Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 652: Strange fruit

The delicious fragrance was so intoxicating that Lin Feng couldn't help but stretch out comfortably.

As the saying goes, the ultimate treasure comes from a dangerous place.

It seems that this kind of thing is not just talk, it is indeed the case. Lin Feng has seen some extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth in many dangerous places.

Lin Feng didn't know what the vegetation here was, but it smelled so good and had a great boost to the body, which was extremely amazing.

Lin Feng decided to follow this scent and look for it to see what kind of treasure from heaven and earth exuded such a strong scent. Lin Feng thought to himself, it couldn't be a treasure at the level of immortal elixir. If so, it would be unbelievable. Yes, this is absolutely an unimaginable opportunity and gain.

Lin Feng walked towards the fork in the road where the scent emanated. It was said to be a fork in the road, but in fact the passage was not small, with a diameter of seven or eight meters.

Lin Feng entered the passage and looked deep into it, only to see that the deep passage was very tortuous.

It was dark, and it was hard to see what was going on in the depths.

He had to go deep into it to find out the specific situation inside. Lin Feng walked cautiously towards the depths. As he went deeper into the desire, the fragrance became stronger and stronger, making Lin Feng more and more curious about what the things inside were. .

After turning many corners in succession, Lin Feng finally saw an ancient tree as tall as a person growing in the deep passage. This ancient tree was rooted in the center of the passage. Although it was not high, it had luxuriant branches and a trunk. Vigorous and powerful, like a hovering dragon body.

This small tree bore more than a dozen fiery red fruits. It was this fiery red fruit that exuded the extremely rich fragrance. After seeing this fruit, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly brightened, although it was not He doesn't know the origin of this small tree, but he can feel the extraordinaryness of this small tree and the extraordinaryness of the fruit. That kind of fruit tree is definitely not simple. The energy contained inside the fruit is even more... It's unimaginable.

A fruit like that is already very precious, not to mention that there are more than a dozen such fruits on that small tree.

Lin Feng quickly walked towards the small tree, but at this time, the branches of the small tree swayed, shaking out quite terrifying power. That power swept towards Lin Feng.

I want to break Lin Feng's body to pieces.

"What a powerful attack!".

Feeling the powerful attack, Lin Feng's **** shrank slightly. It was hard to imagine that a small tree could release such a powerful attack. It was an attack that shocked even Lin Feng.

Of course, shocked.

Where is Lin Feng's current combat power? It is still difficult for the attack from this small tree to hurt Lin Feng. Facing the attack from the small tree, Lin Feng mobilized the power of the domineering magnetic field. Lin Feng did not want to cause too much damage. There was a big movement, and he controlled the domineering magnetic field within a certain range. When the powerful attack came and entered the range of the domineering magnetic field.

The domineering magnetic field can quietly neutralize the attack.


It was exactly as Lin Feng guessed.

The domineering magnetic field defused the attack of the little tree, and Lin Feng then expanded the area covered by the domineering magnetic field a lot, shrouding the small tree in the domineering magnetic field.

I don’t know if it’s because I was intimidated by the domineering magnetic field.

That little tree!

He actually didn't launch any more attacks on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng could now come to Xiaoshu with peace of mind.

Soon Lin Feng walked to Xiaoshu's side.

He observed the small tree carefully, and Lin Feng saw something that surprised him. He found that the branches, leaves, trunk, and even the fruits of the small tree were all imprinted with mysterious runes.

The energy fluctuations contained in these mysterious runes are quite amazing.

This was the first time Lin Feng had seen such a fruit tree, and he didn't know the origin of this small tree. From the looks of it, it didn't look like an elixir of immortality.

But even if it is not an immortal wish, it is definitely an unimaginable immortal root of heaven and earth.

Otherwise it wouldn't be so extraordinary.

Lin Feng thought to himself, the place where this small tree appeared was so special, it couldn't be the fairy roots left over from the previous reincarnation.

This speculation is not without some basis. If this is the case, then the value of this small tree may be greater than imagined.

Lin Feng's eyes were deeply attracted by the fruits produced on the small tree.

This fruit seemed to have a magical power, making Lin Feng's body feel like it was moving.

This feeling is like a critical breakthrough, when you suddenly see some big opportunity, and your body becomes excited.

"Perhaps you can pick a fruit and taste it to see what is so mysterious about this fruit!". Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

After thinking this, Lin Feng took action and picked a fruit.

He discovered that the fruit had a dull warmth.

In fact, normally speaking, all kinds of fruits, including fruits produced by various fairy roots, are slightly cold to start with.

There are relatively few warm fruits available.

Most of these fruits are fire-attribute fruits.

Therefore, this kind of fruit should most likely be a fire-attributed fruit. Of course, some people think that fire-red fruits are fire-attributed. There is no basis for this judgment.

Color does not represent an attribute.

Lin Feng has seen many fiery red fruits, which are not actually fire-attributed. For example, a fruit called Red Cloud Fruit, whose five elements belong to wood.

There are many such fruits.

In the secular world, common fruits such as tomatoes and strawberries are not fire-attributed.

Lin Feng was about to eat the fruit, but what Lin Feng didn't expect was that the fruit spontaneously ignited quickly.

"What's happening here?".

Lin Feng was slightly startled.

This was a strange fruit, and it was destroyed like this, which made Lin Feng a little depressed.

Could it be that this kind of fruit will spontaneously combust as soon as it is picked? If so, there is no way to preserve the fruit.

Lin Feng directly grabbed the branch, then opened his mouth and ate the first fruit that was still growing on the branch.

The fruit tasted slightly sour with some sweetness. It tasted quite good, but Lin Feng didn't feel much after eating it, so Lin Feng ate all the fruits in one go.

After Lin Feng ate these fruits.

Lin Feng suddenly felt something was wrong. He found that a powerful medicinal power suddenly rippled through his body. This medicinal power was quite violent.

This medicinal power mainly targets the monk's internal organs.

Wherever this medicinal power passes, it seems to be able to deprive everything of its vitality in an instant, making that thing wither instantly. And these medicinal powers are obviously intended to quickly destroy Lin Feng's internal organs. Lin Feng tried to prevent this However, it failed. This kind of medicine was extremely penetrating and its target was extremely clear. It seemed that it would never give up until Lin Feng's internal organs were destroyed. This made Lin Feng's face change slightly.

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