Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 633: There are illusions within illusions


Lin Feng slapped Bai Qingcheng on the body.

That powerful force shook out.

Bai Qingcheng was shot and flew out.

And Lin Feng's body also flew backwards.

Lin Feng quickly used his clairvoyance and original eye to look at Bai Qingcheng. He felt that the person in front of him might not be Bai Qingcheng.

Because Bai Qingcheng really had no reason to sneak attack him.

But the Bai Qingcheng in front of him did this.

When Lin Feng saw through the false and true eyes and looked at Bai Qingcheng in front of him, the scene in his eyes suddenly changed dramatically.

Bai Qingcheng.


Instead, there was the evil stone statue.

After seeing the evil stone statue, Lin Feng's expression suddenly changed.

He thought he had already gotten rid of the evil stone statue, but he did not expect that he could not really get rid of the evil stone statue.

Lin Feng then discovered that the bodies of two monks from the dark realm lying on the ground turned into black energy and disappeared.

That is to say.

The two monks in the dark realm are not real monks, they are illusions.

Everything is fake.

"Could it be that I'm still in an illusion?". Lin Feng thought of a certain possibility and suddenly felt a chill.

The only reason he judged that he might still be in an illusion was because Lin Feng felt that if it wasn't an illusion, then other people would transform into Bai Qingcheng.

He should be able to detect it.

Especially the evil stone statue. Lin Feng had already memorized the aura of the evil stone statue before.

The evil stone statue wanted to deal with Lin Feng secretly.

It's not that easy anymore.

But just now, the evil stone statue transformed into Bai Qingcheng and deceived Lin Feng again.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Therefore, Lin Feng felt that the situation in front of him was a bit strange, and there was a high probability that it was still an illusion.

If this is the case, it means that he has never been able to get out of the illusion from beginning to end.

Since it is an illusion, the physical injuries should not be real.

It's just that he is now in an illusion, and the illusion has not been broken yet, so he feels that he is still injured.

"You can't escape! Stay here! I will swallow your flesh and blood!".

At this time, "Bai Qingcheng" suddenly spoke. Her appearance was still that of Bai Qingcheng, but she was no longer Bai Qingcheng.

Lin Feng's face was gloomy and ugly.

Now Bai Qingcheng, who was transformed into an evil stone statue, was quickly coming to kill him. The illusion must be broken, otherwise, Lin Feng was worried that it would be a tragic situation.

But how to break the illusion in front of him is an extremely serious matter that Lin Feng faces.

For the time being, Lin Feng has not thought of a good solution.

However, Lin Feng's mind was still spinning very quickly. He thought to himself that since a single method could not break this illusion, he would use several more methods.

For example, the domineering magnetic field, sky fire and other means were all used.

Maybe a miracle will happen.

Lin Feng quickly took action.

Lin Feng first condensed the domineering magnetic field and released it.

Then, Lin Feng condensed the heavenly fire into a fire flower.

The flower of fire also flew out quickly.

Then, Lin Feng performed Tianlong Bayin, which is a sonic attack inherited from the Dragon Clan. The sound waves formed can not only affect the spirit of the monks, but at the same time, the vibrating sonic attack will form layers of waves that spread quickly. If it goes out, it can also cause serious damage to the monk's body.

After all three methods were used.

The explosion of the Flower of Fire formed a destructive force that spread out in all directions, and after coming into contact with the domineering magnetic field and the power of Tianlong Baoyin, they had a mutually exclusive effect.

These terrifying forces are powerful enough in themselves.

After forming a repulsive effect.

The released attack is even more terrifying.

And Lin Feng had made a mistake this time.

The force generated by the explosion seemed to destroy some special rules.

Lin Feng found that the scene in front of him had changed again. He was still in the cave before and could not leave the cave.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time, please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible,]

And this cave is still a gloomy cave.

It exudes a cold and terrifying atmosphere.

There are no murals.

Instead, it's like a hell.

Not far away, the evil stone statue was still struggling, as if it was bound by something.

It is breaking free from the shackles that bind it.

Hoping to break the shackles and restraints on its body.

"Am I back to where I was before I last left?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but wince a little.

The current situation is so similar to before.

Last time, Lin Feng felt that the evil stone statue was too difficult to deal with, so he chose to leave this place.

I thought I had successfully left here, but who would have thought that I would not be able to leave at all.

Still trapped in fantasy.

Now Lin Feng is faced with a new choice. The first option is to stay and fight the evil stone statue to the death.

The second option is to escape from here.

The last time I escaped from this place, the end result was still in an illusion because I didn't break some of the rules here last time.

So I am still trapped in the illusion.

But this time it seems different, this time it seems like some kind of rule has been broken.

Maybe you can escape from here successfully.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng planned to leave here quickly, but Lin Feng stopped the moment he escaped from here.

Many times, you have to do the opposite to resolve the dangerous situation you face.

For example, now, Lin Feng feels that if certain rules are broken, he can escape from this place smoothly, and the previous situation will not happen again. Will it really be so smooth?

Anyway, Lin Feng felt that things might not go so smoothly.

Maybe other, scary, weird things will happen.

They may even repeat what happened before.

Of course, this is a pessimistic view.

The more optimistic idea is that those things will not happen and everything will go smoothly.


This requires gambling.

Lin Feng didn't want to gamble.

So, let’s choose one.


Lin Feng waved his hand, and all twenty-three stone swords except the broken sword were summoned by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's stone sword can definitely restrain the evil stone statue in front of him.

And this evil stone statue seems to be still trying to break free from some kind of shackles.

Not completely escaping is a great opportunity to deal with this evil stone statue.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh...".

Under Lin Feng's control, twenty-three stone swords formed a sword formation and quickly killed the evil stone statue not far away.

"Human boy, you really have some abilities, but it's not enough!".

The evil stone statue sneered, and then it snarled coldly, and terrifying sound waves surged out, directly knocking Lin Feng's stone sword away.

Lin Feng was horrified and asked loudly, "Who are you? Why are you so scary?"

"You don't care who I am. If I swallow your flesh and blood, I think I can get out of trouble completely!".

The evil stone statue's voice was cold.

After it finished speaking, a stone dagger flew out and pierced Lin Feng's heart.

Lin Feng wanted to avoid the attack of the stone dagger, but he was shocked to find that his body was imprisoned, and he could only watch helplessly as the stone dagger flew quickly and pierced his heart.

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