Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 632: Bai Qingcheng assassinates Lin Feng

I just don't know why, but the more Lin Feng walked towards the mural, the more he felt that something was wrong. But what made him crazy was that he couldn't find anything wrong, and Lin Feng seemed to be pulled by some kind of force.

I couldn't control my body, so I didn't even think about stopping to check what was going on.

This is the most terrifying thing. After all, if a monk can know everything about the outside world, it will be much easier to deal with everything.

What I fear most is being hazy, not knowing anything, and losing control of my body.

Although Lin Feng did not completely lose control of his body, he had been greatly affected mentally.

This also caused him to be in a state of control.

Good thing.

Lin Feng's luck seems to be pretty good.

When Lin Feng was only about three meters away from the deep mural, suddenly, the sacred tree of reincarnation that had been silent all along began to emit waves of weak fluctuations.

That was the sacred tree of reincarnation that Bai Qiu gave to Lin Feng. It had helped Lin Feng a lot before.


The sacred tree of reincarnation moved again.

Although it was only a small change, it was enough for Lin Feng. The change of the Samsara Sacred Tree caused Lin Feng's mental state to change.

It was this change that made Lin Feng quickly notice something strange. He quickly opened his original eyes and displayed his clairvoyance at the same time.

The original eye and the clairvoyance were used together, and it immediately had a miraculous effect.

There are no more magical murals in the cave.

It's very dark here.

It doesn't look like a place of chance at all, but rather like a netherworld hell.

So terrifying, terrible.

In front of Lin Feng, a stone statue appeared.

This is a stone statue of a woman, a very beautiful and moving woman, lifelike, just like a real person.

But this stone statue exudes an extremely evil aura.

That kind of evil aura made Lin Feng feel creepy.

Feeling that evil aura, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel slightly shocked. Was everything he saw before an illusion? Could it be that this evil stone statue was created?

The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this was a possibility.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart. This stone statue could create such a terrifying illusion. In this way, the Red Dust Immortal Lord was also fake. Lin Feng looked behind him, wanting to see if the Red Dust Immortal Lord was still there. This time After looking at it, I found that the Red Dust Immortal Lord was no longer there.

This made Lin Feng's expression change slightly. It seemed that everything was exactly as he had guessed. This Red Dust Immortal Lord was also an illusion created by the other party. It was a bit difficult to understand. Why did this evil stone statue know how to create the Red Dust Immortal Lord to deal with it? As for myself, after all, I have never thought about anything about the Red Dust Immortal Lord before, and the evil stone statue should not know any relationship between myself and the Red Dust Immortal Lord. Everything is too weird.

Lin Feng quickly used the Kunlun Tianyang Sword to deal with the stone statue in front of him. The Kunlun Tianyang Sword exploded with heaven-defying power in Lin Feng's hands. A huge sword energy was condensed, and it directly killed the evil stone statue. go.

Lin Feng originally thought that he could destroy the evil stone statue in one fell swoop, but something happened that Lin Feng didn't expect. The motionless evil stone statue actually moved after Lin Feng launched a terrifying attack. It stretched out its own Right hand, then flicked his fingers.

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Its bullet collided fiercely with Lin Feng's sword energy, instantly shattering Lin Feng's sword energy.

Katcha kacha.

Its body twisted, and it seemed to have difficulty moving. It seemed to be trying to struggle against some kind of shackles.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng had no intention of confronting the evil stone statue head-on.

Because this evil stone statue is really too scary. Who knows what weird methods it has at its disposal. There is no benefit to Lin Feng in confronting it head-on. If this is the case, why bother fighting to the death? Hurry up and leave. is the best choice.

Because the evil stone statue is now immobile.

Lin Feng wanted to leave, but the evil stone statue had no way to stop Lin Feng.

Of course, it wasn't that the evil stone statue didn't take action to stop Lin Feng. It actually took action, and it unleashed the terrifying power of darkness.

Those dark powers swept towards Lin Feng.

But those dark forces were eventually destroyed by Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng rushed outside, he did not dare to stay here anymore. He chose a direction and flew away quickly. He flew a long distance before Lin Feng stopped.

he estimated.

He should have gotten rid of the evil stone statue at such a long distance.

"Made, we have just entered the realm of reincarnation. I thought there was a great fortune, but I didn't expect that I almost fell into the hands of a stone statue. I don't know how the stone statue was formed, but it turned out to be so powerful! Fortunately! I have extraordinary means, plus I have a token on my body, otherwise, I would be in trouble today!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

At this moment, the sound of fighting suddenly came from the distance.

Lin Feng quickly moved towards the place where the fight was taking place and soon reached the area.

Lin Feng discovered that there were three people fighting. Two male monks were besieging a female monk. The two male monks seemed to be from the dark realm.

They are able to enter this place, it seems that they are all trusted and valued people by the Black Prison Master.

The person under siege was Bai Qingcheng.

Bai Qingcheng is now in danger.

One of the monks from the dark realm seized the opportunity and knocked Bai Qingcheng away.

Then, the two of them jumped up and charged towards Bai Qingcheng, as if they wanted to take advantage of this great opportunity to kill Bai Qingcheng completely.

Bai Qingcheng wanted to get rid of the two of them, but there was no way to get rid of them.

Her beautiful face turned as pale as paper.

Bai Qingcheng seemed to know that he would definitely die this time.

There was a look of despair in her beautiful eyes.

But at this moment, Bai Qingcheng suddenly found that her body fell into a strong and powerful embrace, and then a hand wrapped around her waist.

Bai Qingcheng looked around.

It was discovered that it was Lin Feng.

She beamed.

"Go quickly!". When the two people from the dark realm saw the sudden appearance of Lin Feng, their expressions changed greatly, and they turned around and ran away. However, how could Lin Feng let them escape? He waved his right hand gently in the air, and sword energy came out vertically and horizontally.

The two fleeing men were instantly cut into pieces.

But at this moment, Lin Feng suddenly felt a sudden pain in his chest. He looked down and suddenly discovered that a stone dagger had been pierced into his chest.

And Bai Qingcheng's beautiful face showed an evil smile.

"you…". Lin Feng's face turned pale, and it seemed that it was much more difficult to speak.

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