Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 599: Qiankun Ghost Mother

There must be a reason for the sudden movement of the sky fire.

Most of the changes are due to the appearance of new sky fires. If your own sky fire senses the new sky fire, then the sky fire will move abnormally.

Lin Feng instantly thought of the ninth-ranked Fire of Guixu.

It was the kind of sky fire that Lin Feng went to look for before.

Lin Feng found a funeral coffin at that time. He thought that Sky Fire was sealed in it, but after opening it, he found that there was no Sky Fire inside, only a corpse. Lin Feng guessed that the corpse was the body of Sky Fire's former owner, and the mouth of the corpse There was still a cluster of sky fire flames left in it, trying to burn Lin Feng to ashes.

Later, Lin Feng sealed the flame.

As for the missing source of the Sky Fire, it was the ninth Sky Fire with an extremely high level. Lin Feng's Sky Fire had always been one of the methods Lin Feng relied on. In particular, Lin Feng also developed the Burning Sky's Wrath, Fire He has learned such unique skills as the Flower of Heaven and Heavenly Fire Formation, and has learned heaven-defying techniques such as the God of Raging Flames. The basis of these methods are all Heavenly Fire.

The more types of heavenly fire Lin Feng refined.

These methods naturally become more powerful.

Therefore, Lin Feng is very keen on collecting all kinds of sky fire.

Lin Feng felt that the Guixu Fire was probably Hua Xiu.

At this moment, he also arrived here, which caused the strange movement of the sky fire.

Lin Feng took out the part of the flame he had sealed.

This is the flame that is differentiated from the Fire of Return to the Ruins, and there should be a connection between it and the Fire of the Return of the Ruins.

After taking out this cluster of flames.

Lin Feng suddenly discovered that the flames of this flame were beating rapidly.

Then, Lin Feng felt a strong killing intent.

This murderous intention seemed to want to drive him into the endless dark and cold void world.

"I was discovered by the Fire of Guixu!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

As a highly ranked Heavenly Fire, the Fire of Returning to the Ruins has absolutely nothing to say about its ability to transform into a fire cultivator.

In particular, it has been cultivating in this island.

There must be many opportunities.

Lin Feng doesn't know what level he has reached now.

If you are targeted by such a being, you still have to be careful. However, although you have to be careful, you don't have to be too worried. After all, Gui Xuhuo is not the only one who secretly targets Lin Feng.

People like the Black Prison Master, the Desolate Demon, and others probably want to cut Lin Feng into pieces.

Lin Feng now has too many enemies and is completely calm.

there is always a solution to a problem.

As long as you are careful, there is nothing to be afraid of.

When danger comes, just do it.

Lin Feng put away the cluster of sky fire and then ignored Guixu Huo.

Of course, the reason for ignoring this guy now is because Lin Feng doesn't know where this guy Guixu Huo is hiding.

Later, Lin Feng will definitely seize the opportunity to suppress the Fire of Return to the Ruins. After all, the Fire of the Return of the Ruins is very important to Lin Feng, and it ranks so high among the Sky Fires.

If the fire of Guixu is refined.

It can be of great help to the improvement of Lin Feng's overall strength and Lin Feng's future development.

But there is no need to rush this matter.

The more anxious you are, the worse the results are likely to be.

"The old stone man is here!". Suddenly, the sound of catharsis came from the surroundings. Everyone looked in one direction and saw an old stone man walking towards them.

The old stone man's reputation is too loud.

It not only shocked the indigenous monks on the island.

Even foreign monks.

Now we also know the reputation of the old stone man.

Of course, for now, it's just hearsay, because the outside monks have never seen the old stone man take action, but since the old stone man is so famous, how can he be weak.

The old stone man is very low-key.

After arriving here, I found a hiding place and became motionless like a stone statue.

Many people are talking about things related to the old stone man. In fact, it is not certain whether the things they are talking about are things that happened to the old stone man.

Many things were probably placed on the old stone man by others.

Celebrities always have many things that are not their own deeds.

This is also understandable.

Mythical celebrities are something that happens in every world.

It was as if Lin Feng was also mythologized by many people.

Another direction.

The demonic energy rolled and covered the sky and the sun.

"The Gengzi Demon Lord is here!".

Another monk spoke.

Lin Feng, the Gengzi Demon Lord, is very familiar with him. This guy should be Lin Feng's potential biggest enemy. After all, Lin Feng went to the Hulk and stole many good things from him before.

Even the Heavenly Whip was snatched away by Lin Feng.

But what puzzled Lin Feng was that even though such an important thing was taken away by him, Gengzi Demon Lord didn't go around to find it and kill him.

This thing is not normal.

Lin Feng felt that this Gengzi Demon Lord seemed to be planning some conspiracy secretly.

And once that conspiracy is completed.

Kill yourself early, kill yourself later.

There doesn't seem to be much difference.

This made Lin Feng extremely vigilant.

Gengzi Demon Lord was much more high-profile than the old stone man. He flew towards a mountain.


Gengzi Demon Lord’s voice was cold.

The words fell.

Then I saw the Gengzi Demon Lord, waving his sleeves and robes, and sweeping towards the monks on the mountain peak.

The powerful force swept away dozens of monks on the mountain peak in an instant.

And he landed on that mountain peak.

This guy's behavior is as arrogant and domineering as ever.

But others dare to be angry but dare not speak out.


In the distance, there was a loud noise.

Another huge army of monks came rushing through the sky.

There were too many monks in this army, more than the number of monks under the command of Goddess Ji Yao, and many people were dumbfounded.

Looking at the scale, there must be an army of seven to eight million monks.

In the outside world, this number is not too large. After all, Lin Feng has even organized an army of monks worth hundreds of millions, but this is this mysterious island.

It is indeed rare for an army of monks to be so large.

And in the center of the monk army, there were nine divine birds surrounded by flames, pulling an ancient divine chariot, crushing the sky.

Viewed from a distance.

Those seemed to be nine phoenix birds.

But if you take a closer look, you will find something astonishing. The nine sacred birds are all bone creatures, not real living flaming phoenixes.

"Who is this? What a huge battle!".

Many people were amazed and felt that this person was so extraordinary.

Someone said, "Nine Phoenix Divine Car, this should be the vehicle of Qiankun Ghost Mother!".

Hearing the name Qiankun Ghost Mother, many people couldn't help but perked up. This Qiankun Ghost Mother is a terrifying existence as famous as the Flower Demon Fairy, the Old Stone Man, and the Gengzi Demon Lord. However, there were rumors before that the Qiankun Ghost Mother was still alive. While in retreat, they were unable to participate in the fight for the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. This made many people who heard the news breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that a huge threat was missing.

But who would have thought that the Qiankun Ghost Mother not only came, but also brought so many monks with her in a huge force.

Look at the old stone man and the Gengzi Demon Lord. They are all strong men on the same level as you. They came here on their own. As the most powerful person, can you, Qiankun Ghost Mother, have the mentality of the most powerful person who looks down on the world? And style.

It's really embarrassing to the most powerful.

But no matter how much everyone slanders the Qiankun Ghost Mother in their hearts, the facts cannot be changed.

It is simply unimaginable how much energy the Qiankun Ghost Mother and such a huge army of monks can unleash.

Who can compete with her?

Many people's hearts suddenly sank.

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