Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 631: mural

This woman is none other than Lin Feng's old friend, the Immortal Lord of the World.

Although the mortal immortals Lin Feng had seen before were basically women disguised as men.


This did not prevent Lin Feng from recognizing the identity of the woman in front of him.

No wonder Lin Feng felt that this woman's back was so familiar.

Lin Feng had not thought of her identity before, mainly because Hongchen Xianzun always dressed up as a man.

If the Immortal Lord of the Red Dust had always been in women's clothing.

Lin Feng had long recognized the true identity of Hongchen Immortal Lord.

"Fairy, why are you here?". Lin Feng asked.

Hongchen Immortal looked at Lin Feng and said, "I have been here for a while and have been cultivating in this place. But I didn't expect that you would come to this place. How did you get here?" ?".

Lin Feng quickly told the Hongchen Immortal a series of things about why he entered the reincarnation passage and how he got here.

After hearing what Lin Feng said.

Hongchen Xianzun seemed to be quite surprised. She said, "I didn't expect so many things to happen in a short period of time. When you return to Jiuzhou, I can go back with you, and I can also help you." You lend a helping hand!”.

Lin Feng was so moved that he almost burst into tears. It would be better for him to be his future eldest wife. When he saw that he was in trouble, he tried his best to help her.

Lin Feng said, "If there is a fairy to help, we can definitely prevent the invaders of Kyushu from coming back!".

After a pause, Lin Feng then said, "By the way, the rumored Sacred Tree of Reincarnation seems to be within this Reincarnation Barrier. The fairy has been here for a long time. I wonder if she has found the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation? ".

Hongchen Immortal Lord said, "I did look for the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation several times during this period, but unfortunately, the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation never showed up. I think it may be because the time has not come yet, so I can't find it at all." If you find the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation and want to see it, you can only wait for the opportunity to come, and the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation will probably show up on its own initiative!"

Lin Feng said, "This sacred tree of reincarnation is indeed a bit weird, so just wait and see. By the way, is the fairy's place of cultivation nearby?"

Hongchen Immortal Lord nodded and said, "It's not far from here. Since you met me here, it just so happens that I will take you to a place. That place is also in my cultivation place. There are some ancient murals in it. They are all murals imprinted on the avenue, and those murals should be of great help to you!"

Lin Feng said, "Thank you so much, Fairy!".

Hongchen Xianzun smiled slightly, and without saying anything else, she immediately took Lin Feng to her training place.

The training place of Hongchen Immortal Lord is indeed not far from the pavilion, deep in a mountain range next to it.

Here purple air is spewing and dragon energy is steaming.

You can hear the sound of the Tao, and you can also see the manifestation of the Tao's rhyme.

It is really a holy land of spiritual cultivation with outstanding people. Such places are rare, even outside, mainly because such a place has not yet been formed, and it may be discovered and occupied by the strong as a cave.

After being occupied by the strong, who practice here and absorb the breath of Tao day and night, it is naturally difficult for such a place to continue to evolve.

And because this place is located in the enchantment of reincarnation, basically no one comes here.

Long years passed.

It is indeed easy to form some special cultivation places.

There is a huge cave in the deepest part of the mountain range. Although there is a magical formation that seals this place, even the magical formation cannot completely seal the pure spiritual energy surging out of the cave.

Those spiritual energies are so abundant.

The level is too high.

Lin Feng's body was bathed in that spiritual energy, and he had the urge to look up to the sky and scream.

This feeling is so comfortable.

Indeed! The most top training place!

Hong Chen Xianzun opened the formation and took Lin Feng into the cave. After entering the cave, Lin Feng saw that the outermost cave was not actually a place of cultivation, but just an entrance position, which was roughly equivalent to the living room of a house. .

Deep in this cave, there are several huge passages connected to it.

Every passage leads to a place.

Every passage is surrounded by divine light, with the sound of Taoist sounds curling up and the fairy sounds bursting out.

Lin Feng felt as if he was about to revive on his own initiative.

Cultivating in a place like this will definitely make rapid progress.

Hongchen Xianzun pointed to a passage and said, "It is the cave at the deepest part of this passage. There are murals of Tao there. I will take you there to see it!".

"good!". Lin Feng nodded.

Hongchen Xianzun walked in front, while Lin Feng walked behind.

The passage is very long.

After walking for almost half a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the end of the passage, and then a huge cave appeared in Lin Feng's sight. Lin Feng followed Hongchen Immortal into the cave.

"This is it. Look at the murals here. Are they very ancient and mysterious?" Hongchenxianzun pointed to the mural in the cave.

Lin Feng looked at the murals. There were murals of mysterious fairies flying into the sky, murals of ancient beings creating the world, and murals of mysterious strong men chasing the sun and the moon...

There are so many different kinds of murals.

These murals are not simple, not only the murals are not simple, but also the deeper Tao contained in the murals is also extremely simple.

These are enough contents for monks to understand deeply.

As long as the monks can understand the content of these murals, no, as long as they understand part of the content of the murals, it will definitely be of great help to improve their own strength.

"Mr. Lin, look what's in the depths?"

Hongchenxianzun pointed in one direction.

Lin Feng looked around and immediately discovered that the mural in that place was hazy, and in the haze, it seemed that there was a roulette wheel painted on it.

When he saw the roulette wheel, Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly.

That roulette wheel seems to be like a wheel of reincarnation.

"As far as I know, it is a picture imprinted by the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. It is very mysterious and unpredictable. Even I have not been able to understand the secrets in it. You should go and understand it. If you understand it thoroughly, you might be able to use it. If you use the right method to successfully connect with the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, then you might be able to successfully obtain the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation!" The Red Dust Immortal Lord said.

The words of the Hongchen Immortal Lord immediately made Lin Feng extremely excited. After all, his biggest wish here was to refine the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation.

Lin Feng said "Hello" and then walked towards the mural.

For some reason, Lin Feng always felt that something was not right at this time.

However, he didn't notice anything was wrong.

Lin Feng shook his head and continued walking towards the mural.

(End of chapter)

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