Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 635: she is angry

"If you still think that my master has an old relationship with you, you shouldn't be so aggressive." The woman replied coldly.

"Hahahaha, my senior sister is gone. I have to take my place and properly discipline the disciples. If you dare to be rude to your elders, you need to be punished." The sound of the Dharma, Heavenly Symbol, and Earth is grand and vast.

But Lin Feng actually didn't know about the conversation between the Fa Tian Xiang Di and this hazy woman, because Lin Feng couldn't hear the outside content after completely sealing his six senses.

I saw that Fa Tianxiang took action, opened his big hand, and directly slapped the hazy woman and Lin Feng with his palm.

"The universe is infinite, the heaven and earth escape the law!".

The hazy woman grabbed Lin Feng and used a powerful escape technique to evade the capture of the Heavenly Elephant Earth.

'snort! ’.

Fa Tian Xiang Di couldn't help but snorted coldly. It was obvious that she was quite unhappy now. Just now, she just grabbed the hazy woman and Lin Feng with one hand.

But now, they are using both hands.

Her two big hands quickly grabbed it.

The hazy woman continued to use the Heaven and Earth Escape Technique to avoid it.

The Dharma, Heaven and Earth is truly terrifying. Even though it was just a slight grasp, it seemed to have the power to capture the entire universe. Even the stars outside the territory would be captured by her.


That hazy woman's boundless universe and escape from heaven and earth are truly wonderful.

He actually avoided being captured by Fa Tian Xiang Di many times.

Fa Tian Xiang Di said in a cold voice, "What a great universe and world escape method. I have underestimated your ability. Let's see how you can resolve my sun and moon magic skills!".

After the words fell, Na Fa Tian Xiang Di raised his hands.

A sun appeared in her left hand, and a moon appeared in her right hand.

But that sun and moon were not the normal sun and moon.

They are all black.

The demonic energy is overwhelming.

The Demonic Sun and the Demonic Moon slowly rose into the sky, forming a very special resonance, which seemed to be the resonance of Tao. When this resonance was formed, the Demonic Sun and the Demonic Moon all emitted terrifying beams of light.

The beams of light illuminate the sky and the earth.

There is no way to avoid it.

But this kind of light beam is not that simple. It can penetrate the sky and the earth in an instant, which shows how terrifying this kind of light beam is.

There would be no surprise if such a beam of light shines on you.

There will definitely be a few more blood holes on the monk's body.

Faced with such a powerful attack, the hazy female cultivator took action again.

"The universe is infinite, and water blends into all things!".

The hazy female cultivator couldn't help but let out a soft drink. After her voice fell, Lin Feng and the void around her changed dramatically. The void around them seemed to turn into water.

When that terrifying attack came.

Astonishing changes, the surrounding void like water flow became more and more violent, and after those attacks entered the area like water flow.

Suddenly it became extremely sluggish.

The power also began to decline significantly.

This hazy woman's method was indeed powerful. After the power of those attacks decreased, the hazy woman softly recited a spell.

Many mysterious runes suddenly appeared in the water-like void. Those mysterious runes collided with the beam of light, and both were annihilated.

"What a move, the universe is infinite, the water melts all things, don't you want to melt all things, and I will destroy all things!".

The voice of the Dharma, Heaven and Earth was cold, "All things become empty and return to dust!".

When her voice fell, the Demonic Sun and Demonic Moon she had summoned before actually began to merge.

This scene is really too weird.

As the magic sun and the magic moon gradually merge.

The world suddenly became silent.

Even the void seemed to be at rest.

The Demonic Sun and the Demonic Moon quickly completed their fusion.

After the fusion, the Demon Sun and Demon Moon were no longer black, but turned into gold.

When it turns golden.

The magic sun and the magic moon shined with golden light.

That golden light is many times more powerful than the previous black beam. Wherever it shines, it will be extinguished.

Even the watery void condensed by the hazy woman was instantly extinguished when it was illuminated by the golden beam of light.

Fa Tian Xiang Di said, "How do you crack this magical power of mine?".

The hazy female cultivator's expression also became solemn, and she said, "Over the years, your realm may have declined a lot, but your understanding of Tao has become more profound. Even I am ashamed of myself, but even so, I still Won’t back down!”.

"You are so stubborn. Now that I think about what you said to me back then, you make me feel very ridiculous! What's more, they were just two people! If you regret it now, it's still too late!" Fa Tian Xiang Di said.

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The hazy female cultivator said, "You don't understand many things!".

"If you are stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless!". Fa Tian Xiang Di's voice became colder and colder, and the golden beam of light penetrated quickly.

"The universe is infinite, heaven and earth are one!".


When the hazy woman's voice fell, an extremely terrifying wave suddenly surged out of her body, which was so shocking that the void began to collapse.

And the next moment.

Lin Feng had a strange feeling. His body seemed to be completely integrated with the surrounding world.

Lin Feng felt that he had become the world.

Heaven and earth are themselves.

The terrifying attack came but failed to harm Lin Feng.

Of course, it also failed to harm the hazy woman.


The next moment, the light flashed, and the hazy woman disappeared without a trace with Lin Feng.

"Damn it!".

The Fa Tian Xiang Earth couldn't help but roared, "If I hadn't broken the shackles, how could you have escaped!".

Clearly, she was quite unhappy now.

But no matter how unhappy he was, there was no way to keep Lin Feng and the hazy woman.

When Lin Feng and the hazy woman appeared again, they were already in a mountain forest that was unfamiliar to Lin Feng.

Judging from the situation, Lin Feng and the others should have been far away from the evil stone statue.

So, get rid of the illusion.

"puff!". The hazy woman couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Senior, how is your health?". Lin Feng looked at the hazy woman.

Obviously, the hazy woman didn't want Lin Feng to see her true appearance, so she used special means to cover up her appearance.

"I'm fine!" the hazy woman said.

"Are you the Qiankun Ghost Mother?" Lin Feng asked.

The hazy woman said, "What? Because the skill I created is the Qiankun Wuji Dharma, do you think I am the Qiankun Ghost Mother?"

"yes!". Lin Feng said.

The hazy woman snorted coldly and said, "I'm not that woman, so let's just say goodbye!".

She suddenly fluttered her sleeves and flew away into the distance, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly. This woman seemed to be angry. Could it be that he was angry because he guessed her identity wrongly?

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