Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 639: It's my turn to attack, bring me the dog head!

"What a move, Thousand Sword Shadows!".

At this moment, Lin Feng's expression was solemn. The Black Prison Master's combat power was indeed formidable, and his magical powers were extremely terrifying. For example, after the Thousand-layered Sword Shadow was displayed, Lin Feng immediately felt that there were sword shadows everywhere in front of him.

He has been completely shrouded in the world transformed by the sword shadow, which is difficult to resolve and resist. This shows that Lin Feng's willpower has been affected. There are thousands of magical powers in this world, and there is a type of magical power that is not only powerful, but also powerful. It can also add the power to influence other people's willpower.

When a person's spirit and will have collapsed, it is obvious that even if this person's combat power is quite terrifying, he is still far from being able to display his true combat power.

In this way, the monk might be easily defeated by the opponent.

Lin Feng is encountering such a situation now. The Thousand Heavy Sword Shadow is already powerful enough, but it also contains the power that affects his willpower. This power seems to have formed a little devil, and this little devil lives in Lin Feng's body. In his heart, he kept hypnotizing Lin Feng, making him give up resistance.

This is a very scary situation. Some people may not be able to resolve this situation, and will inevitably be greatly affected by that time, and the ending may be extremely tragic.

After Lin Feng discovered this situation, he did not dare to be careless.

Lin Feng quickly released the domineering magnetic field. When the domineering magnetic field was released, it immediately formed an extremely powerful impact force. This impact force can slow down any force from the outside world. At the same time, the magnetic field formed can also weaken the outside world. of these forces.

Lin Feng can resolve the remaining power by himself.

Therefore, when Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field was released, Lin Feng would no longer be affected by anything.

It stands to reason.

The normal enemy situation should be that Lin Feng controls twenty-three stone swords and collides with the sword shadow coming to kill him.

Lin Feng needed to use the stone sword to neutralize the attacks of these sword shadows.

But in reality, Lin Feng did not do this. Lin Feng displayed several defensive magical powers such as Vajra Indestructible and Rock Solid.

Let those sword shadows kill him.

Lin Feng planned to see how strong his physical body was when he used his strongest method now.

at the same time.

Lin Feng multitasked and continued to control the twenty-three stone swords to kill the Black Prison Master.

clang clang clang…

Countless sword shadows struck Lin Feng, and a clanging sound suddenly came out. The sound was like gold and iron clashing, extremely loud.

This made Lin Feng happy. His physical body was really powerful now. Even the attacks from the ten immortal palace experts with the help of top treasures did not break his defense.

It can be called heaven-defying.

Of course, Lin Feng was not unaffected. In fact, Lin Feng was also affected. The sword shadows struck Lin Feng's body one after another, causing Lin Feng to suffer immense pain.

Moreover, the powerful attack struck the body, and the shock force formed was quite terrifying.

Lin Feng was so shocked that he almost vomited blood.

When many people are attacked, even if they use the magic weapon and the magic weapon's defense is still there, they are still killed. This is because when the attack collides with the magic weapon's defense, most of the attacks will be blocked by the defensive magic weapon. It can be resisted, but some of the attacks will form a counter-shock force, which will act directly on the monks. This counter-shock force is terrifying enough, and some monks will be shocked to death if they cannot resist it.

The attack from the Black Prison Master hit Lin Feng directly and had not been weakened by the defensive magic weapon.

The counterattack force formed by this kind of attack is naturally more powerful and terrifying.

It will be even more difficult to compete.

But fortunately, Lin Feng has a sapling of the World Tree in his body to protect his body. In addition, the magic lotus grown from special seeds transplanted into Lin Feng's body can also play a very powerful protective role.

In addition, Lin Feng's physical body is still so strong.

Therefore, even if Lin Feng received quite a violent force, it would have an impact on his body.

Still only slightly affected.

This scene was unacceptable to the Black Prison Master.

Because the Black Prison Master knew very well how powerful his attack just now was, Lin Feng actually used his physical body to resist his attack.

Is this even justified?

Lin Feng's realm is obviously not advanced, but he has such incredible abilities, which is really difficult for the Black Prison Master to understand.

In addition to being unable to understand, I feel deep envy, jealousy and hatred.

The Black Prison Master thought that if he could kill Lin Feng, then he could get everything Lin Feng had. Lin Feng, with such a low level of cultivation, could master the Lotus Roots that he didn't know about, and he could be so defiant.

His realm is so much higher than Lin Feng's.

If he mastered Lin Feng's methods, then to what level would his true combat power rise to? Wouldn't he be able to compete with those at the level of the universe elders?

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Thinking about it makes the Black Prison Master feel excited.

But at this time, Lin Feng's twenty-three stone swords had already come to kill him. Seeing the twenty-three stone swords Lin Feng sacrificed, the Black Prison Master did not dare to be careless.

He waved his hand, and a huge bronze shield appeared in his left hand. The Black Prison Master now held the shield in his left hand and the sword in his right hand.

Attack and defense integrated.

In the view of the Black Prison Master, although the treasures Lin Feng sacrificed are quite extraordinary, his bronze shield is a quasi-pioneer level defensive treasure. With his strength, he can activate this level of defensive magic weapon and construct a defense system. It is simply not something someone like Lin Feng can break.

Soon, under the urging of the Black Prison Master, the bronze shield suddenly produced extremely powerful fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, a huge cyan light mask emerged.

The huge cyan light shield protected the Black Prison Master within it.

at this time.

Lin Feng's twenty-three stone swords have also come to kill quickly.

Those twenty-three stone swords formed an extremely powerful resonance. A top-level creator-level expert would probably be cut into pieces in an instant when faced with an attack from the stone swords.

next moment.

The twenty-three stone swords struck hard at the defensive light barrier formed by the Black Prison Master. What surprised Lin Feng was that the powerful attack power of the twenty-three stone swords struck at the defensive light barrier. On top of the shield, the defensive light shield was not destroyed. It was indeed a defensive light shield constructed from a top-level defensive treasure. Of course, the power of the defensive light shield had a lot to do with the master's advanced realm.

The Black Prison Master came with his sword in hand, "It's my turn to attack, bring me the dog head!".

The others' swords merged into one, and they charged towards Lin Feng, trying to chop off Lin Feng's head.

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