Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 641: it's coming

"How can this be?".

The Black Prison Master roared loudly, obviously he could not accept the situation in front of him.

After all, when he and Lin Feng met for the first time, the gap between Lin Feng's strength and his was indeed quite huge.

Such a huge gap cannot be made up in a short time.

But the actual situation gave the Black Prison Master a hard slap. In such a short period of time, Lin Feng actually increased his combat power quickly and even injured him. You must know that compared to the first time he met Lin Feng, In fact, the strength of the Black Prison Master has also improved a lot during this time.

Even under such circumstances, he was still completely defeated. He really couldn't understand how Lin Feng improved.

He originally envied, jealous and hated Lin Feng.

Now, seeing that Lin Feng is so unbelievable, he becomes even more envious, jealous and hateful of Lin Feng.

Facing Lin Feng's tyrannical suppression methods, the prison master did not dare to be careless. Although he suffered certain injuries, the injuries did not damage his roots.

The Black Prison Master shouted angrily, "The sword energy is like a dragon, sweeping across all directions!".

As the voice of the Black Prison Master fell, one could see that the Black Prison Master suddenly raised the sword in his hand, and countless sword energy burst out. The sword energy quickly turned into a stegosaurus with teeth and claws, and the stegosaurus He quickly rushed towards the big hand that suppressed him.

Stegosaurus's attack was really powerful, directly destroying Lin Feng's condensed hand, and then continued to attack Lin Feng.

"What a strong swordsmanship!".

Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly. The strength of this Black Prison Master was indeed strong, especially in swordsmanship. His attainments were unfathomable. Lin Feng couldn't help but think of the Immortal Sword Master, the top swordsman in Kunlun Universe, whom he met earlier.

This person's swordsmanship is astonishing. At that time, the Immortal Sword Master had already stepped into the realm of quasi-pioneer. After so many years, the world was undergoing great changes.

If this person is lucky, he is probably already a quasi-pioneer level expert.

A character like the Immortal Sword Master who can be ranked among the top three in the Kunlun universe in terms of swordsmanship alone. Once he breaks through to the quasi-pioneer realm, his cultivation level will inevitably improve rapidly. Such a character is like a dragon entering the sea. The eagle strikes the sky.

The future is limitless.

As for the comparison between the Immortal Sword Master and the Black Prison Master, Lin Feng felt that if the Immortal Sword Master had made breakthroughs in recent years, he should be able to defeat the Black Prison Master.

The main reason is that Lin Feng feels that although the swordsmanship of the Black Prison Master is incredible, compared with the Immortal Sword Master, it still seems to be a bit inferior.

Facing the terrifying sword dragon attack, Lin Feng jumped up and transformed into a peerless sword energy.

In fact, Lin Feng is also a master of swordsmanship.

Although it is not as advanced as the Master of the Immortal Sword Master Black Prison Master in swordsmanship, Lin Feng's swordsmanship skills are quite advanced in isolation.

It is estimated that not many people can display this state of man-sword fusion, but Lin Feng can display it smoothly.

When Lin Feng turned into sword energy and killed Xiang Jianlong, the twenty-three stone swords were also mobilized by Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng multitasks.

While dealing with the sword dragon, while dealing with the Black Prison Master.

Twenty-three stone swords were controlled by Lin Feng to form several small sword array combinations.

Basically, three or four swords are combined together to form a small sword array.

These small sword arrays will also be connected to each other.

In this way, we support each other and help each other.

The power will be even more powerful.

Moreover, these twenty-three stone swords themselves have a very powerful suppressive effect on people like the Black Prison Master. In addition, the Black Prison Master was injured by Lin Feng before, so the current Black Prison Master is in the Lin Feng Sword Formation. Under the continuous attacks, he felt a little overwhelmed.

And the other side!

The sword energy formed by Lin Feng exerted great power and directly destroyed the sword dragon that the Black Prison Master had just hit with his magical power.

After destroying the Stegosaurus, Lin Feng could safely deal with the Black Prison Master.


Lin Feng shouted, controlled the sword array, and continued to attack the Black Prison Master.

Lin Feng knew that the Black Prison Master definitely still had a powerful killing move that he had not yet unleashed, so Lin Feng also had reservations.

It would be better if the Black Prison Master never used his killing moves.

Slowly polish his condition.

After his condition dropped to a certain level, he would be unable to use those powerful killing moves.

Under the attack of the sword array, the situation of the Black Prison Master gradually became worse.

This is naturally a happy thing for Lin Feng.

"Boy, do you think you can deal with me like this? Then you are totally wrong. I want you to learn what's really scary about me!". The Black Prison Master was so suppressed by Lin Feng that he was completely angered, and his eyes were spitting out anger.

Obviously this guy is going to use powerful means to fight back.

After all, I couldn't hold it any longer.

"Ah!", but as soon as the Black Prison Master finished speaking, he couldn't help but let out a painful scream. It turned out that Lin Feng had been secretly looking for a flaw in the Black Prison Master.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

As long as he reveals a flaw, Lin Feng will immediately launch a soul attack on him.

What Lin Feng used was the God-Splitting Heavenly Technique. Although the God-Splitting Heavenly Technique is not Lin Feng's most powerful soul attack technique, the God-Splitting Heavenly Technique is released by a spell and can be used to conceal the truth.

Lin Feng's soul attack was not mainly to hurt the soul of the Black Prison Master, but to interrupt the Black Prison Master's attack.

Suddenly, the Black Prison Master really got Lin Feng's thumb.

After the Black Prison Master received soul damage, his own flaws became even greater. Lin Feng's twenty-three stone swords continued to kill the Black Prison Master. The Black Prison Master endured the severe pain from his head and swung his sword to resist. Twenty-three stone swords attacked, but he was still defeated.

He was knocked away again and spit out a mouthful of blood again.

Lin Feng felt that the opportunity had come, and he planned to suppress the Black Prison Master in one go.


At this time, Lin Feng suddenly felt a faint breath coming from behind. This kind of breath was almost difficult to detect. Even Lin Feng some time ago might not be able to sense this breath.

It was during this period that Lin Feng's level improved significantly.

That's why he could feel such a weak breath, but this weak breath made Lin Feng's expression change drastically.

He knew that the existence he had sensed before must have appeared.

That guy has been staring at me for a long time.

Now he finally couldn't hold himself back anymore and took action against himself.

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