Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 651: Strange fragrance

Finally, he found the lair of the tiger and leopard beast. Lin Feng did not rush into the lair immediately, but first observed the situation of the lair. This lair looked really unusual. Lin Feng carefully explored it and took a look at the lair. Are there any hidden killing moves or other methods in the outer area of ​​the lair? These are all aspects that need to be carefully guarded against. However, after careful exploration, Lin Feng did not find anything special. Lin Feng decided to go deep into the lair to take a look. What is the specific situation?

Lin Feng was still invisible. He quickly moved towards the tiger and leopard beast's lair. After entering it, he first saw a huge cave. As soon as Lin Feng entered the cave, the cave became foggy.

Obviously, this cave is equipped with means such as a magic array, but it must be much more complicated than a magic array.

Lin Feng was trapped in it.

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh slightly. He originally wanted to sneak in quietly, find the tiger and leopard beast, and attack the tiger and leopard beast. But now the phantom formation here has been activated because of his arrival. If the tiger and leopard beast is here, Lin Feng believed that the tiger and leopard beast would be able to detect the situation here.

It seems that the fact that he came here has been completely exposed. In this case, Lin Feng simply showed up.

Lin Feng carefully sensed the phantom array here, and immediately discovered that the phantom array here was very complicated, and it could even be called the most complex phantom array Lin Feng had ever seen.

However, Lin Feng's formation skills are extremely profound.

Even when faced with such a complex phantom array, Lin Feng still looked very calm. Lin Feng carefully studied the phantom array here and found that the phantom array here should belong to the phantom array controlled by external objects. This kind of phantom array is often controlled by external objects. It is the most difficult to crack, because the foreign object controlling the phantom array is likely to be spiritual or alive.

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If this is really the case, then theoretically speaking, as long as the existence controlling the phantom array continuously changes its position, it is indeed not easy to find the other party.

The requirements for monks to deal with such existence are relatively high.

In particular, the requirements for the monks’ spiritual thoughts are extremely demanding, because if you want to find out where the existence is hidden, you basically need to rely on the monks’ spiritual thoughts to see through the influence of the illusion and perceive the existence of the statue. Hiding place.

Lin Feng sat across the stream and released his spiritual thoughts.

Begin to concentrate on sensing the place where the existence may be hiding.

Lin Feng is not worried about being suddenly attacked. After all, Lin Feng still has an external avatar staring outside. If a new situation does occur, then Lin Feng's external avatar can respond immediately, and Lin Feng's external incarnation has also improved extremely quickly with the improvement of Lin Feng's original combat power. It should not be underestimated and is completely worthy of trust.

Lin Feng searched carefully with his mind, but couldn't find anything. This made Lin Feng frown slightly, but Lin Feng didn't say anything more and tried to search a few more times.

But there was still no gain, which made Lin Feng a little depressed. The other party was hiding too deeply.

It is too difficult to find each other.

"By the way, can we use the original eye and clairvoyance to explore together with spiritual thoughts?" Lin Feng thought of a way.

The Eye of Origin claims to see through the essence of everything.

The celestial eye is said to see through all falsehood and truth between heaven and earth.

The combination of the Eye of Origin and the Sky Eye is definitely a perfect combination. Coupled with Lin Feng's spiritual perception, it is indeed a method that can be tried.


Lin Feng began to try to use this method to sense where the existence was hidden. He sensed it several times in succession, but still did not find anything. This made Lin Feng a little helpless. He felt that his judgment was not wrong, but that the other person was hiding. The depth was completely beyond his expectation.

However, despite repeated failures, Lin Feng still had no intention of giving up.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Lin Feng's mind, and he thought of a way.

Although he was trapped in the illusion, there was one thing that could not be changed. That was the place where Lin Feng was. The space was so big. Even if the illusion had a great impact on Lin Feng, this place was still there. This does not prevent the space in this place from actually changing at all. In other words, after Lin Feng sacrificed the sky fire, the sky fire could easily fill the entire space.

The power of heavenly fire needs no introduction.

Lin Feng sacrificed the sky fire for one purpose, which was to use the extremely high temperature of the sky fire to reveal the being hidden in the darkness.

Lin Feng knew very well how difficult the being hidden in the dark was, and how powerful it was in hiding.

But no matter how strong its hiding ability is, it cannot completely ignore Sky Fire.

Lin Feng quickly took action.

Twelve kinds of heavenly fire were sacrificed by Lin Feng, and the heavenly fire burned fiercely.

Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts, clairvoyance, and eye of origin have not yet been removed.

Just to sense whether there will be any changes in the phantom formation under the burning state of sky fire.

At first, nothing was discovered.

But half an hour later.

Lin Feng finally discovered a change. Somewhere in the illusion array, there was an abnormal fluctuation. This fluctuation was almost imperceptible.

But it was still captured by Lin Feng.

After catching the faint change, Lin Feng waved his right hand.

next moment.

A stone sword quickly appeared at that location, and then plunged into the ground.


Blood spurted out, and the stone sword immediately stabbed the thing hidden underground to death. After the existence was stabbed to death, the surrounding phantom formation quickly disappeared.

Lin Feng glanced in that direction.

There was a pool of blood in that place.

The existence stabbed to death by the stone sword is still hidden on the ground, and the body has not been revealed.

The existence hidden underground that controls the phantom formation is definitely a different species from heaven and earth. It would indeed be a pity to kill it directly.

But Lin Feng had no other choice.

Lin Feng was not interested in knowing what it looked like. After collecting the stone sword, Lin Feng looked deeper and found that a huge passage appeared in his sight.

That passage leads directly to a deeper location.

Lin Feng entered the passage. He walked towards the depth of the passage. The deeper he went, the wider the passage became.

Every time you walk a certain distance, the passage will fork.

But Lin Feng kept walking along the main passage and did not explore the forks in the road.

We walked for about half an hour.

Lin Feng suddenly smelled a strange smell, which came from deep inside. He didn't know what the smell was coming from. After smelling the strange smell, Lin Feng actually felt a kind of floating... floating... desire... ...feeling...

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