji Yao couldn't help but cursed when she saw this scene. It was not easy for a goddess of heaven like Goddess Ji Yao to say such words, mainly because Goddess Ji Yao knew about the attack of the wild demon. How terrifying is his tyranny? Although Lin Feng's strength is not bad, the gap between him and the Desolate Demon is too huge. Now that he has suffered the blow from the Desolate Demon, Lin Feng will definitely die.

And Lin Feng also encountered this disaster just to save her.

Goddess Ji Yao felt very sad, feeling that Lin Feng had been implicated by her, and she had no way to save Lin Feng now. All kinds of emotions were concentrated together, making Goddess Ji Yao feel a little powerless.


next moment.

The desolate demon's peerless and terrifying attack struck Lin Feng fiercely. Lin Feng was directly blown away and his body hit a mountain peak.

The mountain peak collapsed instantly.

Huang Mo then turned to look at Goddess Ji Yao, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

He never thought that Lin Feng could survive after enduring his terrifying attack.

"No one can save you!".

The wild demon laughed ferociously and attacked Goddess Ji Yao again.


But at this moment, Huang Mo let out a painful scream again, and a loud shout came from behind, "Run quickly!".

Huang Mo endured the severe pain from his head and looked behind him.

Then he saw it.

Lin Feng was not dead. Now he flew out of the ruins and launched a soul attack on him again, hurting his soul for the second time.

This made Huang Mo go crazy.

In his opinion, Lin Feng was like an ant, having withstood such a powerful attack from him just now, he should definitely die.

But the actual situation.

Not so.

Lin Feng actually resisted his attack, which made him feel incredible.

Goddess Ji Yao was also very shocked.

It was a bit incomprehensible that Lin Feng's physical defense could be so strong, but more importantly, he was happy.

However, Goddess Ji Yao did not dare to stay any longer.

He quickly took advantage of the moment when the wild demon was affected by Lin Feng's soul attack for the second time and fled towards the distance.

Goddess Ji Yao was very fast and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. At this time, even if Huang Mo wanted to chase Goddess Ji Yao, he could no longer catch up.

What's more, Huang Mo doesn't want to hunt down Goddess Ji Yao.

The person he hates most now has become Lin Feng.

Now, he dreams of killing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng must be killed in the most cruel way to vent his hatred.

As a result, the wild demon quickly killed Lin Feng.

The cold voice of the wild demon came out, "Boy, I am going to cut your body into thousands of pieces, leaving you with no place to die!".

However, the wild demon was not close to Lin Feng, so it could not catch up with Lin Feng immediately.

Before Lin Feng activated the Desolate Demon, he had already quickly flown into the distance.

After chasing for a while, Huang Mo discovered that he could not catch up with Lin Feng, which made Huang Mo furious.

"Hahahaha, Huang Mo, your speed is not good, you are like a turtle, you are too good!" Lin Feng stimulated Huang Mo while running away.

The wild demon was about to explode with rage.

An ant not only hurt him.

He kept mocking him.

How can I bear this?

But Huang Mo also admitted that although Lin Feng's strength was not very good.

But speed.

It's really incredibly fast.

Even he couldn't catch up with Lin Feng. It was really unreasonable. Of course, it would not be easy for Lin Feng to get rid of the wild demon.

Both sides ran away and gave chase.

It took Lin Feng more than a day to completely get rid of this guy.

He lay down on a large smooth stone to rest.

Hoo **** ho.

Lin Feng panted violently. The tug-of-war with the wild demon had caused too much damage and he was really tired.

At this time, a gust of fragrant wind came.

Lin Feng quickly stood up and saw the goddess Ji Yao walking out of the forest.

I have to say, this goddess Ji Yao is so beautiful, she is like a fairy walking out of a painting.

Even though Lin Feng has seen countless women.

Seeing the goddess Ji Yao, she couldn't help but feel a little lost.

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