Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 658: Woman's past

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the surrounding situation. It was reasonable for this magnificent cave to be restored to its original state. Everything here was false, but the woman's methods were too superb. He wanted to see through her. The method is too difficult. Now that the cave has been restored to its original appearance due to the war, it is naturally not a bad situation for Lin Feng. Restoring the truth may be the most beneficial thing for him.

Soon, the place returned to its previous appearance. The two caves inside and outside turned into a cave. The area of ​​this cave was very huge. There was a lot of blood accumulated in the cave. You could vaguely see it. There seemed to be many bones floating in the blood.

It's hard to say who the owner of those bones is. Lin Feng is probably the unlucky person who entered this place before and was murdered by the woman.

Lin Feng looked at the woman. She was still so beautiful, with her fox tail hidden under her dress.

That woman's fox tail is not nine.

There seemed to be only five fox tails.

But this doesn't explain much, because among the nine-tailed fox clan, only the nine-tailed fox with the purest bloodline has nine tails.

Therefore, pure-blood nine-tailed foxes are rarely seen.

Of course.

When walking outside, monks from the Nine-tailed Fox Clan often hide their fox tails.

There is no other reason.

The main reason is that it is too ostentatious to have the fox's tail exposed. Especially, some people are not friendly to the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. In addition, the women of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan are beautiful and charming, and some people are not friendly to the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. Perverted monks like to keep female monks from the Nine-tailed Fox Clan in captivity. If they don't hide their identities, the Nine-tailed Fox Clan's people will be more dangerous outside.

Unless you are really strong enough to be fearless, you don't need to deliberately hide your fox tail.

Lin Feng said, "Although you look like a monk from the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, there is a voice in my heart telling me that you are not actually from the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. This is really a strange thing! ".

"Cluck cluck...". Suddenly, the female cultivator laughed.

Her laughter sounded so charming, but for some reason, Lin Feng could hear some sadness in her laughter.

She looked at Lin Feng and asked something that made Lin Feng a little confused, "What kind of person do you think I am?".

Lin Feng said, "A very charming person."

The woman said, "I feel that my life is a tragedy!".

Lin Feng said, "How do you say this?".

The woman said, "When my mother was young, she was a very talented rising star in the Qingyun Mountain lineage of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. Later, she went out for training and met Confucian and Taoist monks. My mother liked literature very much. The Confucian and Taoist monks, His cultivation was not very good, but his literary talent was amazing. My mother fell in love with him and followed him back to his family."

"After we returned, some elders in their family realized that my mother was transformed into a demon fox. Those pedantic people said that love between a human and a demon was unacceptable. My mother concealed her identity and was even more snake-hearted. She must be here. Those who plan some evil things should be punished. The most terrifying thing is that the person my mother loves has never said a word for my mother, nor has he done anything for the woman he has sworn to. He even helps members of their clan. He was a stubborn old man who designed to injure my mother, suppressed her, and put her into the demon refining gourd in order to refine her to death."

"But at that time, my mother was pregnant. Those hypocrites who claimed to be moral gentlemen every day, after discovering this matter, did not directly torture my mother to death, but imprisoned my mother in a dungeon. According to the Their theory is that this woman is pregnant with a demon fetus and must wait until the demon fetus is born before killing her, otherwise she will easily become an evil ghost and disturb the world. In fact, they just want to wait for the demon fetus to be born and use it to refine a weapon. It’s just a pill that can greatly improve one’s skills. What a vicious method, it’s what those hypocrites who are benevolent, righteous and moral do every day!”

"But maybe there is no way out. After my mother gave birth to me, a demon master passed by and saved our mother and daughter. The demon master sent us mother and daughter back to the Nine-tailed Fox. clan, I thought that the situation would be much better after returning to the clan, but I didn’t expect that the people of the Nine-tailed Fox clan would be extremely harsh on my mother and daughter. I grew up in discrimination, and later My mother was also depressed and died at a young age!"

"Sounds like a tragedy indeed!". Lin Feng sighed.

But the woman said, "Maybe this is fate. Firstly, I have to blame that scumbag, and secondly, I have to blame my mother for not knowing people well! No one can escape the responsibility."

Lin Feng could understand this woman's heart.

Her life was too rough.

It seems normal to hate your parents.

The woman's tone changed at this time and she said, "Fortunately, God has been kind to me and allowed me to have strong talents. Even though I have been looked down upon by countless people in my clan and don't have many resources, my strength has improved. Extremely fast, do you know what the first thing I did after leaving Qingyun Mountain was?"

Lin Feng said, "Revenge!".

"You are really smart, and you are worthy of being the person I like. Yes, the first thing I did after leaving Qingyun Mountain was to find the family of that scumbag man. I bloodbathed his family, including that scumbag man's wife, and There was a newborn baby, and I strangled that bitch’s **** to death in front of him.”

The woman said fiercely, as if she was recalling the feeling of doing this thing back then, with an expression of enjoyment on her face.

Lin Feng felt that maybe he had been suppressed and discriminated against all year round.

Her mind has become a little twisted.

But seriously.

Lin Feng can understand her.

After all, she is a victim too.

"Did you kill that man?". Lin Feng looked at the woman and asked.

The woman squirmed her lips.

Lin Feng knew the answer.

After all, the woman still couldn't do it. After all, no matter how scumbag that person was, no matter how bad he was to her mother back then.

After all, he is still her father.

The blood relationship is there.

So, she finally let go of her scumbag father.

But at this time, the woman spoke:

"I took that man to my mother's grave. He was really scared at the time. He kept kowtowing to my mother and apologized, but unfortunately, my mother couldn't hear it, so I told him, you'd better get off here. Go to **** and apologize to my mother, so I cut off his flesh piece by piece until he died of pain!"

Hearing the woman's words, Lin Feng suddenly became stunned.

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