Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 643: Tiger leopard beast evolution

The perception of danger by a being like the Tiger and Leopard Beast is absolutely unparalleled.

Tiger and leopard beasts can escape quickly.

Lin Feng's escape speed was not slow either.

Seeing that the guy from the Black Prison has developed a deeper communication with the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue here, there is not much meaning in continuing to stay. Moreover, once the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue recovers, what terrible things will happen? That's unknown.

It's better to be careful.

"You two despicable things, don't you think it's too late to leave now? The Twelve Yuan Chen Forbidden Technique."

The Black Prison Master couldn't help but drink coldly.

After his voice fell, the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues each fired a beam of light in one direction. The beams of light emitted by the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues instantly bloomed into countless beams of light in mid-air. The countless beams of light were They quickly intertwined together, forming a large network that blocked the world.

Together with the void here, it was completely sealed.

Therefore, when Lin Feng and Tiger Leopard Beast tried to rush out of this place, they were unable to succeed at all, and they were all bounced back.


Then something even more terrifying happened. The Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues opened their eyes. When they opened their eyes, the world seemed to be extinguished.

A terrifying look shone in their eyes.

Those eyes can truly destroy everything, making people horrified and moved.

Facing the illumination of the beam, Lin Feng did not dare to be careless and quickly activated several top-level defensive magic weapons. The defensive magic weapons Lin Feng mastered quickly constructed a powerful defensive light shield, protecting him within it.

Lin Feng is now thinking about whether to mobilize the army of undead monks to deal with the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues.

Under normal circumstances, if Lin Feng could not mobilize the undead army, he would try his best not to mobilize the undead army.

In particular, the undead army finally recovered.

Lin Feng wouldn't mind mobilizing the undead army if he could get a lot of benefits.

But at present, the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues have been controlled by the Black Prison Master. The aura of the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues is too terrifying. After the undead army is mobilized, it is estimated that there will be a lot of damage in a fight, and relying on For these Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues, Lin Feng felt that it would not be very difficult for the Black Prison Master to break out. Therefore, mobilizing the undead army would not bring much benefit to Lin Feng, and would also cause a loss of the undead army.

In this case, the best option would be to try to break out.

So Lin Feng quickly judged a direction and quickly flew in that direction. But when he was halfway, the beam of light hit the defensive light shield protecting Lin Feng, and Lin Feng was also blown away. Got out.

Lin Feng was so shocked that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Feng was shocked.

What is going on with these Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues? The combat power is really terrifying. This is just a beam of light from the eyes, but it has such terrifying attack power. If the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues attack with all their strength, It is simply unimaginable what kind of terrifying combat power it can unleash.

Lin Feng felt so uncomfortable, let alone the tiger and leopard beast.

Lin Feng took a look at the tiger and leopard beast, and it was exactly as he guessed. The tiger and leopard beast was in a worse condition. There were many wounds on the tiger and leopard beast that was blown away, and there was even a beam of light that penetrated it. The body of a tiger and leopard beast.

Blood continued to flow from the body of the tiger and leopard beast.

The most powerful thing about the Tiger and Leopard Beast is probably its stealth and ambush skills. Of course, the Tiger and Leopard Beast itself is also powerful enough. It is not easy to injure it like this with one blow. You must know that Lin Feng just exploded with all his strength. The punch only broke off one of the tiger and leopard beast's claws.

Compared with the current injury, it is completely incomparable.

Lin Feng sent a message to Tigress and said, "If you are willing to surrender to me, I can save your life!".

"Don't even think about it!"

The tiger leopard beast gave Lin Feng a cold look.

Not to mention, this guy is quite arrogant.

But this is its choice, and Lin Feng respects its choice.

Lin Feng thought about escaping from this place quickly, but at this time, the attack of the Twelve Yuanchen stone statues came again.

The power this time is even more powerful than before.

Feeling the beam of light coming from him, Lin Feng couldn't help but want to curse.

"Look how you die!".

The Black Prison Master looked at the tiger and leopard beast coldly. He knew that this attack would probably not be able to kill Lin Feng, but he believed that the tiger and leopard beast would definitely not be able to withstand this wave of attacks.

It is definitely a dead end.

After killing the tiger and leopard beast, he can use all his strength to deal with Lin Feng. Master Black Prison believes that Lin Feng will not be able to compete with him at that time, and his death will be quite miserable.

But right now.

Something shocking happened.

The tiger and leopard beast made a crackling sound from within its body.

Then Lin Feng saw that the body of the tiger and leopard beast had changed. The originally black tiger and leopard beast instantly turned into a golden tiger and leopard beast, and the golden layer on the outside of the golden tiger and leopard beast The fur, like golden armor, reflected a cold luster.

After quickly completing its evolution, the tiger and leopard beast quickly headed towards the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statue.

Its speed was so fast that it rushed to the stone statue of Twelve Yuanchen in the blink of an eye.

A series of beams of light shone on its body, but it did not break its defense. Of course, the tiger and leopard beast was not uninjured, and it let out a painful and shrill roar.

Obviously, although those beams did not break through its defense, they still caused considerable damage to its body.

But these injuries are within the range that the tiger and leopard beast can bear.

The tiger and leopard beast rushed to the first stone statue.

He waved his huge claws and struck hard at the head of the stone statue.

The attacks from the other stone statues hit the tiger and leopard beast one after another. The tiger and leopard beast endured the severe pain and did not dodge. Instead, it resisted all the attacks. It swung out the upper body in a few breaths. Hundreds of attacks.


The head of the stone statue, after withstanding hundreds of attacks from the tiger and leopard beast, finally couldn't hold on anymore and was photographed off by the tiger and leopard beast with its huge claws.

After the Yuan Chen stone statue was destroyed.

The rest of the Yuan Chen stone statues were also greatly affected, and their power began to weaken rapidly. Moreover, the restriction that sealed this place became extremely unstable.

The tiger and leopard beast soared into the sky, tore through the restrictions and escaped quickly.

The whole process was actually quite short, and Lin Feng was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the tiger and leopard beast could evolve, and the evolved tiger and leopard beast was really terrifying. At the very least, it had to be a powerful beast with more than thirty immortal temples. Otherwise, Lin Feng could choose to escape at this time.

But Lin Feng did not leave. He felt that the tiger and leopard beast destroyed the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues, causing the power of the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues to begin to drain away quickly. So, did he have a chance to collect the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues?

If we collect these Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues, we might be able to control these Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues, and even further unearth more secrets of the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel excited.

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