Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 604: Something is wrong with the Qiankun Ghost Mother

Lin Feng is really no longer being punished by Qiankun Ghost Mother. What does this woman mean? The main reason is that Lin Feng does not feel any hostility from Qiankun Ghost Mother. But according to Qiankun Ghost Mother, Qiankun Ghost Mother is not just casual. She is a real person, and she insists on kissing her, which seems to be somewhat contradictory to the real her.

The whole thing made Lin Feng confused.

If Qiankun Ghost Mother really liked Lin Feng and made Lin Feng do this, Lin Feng himself would not believe it, let alone others. Moreover, even if someone like Qiankun Ghost Mother had just experienced Nirvana and returned, she still belongs to In the girlhood stage, she has the liveliness and agility of a girl, but she doesn't do things so ridiculously.

There is a universe within.

Lin Feng was thinking in his heart and said, "Give me a reason!".

"No need, just do it." Qiankun Ghost Mother blinked smartly, looked at Lin Feng with her big watery eyes and said.

This pure and lustful look and expression really touched Lin Feng's heart.

Lin Feng sighed.

He gave in.

Otherwise, there is really no way to continue the conversation, and this is not what Lin Feng wants to see, so Lin Feng stood up and walked over, came to the side of Qiankun Ghost Mother, and gently leaned down.

He looked extremely vigilant, for fear of being plotted by Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Qiankun Ghost Mother hummed, "I'm telling you, you have to do it willingly, and you can't act like you're ready to die, as if I'm forcing you, but I will never force anyone to do anything! ".

"It's a bad idea for me to believe your lies!". Lin Feng couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

However, Lin Feng still showed a smile to Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Qiankun Ghost Mother also showed a smile.

People who didn't know it thought it was an intimate interaction between a young couple.



Lin Feng suddenly discovered a strange place, and he found that Qiankun Ghost Mother was nervous.

The specific performance is.

Breathing became rapid.

There was also shyness in his eyes, which were watery, like a pool of spring water, almost melting people.

Originally, Lin Feng just wanted to put a little water on his left cheek.

But Lin Feng didn't know what was wrong with him.

It felt like my body was out of control again.

Eventually it evolved into four, lip, phase, and touch.

Lin Feng was stunned.

Qiankun Ghost Mother was also stunned, and she closed her eyes.

Lin Feng was suddenly startled and quickly backed away.

Qiankun Ghost Mother's face turned red. She snorted and said, "You say no, but your body is very honest. You stinky men all have the same virtue!"


Lin Feng quickly coughed to cover up his embarrassment.

He said, "I...".

Qiankun Ghost Mother was the first to speak, "That was my first kiss...".

Lin Feng, "...".

There was silence on both sides.

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "Tell me what you want to say!".

Lin Feng said, "I have no intention of being your enemy, Yingying, and I even hope to have some cooperation with you!".

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "I understand, let's go!".

"Okay, then I'm leaving!". Lin Feng stood up.

Qiankun Ghost Mother ignored Lin Feng and turned her head to look in another direction.

Small face, round and delicate.

Still so pretty.

Lin Feng stopped, turned around and walked towards Qiankun Ghost Mother, then he took out a white jade box and handed it to Qiankun Ghost Mother.

"I'm sorry for what happened just now. I hope you don't dislike the gift I gave you!". Lin Feng said.

Qiankun Ghost Mother blinked her long eyelashes.

He looked very pure and innocent, but he didn't reach out to pick it up.

Lin Feng placed it next to her and left.

After Lin Feng left, Qiankun Ghost Mother opened the box.

Two supreme divine crystals lie in it. These are the treasures that Lin Feng obtained in the early years. He himself does not have many. One supreme divine crystal can correspond to one soul. After fusing this kind of thing, he can make his own soul There is the possibility of breaking through to the pioneer level in the future.

Therefore, the value of the Supreme Divine Crystal is absolutely beyond imagination.

At this time, the monks who had been observing the Qiankun Ghost Mother Chariot began to talk after seeing Lin Feng come out safe and sound. Many people were teasing Lin Feng, saying that Lin Feng was not good at it, otherwise why would he be so fast? This is the kind of thing that comes out.

Lin Feng returned to the team.

"How is it? What did the devil say?". the succubus asked.

Lin Feng said, "She didn't reply to me, but at least she won't become an enemy!".

The succubus immediately smelled Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was made very uncomfortable by the succubus, and he said angrily, "What are you doing?".

The enchantress smiled charmingly and said, "Let's see if the young master has been taken advantage of by that female devil!".

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily, "What are you thinking? The relationship between Yingying and I is purer than that of Little White Flower!".

But when he said this, Lin Feng remembered the scene just now.

I couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

And Mei Xian and the others couldn't help but sense that something was wrong. Lin Feng even called people by their names. It felt a bit ambiguous, but it didn't look like everything was fine.

But the screams at this time attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone's eyes flicked to the depths.

turn out to be.

After the large number of monks killed into the depths at the same time, although they did push a not too close distance deeper, the casualties were relatively small.

But in the end he was robbed.

A large number of monks began to die. The reason for their deaths was very strange. Their bodies exploded directly from the inside out, as if an energy ball was installed in their bodies. The explosion of the energy ball directly caused their bodies to explode. Explosion, and the energy **** in the bodies of different monks are different, so the energy generated by the explosion is naturally different.

And as everyone knows.

Different energies come together to form a highly violent interaction and then form a mutual impact force. Now that so many monks explode, the energy they produce after the explosion is different. After these energies merge together, they form a new explosion, and the new one The explosion killed many monks. After the bodies of these monks exploded, they formed new energy, and then continued to explode, just like starting over and over again, forming continuous big explosions.

Therefore, screams can be heard one after another in the deep location. Now that location has completely turned into a **** on earth. A large area of ​​monks exploded and died tragically. Broken limbs and arms were flying in the sky. Many people wanted to retreat, but people were really There were too many people, and people crowded together, causing an extremely serious, stampede, stampede. The scene became even more chaotic, and more people died inside. It didn't take long for the series of explosions to happen. Millions of monks have been buried, and the place has completely turned into a **** on earth.

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