Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 659: Completely torn apart

"Giggle, giggle, you seem to be scared by me." The woman laughed.

She smiles so beautifully.

But Lin Feng felt a little chill on his spine.

He really didn't expect that the woman would kill that man in such a cruel way.

After all, that man is her biological father.

It can only be said that hatred can sometimes completely blind people's eyes.

Lin Feng sighed and said, "I'm not scared, I just feel a little distressed! I feel sorry for you. You did something like that when you were supposed to be happy. Your life is indeed not easy!".

When the woman heard what Lin Feng said, her eyes turned red, but she quickly covered it up.

She said, "I don't need anyone to pity me, because I have long been used to loneliness!".

Lin Feng said, "What happened next? What happened again?".

"Haha, massacring all the Confucian monks is a treason and an unforgivable crime in the right way. I think you can guess what happens next." the woman said.

Lin Feng said: "For you, those years must have been a very difficult period!".

The woman said, "No, on the contrary, I think that period was a very happy period for me, because I could do whatever I wanted and kill whoever I wanted. However, the good times did not last long. The monks who were chasing me Getting stronger and stronger, I finally couldn't hold on anymore. I was severely injured and hammered to death, and escaped into an underground world. But I didn't expect that there is no end to the road. When I was about to die, there was a sound, It’s stuck in my mind!”

"The voice asked me if I wanted to live, if I wanted to become stronger, if I wanted those who were chasing me and looking down on me to kneel on the ground and kowtow to me like a dog to apologize!".

"I told her, of course I do, I want to live, I want to become strong, and I want those who chase me and look down on me to kneel in front of me like dogs, wagging their tails and begging for mercy. I'll spare their lives!"

"But that person told me that if I want to get all of this, I have to pay a price. I have to sell my soul to her to get all of this!"

"I had nothing to lose and no other choice, so I agreed to her."

"She helped me achieve everything, but I gradually lost myself. It turned out that she wanted to replace my soul and occupy my body!".

"I have sold my soul to her a long time ago. How can I resist her? My soul and my memory are slowly being eaten away by her..."

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

If you say so, the woman's soul should have been eaten. The current woman's soul belongs to the so-called "devil".

However, this demon did not expect that the woman's willpower would be so strong.

After eating away the woman's soul.

The memory of the woman's soul is deeply imprinted on the "devil's" soul.

Even the devil's character has been subtly changed a lot by the woman.

This soul now does not belong to a woman, and perhaps it no longer belongs to the devil.

Rather, it is the soul after the fusion of both parties.

Lin Feng said, "Then how did you appear in this place?".

"This is an ancient battlefield. It doesn't seem surprising that I appear here. Many people were trapped and died here back then, and I was one of them!" As the woman spoke, her beautiful body and appearance underwent tremendous changes.

She was still a lifelike beauty.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a **** skeleton.

Lin Feng was horrified. This woman was indeed powerful. He had not been able to see through the authenticity of this woman before.

I thought that this woman looked like that just now, but now it seems that what she looks like now is what the woman looks like now.

How many powerful beings are buried in the **** water of the abyss under your feet.

Perhaps this woman is the only one who has awakened.

She just manifested herself for a moment.

Then she turned into that beautiful and charming look again.

The woman looked at Lin Feng and said, "You seem to be scared by me!".

"not at all!". Lin Feng shrugged and said, "I just want to go through here and find the tiger and leopard beast, which may be the heaven-shaking holy beast you mentioned. I have no intention of being your enemy. I hope you can be accommodating. By the way, I There are also some Soul Body Pills here. I can give you a few. This thing can help a Yin cultivator like you to reshape your flesh and blood, allowing you to shed your undead body and become a real living being!"

The woman smiled and said, "Although your strength is good, it is only about the strength of ten Immortal Palaces at most. Compared with me, it is far behind. When I unlock my own seal, it will be easy to kill you. Wait until I kill you." After you cleanse your flesh and blood essence, I believe that by then, the body I shaped with the help of your flesh and blood essence will be even more perfect. So, do you think I will care about your breaking pill? ".

Lin Feng sighed. He felt that his current situation was really embarrassing, as the doomsday cycle gradually came.

More and more terrible beings appear.

Living or dead...

They all appear one after another.

Some extremely unreasonable guys like to devour monks like him who are strong in flesh and blood and have strong luck to increase their strength.

The Gengzi Demon Lord and others outside are like this.

So did this woman.

But Lin Feng will not just surrender, because Lin Feng also has a trump card, and the undead army is Lin Feng's trump card.

Lin Feng said, "Do you really think I am a fish waiting to be slaughtered?".

"Is not it?". The woman said, she was still so charming and her voice was still so pleasant, but her tone had changed.

Lin Feng standing opposite her was no longer the little brother or young master she called him.

Instead, he became her prey.

Lin Feng said, "Try it and you will know if you can kill me!".

After finishing his words, Lin Feng waved his hand.

The Book of the Dead quickly flew out and suspended in the void, causing powerful fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, an illusory world appeared inside the Book of the Dead.

In this illusory world, there are hundreds of thousands of elite monks, ready to fight.

Lin Feng can launch an attack with just one command.

"Hey, this is the rumored Book of the Dead. You are really a man of great luck. It seems that you are really my lucky star. Killing you may bring more benefits than I imagined. many!". After seeing the Book of the Dead, the woman showed joy. She gently grabbed Lin Feng through the void. Lin Feng was shocked to find that he seemed to be grabbed by a big hand and could not move at all.

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