Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 600: Being targeted by Qiankun Ghost Mother?

But things are already like this, and we have to look forward, not backward.

There is nothing that can be done about this, and many people feel that perhaps there will be some changes in the fight for the Sacred Tree of Samsara.

It doesn't necessarily mean whoever has more monks here will be recognized by the Samsara Sacred Tree.

"Among the four powerful ones, the Qiankun Ghost Mother, the Old Stone Man, and the Gengzi Demon Lord are all here. Why hasn't the Flower Demon Fairy arrived yet?" someone said.

"This flower fairy is very mysterious. Almost no one has seen her, but it is said that she is as beautiful as a fairy. If you take one look at her, you will completely fall in love with her." Someone else said.

Many people are discussing the belated arrival of the Flower Demon Fairy.

However, after a long time, the Flower Demon Fairy still did not appear. Many people thought that the Flower Demon Fairy might not come. Some people even doubted whether there really is a Flower Demon Fairy. After all, there is such a thing as fighting for the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. If he didn't show up, it would really be unreasonable.

Even people from the sea world came.

They came in dilapidated warships.

It was an almost rotten warship, exuding the smell of decay, and the creatures in the sea turned into ugly sea monsters.

"Is that the Poseidon here?"

Lin Feng felt a familiar aura and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. When he was in the sea, Lin Feng was attacked by the Sea Emperor. It was definitely a terrifying existence. Lin Feng suspected that the Sea Emperor was related to the four top leaders. Strong people are at the same level.

Now that this being has also led the crowd, the situation could have been extremely chaotic.

It will become even more chaotic.

However, this is a situation that Lin Feng is happy to see. The more chaotic the situation, the most beneficial it is for monks like them who are strong enough but not the most powerful group of people.

Of course, after the arrival of these powerful men from the Sea Clan, some forces or monks arrived one after another.

But basically they haven't attracted much attention.

"Do you guys want to keep going like this? There are so many monks here, why not attack deeper." Suddenly, Demon Lord Gengzi spoke.

This guy's wishful thinking was pretty good, after all, he didn't have an army of monks under his command.

Anyway, it was someone else who contributed.

He sits back and enjoys the rewards.

However, his proposal was recognized by many people, mainly because many people were really unwilling to wait and wanted to cut through the mess quickly.

The number of responders has increased as time goes by, including some major forces who have also joined in.

Everyone seemed willing to take action.

At this time, a sarcastic voice came out, "Demon Lord Gengzi, don't you just like to reap the benefits of others? It's okay to do this kind of thing when your cultivation level is weak. Now that your cultivation level is so powerful, you still like to do this kind of thing." For this kind of thing, the layout is a bit too small!"

Many people were shocked. Who dared to ridicule Gengzi Demon Lord? It was really dangerous. But when everyone found out that it was the Qiankun Ghost Mother who was mocking Gengzi Demon Lord, many people quickly shut up and did not dare to say anything. .

These are two elder-level existences. I don’t know if they have any personal grudges. Qiankun Ghost Mother is so unwilling to give the Gengzi Demon Lord face. Not only does he tear down the Gengzi Demon Lord, but she even mocks the Gengzi Demon Lord , is this any different from slapping the Gengzi Demon Lord in the face?

Generally speaking, monks of the same level, especially those with high status, would not do such a thing unless they were mortal enemies.

But Qiankun Ghost Mother just did it.

Gengzi Demon Lord's face could not help but darken slightly, and he said, "Qiankun Ghost Mother, if you can speak, then speak seriously, if you can't speak, just shut up, no one will let you speak here, I think this The occasion is not even suitable for you to come, so you should go back to your old nest and continue to play with your captive pretty boys!"

Qiankun Ghost Mother said calmly, "I can go wherever I want and say what I want. You can't control it. If you feel dissatisfied with me, you can come over and teach me a lesson. I'm afraid you don't have the courage."

Many people smiled bitterly, isn't this difficult for the Gengzi Demon Lord? After all, you, Qiankun Ghost Mother, have such a powerful army of monks beside you, and the Gengzi Demon Lord is only one person no matter how powerful he is.

Demon Lord Gengzi was obviously also manipulated, and his eyes became more and more gloomy. He said coldly, "Haha, I am too lazy to talk to you so much nonsense. Everyone, without further ado, let's do it!".

Demon Lord Gengzi seemed to want to set an example, so he got up and flew towards the depths. Many monks rose into the sky and killed towards the depths. But at this time, the Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "Haha, I would like to advise you, the last It’s better to wait!”.

Those who were unwilling to take action were still waiting. Those who were willing to take action did not stop after hearing what Qiankun Ghost Mother said. They did not think that Qiankun Ghost Mother had any good intentions. It would be better if Qiankun Ghost Mother did not take action. They were the first to do so. If those who criticize those who take action are successful, they may be able to quickly build a defense system and isolate those who have not taken action, leaving them anxious and unable to do anything. Naturally, they will have no connection with opportunity.

"Should we take action?" Seeing some huge forces with five to six million people taking action, Poison Ancestor asked uncontrollably.

Lin Feng shook his head.

Not only did he not take action, he also communicated with Goddess Ji Yao and Emperor Jiu Ma, telling them not to take action either.

Poison Ancestor asked, "With so many people taking action together, even if there really is something special in the depths, so many people can destroy it with overwhelming force, right?"

This is also where Sui Yao and others are confused.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "This place is not that simple, and it is probably not something that can be solved with just a large number of people. And what Qiankun Ghost Mother just said casually, we can also regard it as good words to persuade, but good words cannot persuade a ghost who wants to die!" .

At this moment, the Qiankun Ghost Mother, who was lying lazily in the sacred carriage, said "Hey", and her eyes turned slightly.

Then, through the crowd.

She locked onto a figure.

"Bidding, the breath of Kyushu, outsiders...".

Qiankun Ghost Mother showed a look of surprise, followed by intense interest.

After all, the reputation of the Qiankun Ghost Mother has always been bad. Her bad reputation didn't just come out in recent years, it had been spread countless years ago.

Therefore, many people are very afraid of the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Who knows if he will become the target of Qiankun Ghost Mother.

It would be really tragic if he became the target of the Qiankun Ghost Mother. I have never heard of anyone being able to come out alive after being captured by the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

at the same time.

Lin Feng also noticed a strange feeling.

He followed this feeling and sensed it, and found that this strange feeling came from the sacred car of Qiankun Ghost Mother.

"Hey, what's going on? Am I being targeted by the Qiankun Ghost Mother?". Thinking of some rumors about the Qiankun Ghost Mother, and then thinking about the strength of the Qiankun Ghost Mother, Lin Feng, who is not afraid of anything, can't help but feel that something serious is going on.

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