Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 642: Terrible tiger and leopard beast

This existence also disrupted Lin Feng's plan to deal with the Black Prison Master. There was no way around it. After all, potential threats were always there, and the opponent was very good at finding opportunities to take action.

At this time, I was doing my best to deal with the Black Prison Master. If I didn't take action at this time, it would not be easy to find such a good opportunity again.

Lin Feng now has two choices. The first one is to continue to deal with the Black Prison Master and ignore the existence behind him, but obviously Lin Feng will not choose this situation.

The strength of the existence in the dark is really tyrannical and unfathomable. Lin Feng cannot figure out what his specific abilities are, so he naturally needs to take it seriously and be cautious.

Otherwise, he may die quite miserably. Even if he is lucky enough to survive, he may end up seriously injured. This is a situation that Lin Feng does not want to see.

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The second option was to quickly dodge the attacks from the secret existence, but in this case, the Black Prison Master would also be able to get out of trouble. Lin Feng decided to choose the second method, in addition to being afraid of the secret existence.

Lin Feng felt that the Black Prison Master must have other hidden methods, and it would not be that easy to suppress him in one fell swoop.

After thinking this, Lin Feng's body swayed and disappeared from the place. He used the technique of the Great Void to avoid the existence in the dark. However, what Lin Feng did not expect was that the existence followed him like a shadow. After Lin Feng appeared again, that existence Zunzun was still behind him and launched an attack on him.

A black and sharp claw poked out from the void and grabbed directly towards the main artery of Lin Feng's neck. This blow was incredibly fast and powerful, making Lin Feng's face slightly tremble. Change.

However, Lin Feng was not unprepared. In fact, Lin Feng had always been very wary of the existence in the dark, so when he used the Great Void Technique to avoid it, he was still brewing the Illusive Curse.

As long as the situation is not right, Lin Feng will cast the Illusive Curse. But now that the situation is not right, Lin Feng decisively casts the Illusive Curse.

Needless to say, the power of the Illusive Curse goes without saying. After casting the Illusive Curse, Lin Feng's body became illusory. The sharp claws could not catch Lin Feng, but only caught Lin Feng's phantom.

"Die to me!".

Lin Feng roared loudly, and then punched the person in the dark. Although this guy only had one claw visible, Lin Feng knew that it was right in front of him.

Lin Feng also used his strongest punch this time.

The existence in the dark quickly waved its claws to compete with Lin Feng. Its luck was obviously much worse than that of the Black Prison Master.

When Lin Feng punched the Black Prison Master, his passive magical power Dragon Elephant Critical Strike and City Linking Technique failed to activate.

But this time.

Although the Liancheng Jue has not been activated.

But Dragon Elephant's critical strike was activated.

The power doubled again.


Along with the sound of a violent collision that shook the earth, Lin Feng's accumulated momentum and doubled punch exploded with a power that destroyed the world and directly blew away the existence hidden in the darkness. When it came out, this being was obviously hit by a huge impact. The claws that were fighting against Lin Feng were broken by Lin Feng, and the powerful concussion force made the being spit out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Feng also saw clearly what this statue looked like.

This being looks like a black tiger or a black leopard. The hair on its body is black with purple, and it looks weird.

Lin Feng did know about dragon and lion beasts.

Or Tigon.

But I have never heard of tiger and leopard beasts.

It was this guy who had incredible lurking ability. He followed Lin Feng all the way here and wanted to sneak attack Lin Feng in secret.

In fact, if Lin Feng's methods were not powerful enough.

Lin Feng had definitely suffered from the sneak attack just now.

If it had been anyone else, they might have been poisoned by this tiger and leopard beast.

What shocked Lin Feng even more was that he saw that the claws of the tiger and leopard beast were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Feng could even feel the situation inside the tiger and leopard beast's body.

It is also recovering at a fast and incredible speed.

This kind of repair ability shocked even Lin Feng, who had mastered the immortal bloodline.

Obviously this is the ability that tiger and leopard beasts are born with.

Lin Feng did know that there were some demon cultivators or some vegetation types in this world, and they did have extremely powerful regeneration or repair abilities.

Lin Feng even felt that the evolution of the immortal bloodline was based on the rules found in the life processes of these demonic cultivator-like beings or vegetation-like beings, forming a complete bloodline evolution.

"Brother Beast, how about you and I join forces to kill this kid?".

At this time, the Black Prison Master looked at the tiger and leopard beast and said.

This guy had a good idea and actually wanted to use the power of the tiger and leopard beast to deal with Lin Feng.

But after the tiger and leopard beast heard what the Black Prison Master said, he showed contempt in his eyes. It was obvious that he had no intention of joining forces with the Black Prison Master.

The look in the tiger and leopard beast's eyes seemed to deeply irritate Young Master Black Prison, making him extremely angry.

How could he, the prison master, have ever asked for cooperation in such a humble way?

Now a stubborn beast dared to despise him, which made the Black Prison Master feel murderous in his heart.

What surprised the Black Prison Master was that when he had such extremely angry emotions, the compass seemed to absorb the power of these negative emotions.

There were waves of fluctuations.

Then, Young Master Black Prison seemed to sense something, and he laughed suddenly, "Hahahaha, I knew that I was the one destined by fate. Now, my opportunity has finally come. You two will die at the hands of this Young Master." In hand!".

Seeing the crazy-looking Black Prison Master, Lin Feng couldn't help but be slightly startled. Why did this guy suddenly become like this?

Could it be!

What happened that he didn't know about?

This possibility also exists.

Think of this.

Lin Feng quickly controlled the twenty-three stone swords and continued to kill the Black Prison Master. Lin Feng wanted to take a preemptive strike and kill this guy before the Black Prison Master was fully prepared.


It was too late now. The Black Prison Master took out the compass. The compass and the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues actually resonated powerfully and emitted a terrifying beam of light.

Those light beams collided hard with Lin Feng's twenty-three stone swords, and even Lin Feng's twenty-three stone swords were knocked away by those light beams.

The Black Prison Master quickly flew towards the group of Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues.

He yelled, "Twelve Yuan Chen, resurrect me!".



After the Black Prison Master's voice fell, the twelve Yuan Chen stone statues started to move. Every time they moved, the earth shook.

The fluctuations emanating from the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues gave Lin Feng a creepy feeling.

Seeing the resurrected Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues, Lin Feng's expression suddenly changed.

The tiger and leopard beast not far away was even more direct, running directly towards the outside, wanting to escape from this place quickly.

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