Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 638: Lin Feng versus the Black Prison Master

The Black Prison Master and the others came to the outer area of ​​a dark jungle. They did not enter it directly. The Black Prison Master took out a compass-like thing and observed it carefully.

There are two possibilities for that compass.

The first possibility is that the compass is a token, and the Black Prison Master can use that token to find out some things.

The second possibility is that the compass is not a token, but an ordinary compass, and the Black Prison Master is good at some strange armor-defying techniques, and can deduce some things he wants to know through the compass.

After some research, the Black Prison Master waved his hand and walked towards the depths.

The others followed closely behind.

Lin Feng also lurked into the dark forest, following behind the Black Prison Master and others, heading all the way to the depths. The specific location was not easy to find. Even the Black Prison Master spent a long time looking for it, and continued to search for it. Went to multiple places.

Just now, the last place was determined.

The place identified by the Black Prison Master is located deep in a pool. Deep in the pool is a huge rock wall.

The huge rock wall is very steep.

The surface is extremely smooth.

Like a mirror, the Black Prison Master didn't know what method he had used.

The rock wall began to shine brightly.

If you look at it from a distance, the rock wall has really turned into an extremely smooth mirror.

The mirror also reflected a bright light, as if the sun's rays were shining on it and being reflected.

And the Black Prison Master waved his hand and used his magic power to capture several of his subordinates.


The next moment, they flew into the mirror-like rock wall.

"Huh? It seems that there should be a space of its own. I'll go into it and have a look!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but think.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng acted quickly.

He quickly flew towards the mirror-like rock wall. Lin Feng thought there would be obstacles.

However, the mirror-like rock wall did not hinder him in any way.

Lin Feng entered the space inside very smoothly.

Wait until you come in.

Lin Feng discovered that he had entered a huge valley.

He is still in the outer area of ​​the valley.

The Black Prison Master and others have already entered the inner area of ​​the valley.

Lin Feng also swept towards the inner area of ​​the valley. Soon Lin Feng arrived here and saw twelve huge stone statues standing in the inner area of ​​the valley.

These twelve huge stone statues are of rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

It exactly corresponds to the twelve yuan chen.

These existences in front of me should be Twelve Yuanchen.

And these stone statues are probably the most precious things among the Yuanchen ruins.

"Collect it!"

At this time, the Black Prison Master had already taken action and wanted to collect the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues, but after trying some times, he was unable to collect the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues.

Lin Feng flew out and laughed loudly, "Master Black Prison, it seems that these Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues have no fate with you, so let me collect these Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues!".

The Black Prison Master naturally saw Lin Feng flying towards him quickly.

His eyes suddenly showed a murderous intent, and he sneered and said, "Boy! I didn't go to find you, but you took the initiative to come over and die? Without the support of the monk army, who are you in front of me? ? I can kill you with one hand!"

Lin Feng was not surprised when the Black Prison Master said this. After all, when they fought before, Lin Feng was only a quasi-pioneer at the level of two or three immortal palaces, and his level was not as high as it is now.

At that time, the Black Prison Master was almost a quasi-pioneer of the Ten Immortal Palaces, and his real combat power should have surpassed the Ten Immortal Palaces.

It is quite normal for the Black Prison Master to look down on Lin Feng.

He had been humiliated by Lin Feng before, which made the Black Prison Master mad with hatred.

Now when facing Lin Feng, naturally he can't help but mock Lin Feng with words. Of course, he does feel contempt for Lin Feng in his heart.

Lin Feng said, "Master Black Prison, let's give it a try and see who will win today!".

"Boy, die!" Young Master Black Prison swung his sword and came directly towards Lin Feng to kill him. A dazzling sword energy was condensed, and the sword energy had the power to break through the sky.

Incredibly fast.

In the blink of an eye, he had already flown in front of Lin Feng.

The terrifying sword energy crashed down instantly.

It seemed that he wanted to split Lin Feng in half.

Facing such a terrifying attack, Lin Feng did not dodge. He stepped forward and punched towards the terrifying sword energy.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be slightly startled. What is going on?

That kid, is he going to be able to defeat the sword spirit with his physical body?

Isn't this asking for trouble?

But the next moment, Lin Feng's fist collided with the sword energy that the Black Prison Master had killed, and Lin Feng directly smashed the sword energy that the Black Prison Master had killed with one punch.

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This shocked everyone. This body was too powerful. It could be described as a super pervert.

The Black Prison Master was a little more vigilant. He felt that a monk like Lin Feng, who had a perverted body, would definitely look for opportunities to fight him in close combat.

In this way, his advantages can be fully utilized.

But in fact, Lin Feng did not do this.

Because Lin Feng knew that the Black Prison Master was too cautious and it was not easy to get close to the Black Prison Master.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, Lin Feng's strength has greatly increased now. He also wants to test his own combat power through the Black Prison Master. Therefore, Lin Feng wants to have an all-round battle with the Black Prison Master. duel.

Lin Feng directly summoned the twenty-three stone swords. The Black Prison Master also existed across eras, and he was also a descendant of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

He must also be restrained by his stone sword.

To deal with such a terrifying powerhouse, Lin Feng had to take the initiative as soon as he came up. Otherwise, it would not be easy to defeat the Twelve Earthly Branches.


Lin Feng shouted softly, and under his control, twenty-three stone swords (the broken sword was not summoned by Lin Feng) quickly moved towards the Black Prison Master to kill him.

"Boy, you are seeking death!".

Several subordinates of Young Master Black Prison shouted angrily and rushed forward to help.

But these people couldn't resist the attack of Lin Feng's stone sword at all, and were killed by Lin Feng's stone sword in an instant.

Then, under the control of Lin Feng, those stone swords continued to kill the Black Prison Master.

When the Black Prison Master saw all his subordinates being killed by Lin Feng, even if he was a hard-hearted man, at this moment, his eyes could not help but burst out with murderous intent.

He shouted angrily, "Boy, I will cut you into pieces!".

"Thousands of Sword Shadows!".

The Black Prison Master held the sword with both hands, and a huge circle appeared in the void, and then he slashed towards Lin Feng with a sword.

I saw it immediately.

The endless sword energy was condensed and headed towards Lin Feng to kill him.

That terrifying sword energy was so powerful that it could destroy the heavens and the earth. It was like a peerless terror, and it instantly overwhelmed Lin Feng.

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