Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 603: Qiankun Ghost Mother is actually the Flower Fairy?

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. The temperament of this Qiankun Ghost Mother really didn't look like the kind of monk who transcended reincarnation. Instead, she looked like a moody, quirky little witch.

Lin Feng felt helpless.

Lin Feng said, "Yingying, let's stop making trouble, okay? Men and women don't kiss each other!".

"Bah, you have the nerve to say such things?" Qiankun Ghost Mother directly exposed Lin Feng.

This woman can pinch and calculate.

It is indeed not easy to deceive her, but if Lin Feng is allowed to kiss her...

Lin Feng was really hesitant.

The main thing is that I am worried that this woman is cheating.

Of course.

Lin Feng likes clean things.

This includes women.

Qiankun Ghost Mother has such a bad reputation. Although she is extremely beautiful, she just needs to admire her. If Lin Feng is asked to do something to her, Lin Feng really has no idea.

Lin Feng said, "You change the conditions!".

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "It's impossible, now, immediately, immediately, otherwise, there will be no discussion!".

Qiankun Ghost Mother said and turned her face to the left.

She has fair skin, a slender neck, and an almost perfect profile. Her long eyelashes are blinking slightly, which seems to show that her heart is not so peaceful.

"Why do you feel like the more you look at it, the better it looks?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel intoxicated when he looked at the appearance of the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Fortunately, he woke up in time and quickly shook his head. Lin Feng said, "Yingying, can you put away your **** charm? It's no longer interesting to keep using charm to deal with me!".

Qiankun Ghost Mother hummed, "I have never used any charm techniques from beginning to end."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

He felt that there was no need for the Qiankun Ghost Mother to lie. If she did not use the charm technique and he was still charmed by her, then this woman was probably an extremely rare introvert, and a woman with this kind of physique would be even more terrifying.

Qiankun Ghost Mother continued, "I'm counting to three now. If you don't hurry up, when I finish counting, you will have no chance at all, and you won't be able to beg me by then!".

Lin Feng said, "Yingying, don't be so anxious, why are you acting like a child?"

Qiankun Ghost Mother turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "Your soul is very special, and your perception is also very unusual. Didn't you find anything wrong with me?".

Before Qiankun Ghost Mother said anything, Lin Feng really didn't notice anything wrong with Qiankun Ghost Mother.

But after some reminders from Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Lin Feng sensed it carefully.

But Lin Feng found nothing.

Mainly because this Qiankun Ghost Mother is so powerful.

It's really hard to find some special clues.

However, Lin Fengzai carefully examined the appearance of Qiankun Ghost Mother.

However, I discovered that something was not quite right. For example, this Universe Ghost Mother was too bright and moving. This kind of bright and beautiful appearance was different from the bright and moving appearance of ordinary Yin cultivator monks. For example, even if a Yin Corpse female monk No matter how beautiful she is, she always has a sinister aura about her. It is not easy to hide her from a monk of Lin Feng's level.

But there is no trace of Yin Qi in Qiankun Ghost Mother.

this means…

The Universe Ghost Mother is not a Yin cultivator at all.

After guessing this, he was suddenly startled, stood up involuntarily, and said in surprise, "You, you, you are also reborn...".

"Cluck, cluck, cluck."

Qiankun Ghost Mother laughed, her smile was very beautiful, and she said, "Every thousand epochs, I have a chance to reach nirvana, and after nirvana, I will turn into a beautiful flower and be born from the flower. , and then slowly grew up among the flowers, but my Nirvana is different from that of ordinary people. After ordinary people's Nirvana, their strength is no longer there and they need to be rebuilt, but mine is different. Not only did I regain a younger body, my Strength can still be preserved, and can even be continuously accumulated! So, sometimes I will choose Nirvana, and my current body is the latest Nirvana body. Therefore, really speaking, if you call me sister, it will also It makes sense, because I am really younger than you."

The words of Qiankun Ghost Mother were indeed shocking enough. Lin Feng grasped a lot of key information. He took a deep breath and said, "So, you are the Flower Fairy?".

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "Yes, I am the Flower Fairy."

Lin Feng said, "The rumors about the four powerful people on the island are simply untrue, right? In fact, the Flower Fairy and the Universe Ghost Mother are the same person!".

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "You guessed wrong about this. Although I am a flower fairy, I am the flower fairy of the devil flower, and the other flower fairy is the flower fairy of the fairy flower. We are not the same person! ".

Lin Feng said, "I have always heard that the Flower Fairy has always been clean and self-sufficient, but I didn't expect that you like those evil arts!".

"Do you dislike me?" Qiankun Ghost Mother looked at Lin Feng with a playful look.

Lin Feng said, "Of course not, I just feel sorry!".

"puff!". Qiankun Ghost Mother couldn't help but chuckle.

"why are you laughing?". Lin Feng frowned slightly, and he couldn't help but said in his heart, "How come this woman doesn't know how to love herself!".

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "You look like a big fool!".

It was meant to be a curse word, but the Qiankun Ghost Mother said it in a very light and naughty tone, so it didn't sound offensive.

Lin Feng thought to himself, sure enough, once one is reborn from nirvana, with a new body, a person's mentality will be directly proportional to his age, just like the current Qiankun Ghost Mother, she is the body that has just been reborn from nirvana, and with her If converted to the age of the flower fairy, it is probably the age of a human girl. It is no wonder that her character has jumped a bit.

Of course, when it was time to kill decisively, she was still the Qiankun Ghost Mother that everyone feared.

But at this moment.

At present, Lin Feng.

She seemed to be no longer the Ghost Mother of Heaven and Earth, but the Flower Fairy.

It is also "Yingying".

At this time, Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "Things passed down by people in the world may not be true, and sometimes even things seen with one's own eyes may be false!".

Lin Feng said, "You mean...".

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "Everything."

Hearing Qiankun Ghost Mother's answer, Lin Feng found that his mood seemed to have improved a lot, because Qiankun Ghost Mother's words seemed to be deliberately telling Lin Feng about her practice of Yin and Evil, and how many male cultivators she had kept in captivity waiting to be raped by her. Things like sucking Yuanyang are all fake.

At this time, Qiankun Ghost Mother looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "So, I will ask you again now!".

"What?". Lin Feng asked subconsciously.

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "Didn't you say you wanted to talk to me about something?".

"yes!". Lin Feng nodded.

Qiankun Ghost Mother pointed at her cheek and said, "Conditions remain unchanged, hurry up, don't keep me waiting!".

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