Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 650: Gain insights into the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues!

Lin Feng found a hidden place and began to retreat to recover. Although the previous consumption was quite considerable, Lin Feng was not actually seriously injured, so it was relatively easy to recover.

What's more, Lin Feng also has an artifact like time and space, and it doesn't actually take Lin Feng too long to adjust his state to the best.

After Lin Feng completely recovered, Lin Feng did not leave the seclusion immediately, but planned to study the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues first to see if he could understand the secret of the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues. When Lin Feng and the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues obtained While communicating, his expression couldn't help but change slightly.

Because Lin Feng discovered that there were some problems with the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue. Originally, the power contained in the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue was quite powerful and terrifying, but now, the power of the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statue has been extremely lost. This made Lin Feng Quite surprised, because the speed of this power loss is indeed a bit too alarming.

Lin Feng couldn't help but pondered slightly in his heart. Could it have something to do with leaving the Yuanchen ruins? Thinking about it carefully, this possibility does exist. After all, the twelve Yuanchen stone statues have been at the Yuanchen ruins for an extremely long time. With that The place has formed an extremely close connection, and the Yuanchen ruins have accumulated a lot of energy, which can form a special resonance with the Twelve Yuanchen stone statues. When this resonance is lost, then the Twelve Yuanchen stone statues will It is reasonable for the Chen stone statue to lose its power quickly.

Lin Feng originally thought that the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues were also quite powerful. Perhaps it would be a good choice to refine the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues and use them as guards or something, but now it seems This idea is probably unrealistic.

However, the matter of Lin Feng letting the Twelve Yuan Chen stone statues serve as guards is not the most important thing. It is an additional possibility. It is naturally the best. If not, Lin Feng will not care too much. What really makes Lin Feng care is whether he can get it. The complete twelve yuan chen divine method.

After all, with the continuous improvement of cultivation level.

Lin Feng's contact with the Twelve Earthly Branches King became more and more frequent. As his reputation became more and more famous, the Twelve Earthly Branches King must have wanted to kill him more and more. It would be very difficult to reach the height of the Twelve Earthly Branches King in a short time. It's a difficult thing, but if you can grasp some of the weaknesses of the twelve earthly branch kings, it will be a different matter.

At least when you see the twelve earthly branch kings, you have a way to restrain them.

Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts communicated with the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues, and then he tried to comprehend the Twelve Yuan Chen Divine Laws from the Twelve Yuan Chen Stone Statues, but to be honest, this was not an easy task, after all. The divine law of Twelve Yuan Chen is very involved.

No matter when, the more powerful the opportunity, the harder it is to get it.

The more heaven-defying skills and magical powers are, the harder it is to obtain them.

Even if there are some special examples, the overall situation will basically not change.

But Lin Feng was not without gain. Lin Feng vaguely sensed some dots and dots of similar things. After careful screening, Lin Feng found that those dots and dots of similar things were very special, as if they were transformed by the Great Dao.

And those things are like stars densely scattered in the starry sky world.

So bright.

Lin Feng wanted to further explore those little bits and pieces of the same thing, but unfortunately, he could not find any more useful content.

Lin Feng knew that this retreat was almost over.

If you continue digging, you probably won’t be able to find anything meaningful.

This is what cultivation is like.

A little progress each time.

A little adds up to a lot.

How can you become fat in one bite?

Lin Feng was in a good mood after coming out of seclusion. After all, the gains before the end of training were quite good.

Lin Feng continued to try to sense the aura of the tiger and leopard beast to see if he could find the tiger and leopard beast.

I didn't sense the aura of the tiger and leopard beast last time.

But this time, his luck seemed pretty good. Lin Feng successfully captured a familiar aura. This aura was the aura of the tiger and leopard beast.

In fact, it was not difficult for Lin Feng to capture the breath of the tiger and leopard beast from such a long distance.

This can be done based on two circumstances.

The first point.

Lin Feng's spiritual sense must be strong enough. If his spiritual sense is not strong enough, then the search range will be relatively small and his perception will be relatively weak. It is naturally a fantasy to sense the location of the tiger and leopard beast, unless both parties Only when the distance is relatively close and you are lucky can you sense it.

Second point.

Lin Feng left a mark on the tiger and leopard beast.

It is not easy to quietly leave a mark on the top powerhouse, because the top powerhouse's spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful.

When you try to leave a mark on the other person.

The other party can sense it easily.

Fortunately, the previous battle was too fierce, taking away too much of the tiger and leopard beast's energy, causing the tiger and leopard beast's perception of the outside world to become much weaker, and Lin Feng found an opportunity.

However, the previous battle was not that fierce.

The tiger and leopard beasts do not take away so much attention, and it is difficult to reach the sky if they want to succeed.

Therefore, Lin Feng's final ability to leave a mark on the tiger and leopard beast actually had some luck in it, but in any case, it was done this way. For Lin Feng, it was a chance to track the tiger and leopard beast. Lin Feng chose a direction based on his own senses and quickly flew in that direction.

Two days later.

Lin Feng entered a dark and gloomy mountain forest. This place made him feel quite uncomfortable. This place should be the hiding place of the tiger and leopard beast.

Lin Feng did not show up when he arrived here, and was still hiding in the void.

As the saying goes, a centipede is dead but not stiff.

The trapped beast still fights.

The beast before death is the most terrifying.

These **** lessons taught Lin Feng that he must not let down his guard just because the tiger and leopard beast was injured. If he did, he might be the unlucky one in the end.

Lin Feng carefully lurked towards the depths.

The deeper he went, the more uncomfortable Lin Feng felt.

Along the way, he saw many skeletons, including large skeletons and smaller skeletons. Lin Feng guessed whether these skeletons were all prey hunted by the tiger and leopard beast.

The meat was gone, leaving only the bones piled here.

Finally, Lin Feng reached the deepest position.

it's here.

A huge cave that resembled a tiger's mouth appeared in Lin Feng's sight. The cave seemed to be a ferocious beast that chose people and wanted to swallow them whole.

The lair of the tiger and leopard beast has been found!

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