Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 630: This woman turned out to be...

The breeze is gentle.

Lin Feng vaguely felt that someone was leaning over his ear, calling him to wake up.

Can't hear exactly whose voice it is.

But this voice made Lin Feng wake up.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was next to a lake.

Waves of breeze blew from the lake, and the wind carried a slightly heavy fishy smell, like the smell of sea water. Lin Feng thought to himself, could this lake be connected to the ocean? Even the smell wafting out, They all carry the fishy smell of sea water, which makes people think a lot.

Lin Feng stood up, looked around, and couldn't help but said to himself, "Is this place within the enchantment of reincarnation?"

He could feel the extraordinary power of this world. It was filled with the power of reincarnation everywhere, and it was very pure power of reincarnation. Lin Feng stretched out his right hand, and a large amount of the power of reincarnation quickly gathered and formed on his fingertips. A ball of light.

"Huh? There are actually tiny runes in the power of reincarnation?".

Lin Feng looked at these powers of reincarnation in surprise. The power of reincarnation here was really weird, which made Lin Feng feel quite surprised. If it was a special place, runes were born within the power of reincarnation in a small area, which can be understood as, This situation may be artificially modified.

But the place Lin Feng was in was not that special. He had only gathered the power of reincarnation that wandered between heaven and earth. It was indeed unusual for the runes to appear.

Therefore, although this power of reincarnation is of high level, it can also greatly improve one's cultivation.

However, due to the special runes created inside, it cannot be swallowed and refined casually.

After all, who knows if there are other weird things in this rune.

These runes may be able to control the monks.

Must be treated with caution.

"Hey, that's...". Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly froze, and he saw the situation in the distance.

In the distance, hazy, you can see, in the hazy fog, there seems to be a pavilion, looming.

In the pavilion, there seemed to be a graceful woman with her back to Lin Feng.

She has beautiful black hair. Although she only tied her hair up with very simple accessories, she still can't hide her beautiful and charming temperament.

She seemed to be holding a vessel in her hand, and there seemed to be fish food in the vessel.

The woman would throw some fish food into the lake from time to time, as if she was feeding the fish in the lake.

When he saw the woman, Lin Feng was very surprised, because Lin Feng really didn't expect that such a woman would appear here. Could it be that she was an aborigine within the reincarnation barrier.

In fact, it is not surprising that there is an aboriginal Lin Feng here. After all, there was a figure like the old fisherman in the Tower of Reincarnation.

Strictly speaking, the old fisherman can also be called an aborigine of the Tower of Reincarnation. After all, he has been in it for a long time.

Lin Feng thought to himself, was he so lucky? As soon as he entered the enchantment of reincarnation, he met such an aboriginal with an extraordinary identity. And from the back, this woman must be a woman of great beauty.

It is inevitable that people will fall in love at first sight.

can not forget.

Lin Feng planned to visit this woman. Lin Feng did not think about flirting with her, but wanted to see if he could get any useful clues or opportunities from this woman. After all, the last time Lin Feng was in the Tower of Samsara Galaxy World I met an old fisherman and got an amazing opportunity from him.

Maybe things can happen again.

That is definitely something that makes people extremely happy.

As he got closer and closer to the pavilion, the woman's figure became more and more familiar.

Lin Feng was slightly stunned, because Lin Feng always felt that the woman's back looked familiar.

For a moment, he didn't even think about whose back it was, but Lin Feng was sure that he had seen this figure before.

This made Lin Feng feel very strange. What was going on? Logically speaking, if he had seen this figure from behind and had an impression of it, he should not be unable to remember who the other party was.

And there is another point that makes Lin Feng more confused, that is, how can someone he knows appear here.

Everything is weird and strange.

Lin Feng couldn't help but become more cautious.

At the same time, Lin Feng secretly used the method of clairvoyance. With the secret assistance of clairvoyance, Lin Feng could see the essence of many things clearly.

If there was anything wrong, it would usually be difficult to hide it from Lin Feng.

When the time comes, Lin Feng will also display the Eye of Truth and use it in conjunction with the Sky Eye. All monsters and ghosts must not try to hide from his observation.


Lin Feng came outside the pavilion. The woman seemed to have not noticed Lin Feng coming over. She was still feeding the fish by the pavilion with her back to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng clasped his fists and said, "Fairy, excuse me, but I wonder if we can go to the pavilion to have a chat?"

The woman's voice came out, "Young master, just come in!".

Her voice is very ethereal and melodious.

The voice sounded like she was young, like the voice of a sixteen or seventeen year old girl.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little guilty. This woman seemed to be an aborigine here. How could she be a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old? Maybe her voice was as pure as a child's voice.

Lin Feng thanked him and entered the pavilion.

After entering the pavilion, Lin Feng always felt that there seemed to be a special energy flowing in the dark, which made Lin Feng's mind condense slightly.

Lin Feng tried to capture this special energy.

But it was not caught. Lin Feng's previous strategy was to immediately use the Eye of Origin when he found something was wrong, and combine it with his clairvoyance to observe the strange changes here. Therefore, after having that special feeling, Lin Feng did not dare to Without hesitation, he quickly displayed the Eye of Origin.

The eye of origin is combined with the clairvoyance.

Lin Feng looked around.

I thought that the surrounding pavilions might change, and the pink beauty with her back turned to her might instantly turn into a being like a skeletal Yin Xiu.

But none of these things happened.

The pavilion is still the same pavilion as before.

The beauty is still as beautiful as before.

Lin Feng couldn't help but ponder slightly. Could it be that he had experienced too many dangers during this period, which made his nerves a little too sensitive?

When something happens, I feel a little panicked and worried about gains and losses.

In fact, it's not necessary.

At this time, the woman who was feeding the fish stopped feeding the fish and placed the container with fish food in her hand on the beam of the wooden fence.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Then, turned around.

Lin Feng looked at this woman and suddenly showed a look of shock.

Because this woman turned out to be...

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