Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 644: Deliberately angering the prison master

The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death.

When Lin Feng's bold idea appeared, it was no longer possible to suppress it in his heart.

But even if you really take action.

Lin Feng also knew that things might not be as smooth as expected. After all, the strength of the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues was still quite terrifying.

Therefore, Lin Feng has also formulated a series of subsequent strategies. If everything goes well, he will naturally seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to collect the Twelve Yuanchen stone statues, and even suppress and subdue the Black Prison Master, and then transfer to the Black Prison. Young master, let this guy serve you.

If things don't go well, you may have to retreat quickly.

Before taking action, make a plan so that you can advance and retreat with a well-founded basis.

Lin Feng did not retreat but advanced.

Quickly kill towards the Black Prison Master.

Young Master Black Prison was already very angry when he saw the head of the stone statue of Yuan Chen destroyed by the tiger and leopard beast. What made him even more angry was that the tiger and leopard beast ran away. He thought that Lin Feng would also follow the tiger and leopard beast. Ran away.

But who would have thought that Lin Feng did not escape.

Instead, he quickly killed himself.

This made the Black Prison Master slightly stunned. Who is the Black Prison Master? He is definitely a very smart person. When he saw Lin Feng coming to kill him, he knew what Lin Feng was planning. The Black Prison Master did not know about the Undead Army, so he was From the Black Prison Young Master's point of view, Lin Feng's sudden charge was simply seeking death.

A fierce murderous intention suddenly appeared on his face, and the Black Prison Master was quite angry when he let the tiger and leopard beast escape.

But if Lin Feng can be killed.

That's still pretty good.

In particular, he peeked at many good things about Lin Feng.

Now, there is a chance to get these things.

Thinking of this, the Black Prison Master became excited.

The Black Prison Master quickly contacted the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue. He did not immediately let the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue attack Lin Feng. Instead, he asked the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue to reseal the torn blockade.

The Black Prison Master's thoughts were extremely simple. He was mainly worried that Lin Feng would see that he was defeated later and would want to escape if the torn seal was not re-closed.


With Lin Feng's ability, it was still possible to escape.

But if the seal is sealed again, Lin Feng will not be able to escape. He does not believe that Lin Feng also has the ability of the tiger and leopard beast to defy the sky.

After completely sealing the void here.

The Black Prison Master looked at Lin Feng with a ferocious smile and said, "Boy! You didn't escape when I just gave you a chance to escape. Do you think you still have a chance to escape now? Let's see how I torture you later!".


The Black Prison Master waved his hand, and then the twelve Yuan Chen attacked Lin Feng again. This time, the attack of the twelve Yuan Chen was no longer a gaze attack, and all the twelve Yuan Chen raised their claws.

Including Yuan Chen, the rat with a severed head, also raised his paws.

A powerful beam of light was condensed in their claws, and the beam of light quickly shot toward Lin Feng.

There is no way to dodge this kind of attack, you can only choose to resist it.

While Lin Feng activated the major defensive treasures to construct a defensive light shield to protect himself, he also displayed magical defensive powers such as being indestructible and as solid as a rock.

It even mobilized the defensive role played by the magic lotus.

Lin Feng did this to achieve multiple defenses.

This can share the attack power from Twelve Yuanchen.

Bang bang bang…

Twelve Yuanchen's attack came with a blast and hit the defensive light shield outside Lin Feng. Lin Feng was sent flying again, and his body hit the rock wall heavily.

He couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood.

Lin Feng was shocked!

This Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue is so powerful. In fact, this is the attack made by the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue after its combat power dropped drastically after the Zi Mouse Yuan Chen Stone Statue was destroyed. This attack is stronger than the previous gaze attack. It would definitely be one or two levels higher, if it weren't for the weakening power of the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues.

Lin Feng used all kinds of defensive methods, and it was probably difficult to resist the opponent's attack.

However, we can deal with it now.

On the other side, the Black Prison Master looked quite arrogant after seeing Lin Feng being knocked away again.

He laughed hahaha, looked at Lin Feng with an expression of contempt and disdain, and said, "Boy, you are really incompetent. Now hurry up and kneel down and call me grandpa three times. When I am in a good mood, grandpa, maybe you will I’ll consider sparing your life!”.

The Black Prison Master didn't lie. Although he wanted to cut Lin Feng into pieces with thousands of knives, but if he could conquer someone like Lin Feng for his use after letting out a bad breath, he actually wouldn't mind leaving Lin Feng alone. But the premise is that Lin Feng must do what he said.

Lin Feng sneered in his heart, but secretly communicated with Beibei.

Originally Lin Feng's idea was to mobilize the undead army to deal with the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues and the Black Prison Master, but Lin Feng found that the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues were really powerful, and the combined combat power was even more amazing. Such a existence It doesn't seem to be particularly difficult to escape from the army.

But it would be different if he changed his strategy. Lin Feng discovered that the medium of communication between the Black Prison Master and Twelve Yuanchen was the compass in his hand.

If the Black Prison Master loses the compass, there is a high probability that he will not be able to communicate with the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues.

So Lin Feng plans to send Beibei out now. What Lin Feng has to do is to attract the attention of the Black Prison Master. This guy himself looks very arrogant and does not have enough precautions against his surroundings. It is normal to think about it. The place has been sealed off, and he has fully demonstrated his advantages, so naturally he doesn't need to be so cautious.

But he underestimated Lin Feng's background.

When Lin Feng attracted more attention from the Black Prison Master.

The Black Prison Master's perception of the surroundings will be further reduced.

Beibei's lurking methods are extremely powerful.

When the time comes, Beibei quietly lurks next to the Black Prison Master, and there is a high possibility that he will **** the compass away from the Black Prison Master.

Therefore, after communicating with Beibei, Lin Feng looked at the Black Prison Master and deliberately angered the Black Prison Master and said, "Haha, grandson, are you just pretending to be a **** here? Why do you have the nerve to pretend? You saw me outside before. When I was young, I was like a lost dog. After practicing for so many years, I still can’t do anything to me now. I think your grandson has completely trained like a dog. Do you think you can deal with your grandpa and me with the help of these broken stone statues? Well, let me tell you, it’s far from enough. Grandpa, I will give you a chance to live now. If you kneel to death and kowtow to me ten times, your grandfather, I will spare your life!”

Lin Feng said and raised his fingers at the Black Prison Master, his eyes filled with contempt for the Black Prison Master.

Lin Feng's series of actions.

In an instant, he completely angered the Black Prison Master.

Infinite murderous intent suddenly burst out from the eyes of the Black Prison Master. He roared filial piety angrily, "Little beast, you are seeking death. I will cut you into pieces...".

After the words fell, the Black Prison Master once again gave the order to attack Lin Feng on the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues.

The current Black Prison Master has been driven mad by Lin Feng. He is now waiting for the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue to kill Lin Feng with the most cruel means.

When Lin Feng saw the Black Prison Master who was completely mad, he was not afraid of being rejoiced.

As expected, this guy can't hold his breath. This is also a typical second-generation immortal's stinking problem. Basically, everything comes smoothly. He has encountered many setbacks. He will definitely explode at the first moment. Now the fish is hooked.

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