Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 660: Method

It seems that this woman must have unlocked her own seal, otherwise the combat power cannot be so strong. After all, Lin Feng has fought with her before, and he generally knows what kind of combat power this woman has. The strength shown by this woman now It was so terrifying that even Lin Feng felt troubled and frightened.

However, Lin Feng was not one to sit still and wait for death. Although he might have been imprisoned by this woman, so what. What Lin Feng lacked most was the spirit of resistance. Lin Feng mobilized all his strength and struggled crazily.

"Ah!", he yelled.

The violent power vibrated within his body, instantly breaking through the woman's restraint on him.

Lin Feng resumed action.

He immediately issued an order to the undead army to attack this woman. Lin Feng didn't care whether this woman was really pitiful or not. Now that this woman wanted her life, Lin Feng would naturally not be polite to this woman. Besides, this woman wanted her life. Said, no matter how pitiful this woman is, it is all in the past.

Later, she turned into a big demon who killed countless people.

Boom boom boom!

The undead army broke out, and its attack was as devastating as the heaven and earth. The power it unleashed seemed to be able to destroy the world, destroy everything, and instantly killed the woman.

The current undead army is no longer what it used to be, and its numbers have increased dramatically.

The overall strength increased dramatically.

Coupled with Lin Feng, there is no problem in dealing with the powerful men from forty or fifty immortal temples.

This woman did not dare to be careless after receiving such a powerful attack. A **** bone shield appeared in her left hand. She used the bone shield to resist the attack of the undead army, and even successfully resisted the attack of the undead army. .

"You only have an army of less than one million undead monks, why are you so tyrannical?" the woman asked Lin Feng in disbelief.

An unfathomable person like her has comprehended dozens of immortal palaces, not to mention an army of monks that is less than a million. Even if an army of tens of millions of monks is nothing in her eyes, an army of hundreds of millions of monks is nothing. It's hard to hurt her at all, but that's just an ordinary elite monk army.

Lin Feng's undead army is not comparable to the ordinary elites outside.

The monks recruited into the Undead Army are all strictly selected.

The lowest entry threshold is the Holy Realm. Even after the great changes in the world, Holy Realm monks are not just unknown people. They are also powerful beings. Joining those elite monk legions is definitely a small leader level figure. But here, Lin Feng, only He had just qualified to join the Undead Legion. What's more, after so many years, the strength of the undead monks in Lin Feng's Undead Legion had grown extremely fast.

There have been a large number of top powerhouses who are quasi-transcending the realm, quasi-transcendent realm, quasi-creator, creator realm, and even quasi-pioneer level.

Therefore, the number of the undead army is small.

But the combat power is ridiculously strong.

Lin Feng looked at the woman and said, "If you want to know why the undead army is so powerful, it's very simple. How about you kneel down and surrender to me, and I'll tell you?".

"Boy! You are looking for death. Do you think you can deal with me with the help of external force? It's really ridiculous. Wait until I defeat your undead army later, then catch you and see how I deal with you!". The woman said coldly.

She sacrificed a treasure again, and this time the treasure she sacrificed was a **** bone knife.

She held a bone knife in one hand and a bone shield in the other, fighting with Lin Feng and the undead army. She used the bone shield to defend and at the same time attacked with the bone knife. She was trying to cut the void. Obviously this woman was very smart. She knew that this space could not accommodate so many undead monks under Lin Feng's command, so those undead monks could only rely on the virtual world constructed by the Book of the Dead to appear and assist Lin Feng in dealing with her.

And she just needs to isolate that virtual world from the real world.

By then, the undead army would not be able to appear, and there would be no way to help Lin Feng.

There is basically no threat from Lin Feng's side.

She can deal with Lin Feng however she wants.

It has to be said that this woman has really rich experience, otherwise she would not have been able to find the best method in such a short period of time.

Mainly it has to do with her early experiences.

She is not one of those second-generation immortals, third-generation immortals, or several generations of immortals. She is just like the Black Prison Master. Although his talent is amazing and his strength is powerful, he is somewhat like a flower in the greenhouse. And she has been there since she was a girl. Fighting hard, I don’t know how many life and death matters I have experienced in my life.

It is quite similar to Lin Feng.

Therefore, this kind of person can quickly take actions that are most beneficial to him depending on the situation.

And such people are often the most difficult people to deal with.

Lin Feng couldn't help but frown tightly. The void was being cut rapidly. After the woman completely cut the void and cut off the connection between the undead army and reality, he would suffer.

What this woman was actually doing was a conspiracy.

Just and above board.

However, it is not easy to crack her method. The main reason is that this woman is very powerful. She can withstand an entire army of them by herself. Who knows that she is an existence that has transcended reincarnation, and she is also the most powerful person in the previous reincarnation. One, otherwise he would not even be qualified to bury bones in this ancient battlefield.

Lin Feng quickly thought of a way, and his way was simple. He and the undead army used their strongest attacks to attack the woman crazily. The woman's energy would definitely be dragged away.

Beibei, on the other hand, used his magical concealment skills to lurk behind the woman, and tried to find a way to hit her for a moment. If he could injure the woman, that would be easy.

She is now in her most powerful moment.

It's almost like killing God when God blocks God, and killing Buddha when Buddha blocks Buddha.

Anyone who comes will be beaten to the ground by her.

But if at this time, her all-out, courageous momentum was broken.


She is likely to encounter a backlash. At this time, she is in such a prosperous state. If she suffers a backlash, her backlash will be extremely serious, and the damage to her body must be extremely serious.

Under such a situation, her combat power will be greatly affected and will drop a lot.

Lin Feng basically has no influence on his side. He is still at a relatively top level of combat power and can definitely suppress this woman completely.

If you are lucky.

Maybe he can directly suppress this woman. When the time comes, Lin Feng will have many ways to make this woman surrender.

After Lin Feng and Beibei communicated, Lin Feng led the undead army to launch a more violent attack.

And Beibei.

It was quietly lurking towards this woman...

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