Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 598: The sky fire is moving

Bai Qiu looked at Lin Feng and said, "Brother Ji, we originally thought that by relying on the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, we might be able to get the recognition of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. Although we also know that this probability is very low, we always have to have dreams. It’s just that after what happened today, I finally understood it. If you don’t have enough strength, but you master a treasure that you shouldn’t have, all you will get is death. This time is a good example. , So, I plan to give this reincarnation sacred tree to Brother Ji, I hope this thing will be helpful to Brother Ji!"

After he finished speaking, he handed the Samsara Sacred Tree to Lin Feng. This was something Lin Feng did not expect. After all, the value of the Samsara Sacred Tree was too high.

But Lin Feng also knew that what Bai Qiu said was very reasonable. When this thing fell into Bai Qiu's hands, it was a bit of a secret move. After all, with Bai Qiu's strength, the possibility of getting the Sacred Tree of Samsara was too high. Low, if you master this sacred tree of reincarnation, then this sacred tree of reincarnation will definitely be helpful to you. If you are lucky, you may be able to get the sacred tree of reincarnation.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not pretend to shirk.

He took the treasure of the Samsara Sacred Tree and said immediately, "Friends are friends, but I can't let you suffer. That's all right. I also have some super-level fairy stones here, which are very effective in assisting cultivation, so I'll give them to you. !".

Lin Feng took out a thousand super-level fairy stones.

This is not a small amount. After all, Lin Feng only has 68,000 super-level fairy stones.

Cultivation resources such as super-level immortal stones are resources that will be frantically competed for in the outside world. Even if Bai Qiu and others are the leaders of the younger generation in the Demon Kingdom, not much of this resource can be allocated.

Seeing Lin Feng taking out so many super-level fairy stones at once, Bai Qiu said a little embarrassedly, "Brother Ji, you saved me and others. This kind of kindness cannot be repaid by a reincarnation sacred tree. I can't accept it anymore." Brother, these things are gone!".

Lin Feng said, "These are two different things. They are irrelevant. If you treat me as a friend, just accept the things!".

Bai Qiu pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, thank you very much, Brother Ji!".

Bai Qiu put the things away.

Immediately, Lin Feng and others set off to the area where the Samsara Sacred Tree might appear.

By the time Lin Feng and the others came to this area, it was already crowded with people.

There are foreign monks and indigenous monks.

There are casual cultivators and powerful cultivators.

Lin Feng saw the monk armies stationed in different areas. More than twenty monk armies had already arrived.

The number is larger, between five and six million.

Less than four to five million.

Lin Feng currently has an army of three million monks under his command, which is neither top-notch nor too few, but belongs to the middle level.

Lin Feng discovered.

The Nine-Female Emperor and Goddess Ji Yao also came over.

The Nine-Female Emperor now has an army of more than two million monks under his command.

As for Goddess Ji Yao, she has an army of five million monks under her command.

She is indeed the goddess in the hearts of countless people, and there are indeed many monks who seek refuge with her.

Lin Feng has now established an alliance with Goddess Ji Yao.

The Nine-Female Emperor also listened to his moves.

This way.

The monk army that Lin Feng can mobilize exceeds 10 million.

Calculate it this way.

Lin Feng actually has quite an advantage here.

Lin Feng and others quickly returned to the Jiuzhou monk army.

At this time, Lin Feng discovered that the sacred tree of reincarnation actually vibrated with waves of weak fluctuations.

This surprised Lin Feng slightly.

Something happened to the Samsara Sacred Tree.

It seems that the Samsara Sacred Tree is really in this place.

It should be deep.

Lin Feng looked into the depths.

That area was shrouded in darkness and mystery. Lin Feng felt that perhaps the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation was hidden there.


At this moment, a monk quickly flew towards the depths.

That monk was shrouded in black robes, and his strength should not be underestimated.

He probably wanted to take a preemptive strike and enter it to search.

Such a powerful monk naturally knows that doing so may be dangerous, but wealth can only be gained through danger.

If you want to get a big opportunity without taking risks, how can it be possible?

Don't have such wishful thinking about pie-in-the-sky things.

Many people looked at this monk, some sneered, some were annoyed.

The sneer probably thought that it was impossible for this monk to succeed.

Those who are annoyed probably think that this monk might be able to succeed, why don't they have the courage to try it.

The monk accelerated his speed and rushed towards the depths.


Suddenly, he let out a roar of pain.

Everyone saw that the monk stopped in mid-air, and his body seemed to become extremely stiff. He seemed to want to struggle, but because his body became stiffer.

There was simply no way to struggle.


The monk yelled in horror.

Everyone saw that from his body, starting from his feet, the flesh and blood quickly disappeared, leaving only the white bones.

He wanted to stop this.

But there is no way to stop all this.

Many people took a breath of cold air, this was too weird and evil.

Many monks who were originally upset that they did not take the risk to go there are now breaking out in a cold sweat. It is not unreasonable that so many top experts have not chosen to go there.

There looked like nothing in that place.

But the danger hidden in the dark is unimaginable and simply despairing.

In the blink of an eye, the monk's body turned into a skeleton.

But there was no way to maintain the shape of the skeleton.

There was an invisible force that was rapidly corroding his bones.

A breeze blew.

The skeleton instantly turned into ashes and was blown in all directions.

Disappeared between heaven and earth.

The monk's encounter immediately made everyone quiet down. There was no need to take risks now. The danger in that place might be more terrifying than imagined.

Let’s wait until something changes deep down.

And one after another, some top powerhouses or forces rushed over.

For example, Lin Feng had seen the Corpse King, Ant King, Desolate Demon and others before, scattered in different places.

Among the forces that came one after another, there were people from the dark realm.

The leader is none other than the Black Prison Master. Lin Feng's army of monks has been mobilized, so it will not be a problem to deal with the Black Prison Master.

But now is not the time to deal with the Black Prison Master. After all, it is easy for others to take advantage of the loopholes and eventually involve him.

"Hey, this is it?".

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly, because Lin Feng discovered something that surprised him extremely.

His heavenly fire moved strangely.

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