Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 634: Evil God Empress

Lin Feng really had the urge to curse now. He really didn't expect that the strength of this evil stone statue was so powerful. It was so terrifying that it was unimaginable and made it difficult for him to compete.

Lin Feng couldn't tell what level of strength this evil stone statue was. Anyway, it was a level beyond his reach. Of course, the most important thing is that this guy's ability to create illusions is really terrifying. Think about some comparisons that Lin Feng has mastered over the years. Powerful methods can actually play a huge role in cracking various illusions.

However, there is no way to crack this evil stone statue.

The situation was already critical, but because Lin Feng could not move, he could only resist the opponent's attack. Lin Feng planned to quickly activate several top-level defense magic weapons to form a strong protective effect on his body, which would definitely resolve the crisis.

But at this time, Lin Feng was shocked to find that his defensive magic weapon could not be activated. It must have been cut off from the magic weapon by this evil stone statue.

To take a step back, even if the contact is not cut off by the other party.

It is estimated that he was also confused by the other party's illusion.

But there is no way to break the opponent's illusion, so there is still no way to mobilize various magic weapons.

At this moment, Lin Feng's mood sank to the bottom.

Fortunately, he also has some powerful defensive magical means, and his physical body is strong enough.

Lin Feng began to use methods such as King Kong's Indestructibility to resist the attack of the stone dagger.

Lin Feng didn't know whether he could bear it, but there was no other way now.

We can only fight to the death with the opponent.

But at this moment, Lin Feng suddenly felt someone pulling him behind him, and he was pulled behind.

Then Lin Feng saw it.

A hazy figure appeared in front of him.

Although the other party was hazy, it could still be clearly seen that this was the figure of a woman, but it was unclear what she looked like.

Lin Feng didn't know why this woman helped him.

The woman put her hands in front of her body and formed a formation similar to the mysterious Bagua diagram.

This is the condensation of magical power.

The formation chart quickly spun in front of the woman, and the stone dagger quickly stabbed on top of the formation chart. However, it failed to destroy the formation chart, but was bounced back by the formation chart.

The evil stone statue shouted angrily, "It's you..., do you want to be my enemy for this person? You have to know that I helped you back then!".

"I have already repaid you, otherwise how could you come back from the disaster?" said the hazy woman.

"Since you are looking for death, I will help you. I want to see how powerful your infinite method is." The evil stone statue said in a cold voice. It opened its mouth and roared, and billions of runes surged out, transforming into Looking carefully at the rolling wave, there were hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers in the rolling wave, holding ghost axes and ghost swords, and quickly killed towards the hazy woman.

This kind of attack was really terrifying. Even if it wasn't directed at himself, Lin Feng still felt the suffocating oppression.

It is hard to imagine that this evil stone statue is already so terrifying before it is completely free. If it is completely free, how powerful will this statue be? This island is worthy of being the main battlefield at the end of the last reincarnation. One of the hidden strong men, there are so many hidden secrets. Lin Feng even feels that there is not only an extraordinary place like the Reincarnation Barrier on this island, but there must be no less than the Reincarnation Barrier. The place.

Of course, those are all things for later.

The terrifying torrent of ghost soldiers and ghosts is coming, as if it can drown everything, making people despair.

The hazy female cultivator seemed to feel tremendous pressure.

Facing the attack of the billions of ghost soldiers and ghost generals, she shouted softly, "The universe is infinite! Be at ease with your mind!".


As soon as she finished speaking, the mana in her body surged out continuously. The endless mana was like the vast ocean, majestic, vast, and shocking.

And that female cultivator, with her supreme magic power, condensed an extremely powerful diagram of the universe.

To be precise, that picture should be a picture of the universe and the eight trigrams, but it is very different from the common picture of the universe and the eight trigrams today.

This Qiankun Bagua diagram is even more mysterious.

Contains extraordinary divine power.

Every rune on it seems to be the incarnation of Tao.

"The universe is crushed, the gods and ghosts are transformed into nothingness!".

The woman, while drinking softly, held the Qiankun Diagram and walked forward.


The next moment, she collided with those billions of ghost soldiers and generals.

The collision between the two sides was really terrifying.

Billions of ghost soldiers and ghost generals seemed to want to destroy the Qiankun Diagram, but the rapidly rotating Qiankun Diagram still held firm and killed countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

Just in this constant consumption.

The diagram of the universe is also cracking.

But the female cultivator did not retreat, but continued to walk forward.

She was getting closer to the evil stone statue.

"I really didn't expect that you would do such a thing!". The voice of the evil stone statue is still extremely cold.

"That year when the flowers were blooming, I once mentioned something to you. Do you still remember it?" said the hazy female nun.

The evil stone statue paused slightly, as if he thought of something.

It then burst out laughing and said, "Crazy, really crazy, what time was that, and what time is it now? What you have done is simply asking for trouble!".

The hazy female cultivator said, "Don't force me!".

"So what if I force you?". As soon as the words fell, the evil stone statue suddenly became angry, slapping a palm across the void, and blasted away at the hazy female cultivator with a big hand.

The hazy female cultivator quickly took action to palm him.


The next moment, as the energy that was enough to disrupt the world spilled out, the female cultivator had a head-on collision with the evil stone statue.

As powerful as that female cultivator was, she was so shocked that she even retreated.

The hazy female cultivator retreated to Lin Feng, grabbed Lin Feng, and rushed outside quickly.

"Where are you going? Billions of illusions are inescapable!" the evil stone statue said in a cold voice.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng saw countless scenes appearing in front of him.

From my teenage years until now.

There are good things and there are bad things.

Any scene that appeared was extremely important to Lin Feng. Lin Feng seemed to hear the painful screams of his uncle Lin Xiong. He was asking Lin Feng why he didn't save him and let him out of the sea of ​​suffering for so many years. He seemed to He saw many enemies who died in his own hands, turned into evil ghosts, and rushed towards him, wanting to eat his own flesh and drink his own blood.

All kinds of illusions made Lin Feng almost sink instantly.

At this time, the female cultivator next to her shouted loudly, "This is the illusory world of the Evil God Empress. It is very terrifying. Close your eyes quickly, close your six senses, and see nothing and listen to nothing."

Lin Feng seemed to have been enlightened. He woke up and did not dare to hesitate. He quickly closed his eyes and closed his six senses.

At this time, a huge statue suddenly appeared between heaven and earth. It turned out to be the discovery of a beautiful woman. The woman looked down at the woman and Lin Feng who were fleeing outside.

Her voice was as cold as ice, "Meng'er, you seem to have forgotten who you learned this skill from. Do you think you can escape?"

(End of chapter)

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