Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 657: Reveal one's flaws

"My heart is calm. All women are like dreams, all are like skeletons, all are like big men picking their feet!".

Lin Feng kept thinking in his heart.

Not to mention, this sentence is really useful, especially the last sentence is like a man picking his feet.

Seen from the back, the back view is really impressive.

Makes the blood boil.

But when he turned around, he suddenly turned into a big man with a beard, picking his feet with one hand and picking his nose with the other.

This is too disgusting.

The charming thoughts in Lin Feng's heart disappeared in an instant.

Lin Feng felt that this technique seemed to be more effective than some of the Heart Sutras passed down by Buddhism. It was fast, accurate and ruthless, and his turbulent heart could immediately calm down.

Lin Feng sat beside the bed.

Massage this woman.

While massaging her, Lin Feng was thinking in his mind, "This is not a beauty, this is not a beauty, this is a big man who picks his feet!".

So let this woman use some small tricks to seduce Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng didn't seem to know anything at all. Look at Lin Feng's strong willpower.

The woman looked at Lin Feng with charming eyes and said in a voice full of infinite temptation, "Brother, your technique is really good. Are you a professional? I can't live without you." !".

"Don't leave me, okay? From now on, we will be here and be a loving couple!"

Lin Feng said, "You are thinking too much! I am not interested in you!".

Then he continued to mutter in his mind, "This is not a beautiful woman in front of me, but a big man who picks his feet!".

But the woman smiled and said, "You don't even look at the slave family, and you keep talking about something. What are you doing? Are you chanting sutras? You don't dare to look at the slave family. Is it because you are afraid of what will happen after you look at the slave family? Do you just fall in love with the slave family?"

The more the woman spoke, the more seductive her voice became and her words became bolder and bolder.

Sound, movement, words…

In fact, these can be the trump cards of some women who are proficient in the art of charm.

One of their inadvertent movements may even make people fascinated.

That is Lin Feng.

He is the kind of person with strong willpower. In addition, the words he muttered really played a big role, otherwise he would have been beaten by the woman's series of combination punches.

But even Lin Feng is now increasingly unable to withstand this woman's combination of punches.

Lin Feng silently thought to himself that what he saw was not a beautiful woman but a big man picking his feet. He looked at the woman and said, "The fairy is joking. Why didn't I dare to look into the fairy's eyes? Moreover, although the fairy is very beautiful, , but it doesn’t really make me have any ideas!”

The woman smiled charmingly and said, "Why does the young master's words make me feel that I don't mean it sincerely?".

Lin Feng said, "I will say whatever I think in my heart, but I think the fairy is too blindly confident!".

The woman said, "Then let me test whether the young master can really ignore my beauty!".

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman quickly rushed towards Lin Feng.

Then the woman wrapped her arms around Lin Feng's neck and leaned closer.

At this moment, warm and fragrant nephrite.

Lin Feng suddenly felt like he was about to enter heaven.

No matter which man comes here, he will be confused when encountering the current situation.

The woman exhaled like a orchid, which made Lin Feng's neck itchy.

Her charming voice resounded in Lin Feng's ears, "Brother, your heart is beating so fast. You just said that you don't have any feelings for others, but your heart seems to have betrayed you. !".

As he said this, his right hand moved to Lin Feng's heart and started to rub it gently.

red lips.

He also slowly approached Lin Feng.

It seems that... I want to do something more intimate.

As for his left hand, it was holding onto Lin Feng's neck.

She now. His eyes were full of spring water.

Ren Juncaijie's appearance.

Who would refuse the stunning beauty that comes to your doorstep?

Soon, something charming seemed to be happening, but at this time, Lin Feng's hands grabbed the wrists of the woman's hands respectively.

Lin Feng looked at the woman's left hand.

His left hand actually grew nails of more than ten centimeters. The nails were extremely sharp and could crush a person's skull with just a slight scratch.

"Fairy, I told you that if I sat here, I would definitely be worried and scared. Fairy, you also lied to me and said that I don't need to worry, but now it seems that my worries and fears are not unnecessary!"

Lin Feng looked at the woman and said with a smile.

But there was a fierce murderous intention in his smile. There was something wrong with this woman. If he hadn't been strong enough and he hadn't been charmed by this woman through special means.

Whenever there are some deviations.

Now Lin Feng is probably in trouble.

The woman's face didn't look good either. She asked sullenly, "How did you find out what was wrong?"

Lin Feng said, "Actually, your performance is impeccable. Everything here is designed to be perfect. There are almost no flaws. However, I suddenly thought of something just now!"

"whats the matter?". the woman asked.

Lin Feng said, "Do you still remember those liquids outside? What an exciting liquid, it must be of great benefit to your cultivation, and there are so many bottles. Anyone who sees it will be tempted, but I just remembered that those It seems that the porcelain vases do not have seal restrictions. In fact, this is not a big flaw. After all, there are many things that do not have seal restrictions. However, I like to be more serious, because I feel that if it were me, I would have to set settings for these porcelain vases. You didn't set up the sealing ban, which aroused my suspicion, so I don't know if my reason is sufficient?"

"Then how do you want to deal with others? You won't destroy flowers with your hands, right?" The woman said with a pitiful look.

Lin Feng sneered, "At this time, you still want to charm me. I see that you won't shed tears without seeing the coffin, so I will suppress you first!"

But before Lin Feng could take action, the woman suddenly opened her mouth and spat out.

A cloud of white mist flew out and sprayed directly on Lin Feng's face.

Lin Feng suddenly felt dizzy after being sprayed by the white mist. The white mist was obviously highly poisonous. Fortunately, the white jade toad took action in time and absorbed the poison contained in the white mist.

And this time.

The woman had already broken free from Lin Feng's grasp, and her right hand was seen grabbing Lin Feng's neck.

Lin Feng woke up in time.

Take action quickly.

He slapped the woman with a palm.

The woman couldn't help but be shocked when she saw Lin Feng waking up and quickly attacking her. She probably didn't expect such a change.

However, her reaction was also extremely fast, and the palm that was grabbing Lin Feng turned into slapping Lin Feng.

next moment.

Lin Feng and the woman struck each other hard, and extremely violent power surged out. Lin Feng and the woman were both knocked away.

Perhaps it was because the multiple encounters this time were too violent.

So much so that the scene in the cave has also undergone tremendous changes.

That magnificent cave began to disappear quickly...

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