Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 661: Beibei succeeds again

"It's useless. No matter how you resist or struggle, your fate has already been determined. No one can save you. You will definitely die!". While the woman was fighting against Lin Feng and the undead army, she continued to stimulate Lin Feng with words.

This woman is indeed a combat expert. She will never let go of any means that can be used to attack the opponent during a battle. This is also a means that Lin Feng likes to use, but now it is used by this woman to deal with Lin Feng. Lin Feng has Naturally, my plans will not be affected by this woman's words.

He retorted, "You seem to be a little frustrated now. Is it because you are still holding on despite your lack of strength? That's why you are like this? I think so. If you were strong enough, you wouldn't have been able to fight the battle at the end of the last reincarnation." You will never fall into this ancient battlefield. People like you are destined to always be a loser. If you don’t believe it, we will find out later!”

"Hahaha, I'm almost laughing to death. Do you want to use words to stimulate me? Don't you think it's stupid to use my method to deal with me?". The woman said with a sneer.

Obviously, these two people are the kind of people who know each other's plans. In terms of words, it is indeed difficult to have a big impact on the other's mentality.

It is the methods of both sides that determine the final outcome of the battle.

Lin Feng said, "Let you experience the ultimate combat power of my undead army!".

He continued to mobilize the undead army to launch a more powerful attack on the woman.

"It's just a little trick of the wither insect!".

The woman sneered and continued to resist. While resisting, she continued to cut the void.

The Void Cutting Technique is indeed quite powerful. Beibei has not yet found a chance to take action, but she is almost successful.

Lin Feng felt that the connection between the undead army and him was weakening.

In fact, it won't take too long for this woman to influence the undead army, but if she really succeeds, it will only take a very short time for her to unlock the seal and use her full combat power. , it is estimated that Lin Feng can be taken down.

This is extremely detrimental to Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng knew that at this time, he needed to be calm and calm, and he could not get into trouble, otherwise, the situation would be even worse.

The woman said proudly, "I don't think you can hold on for too long. I'll wait until you cry!"

Lin Feng said, "I used to call someone little brother, but now I want to kill him. Women are so fickle!"

The woman curled her lips and said, "Women are fickle because of you cheap men!"

Her voice just fell.

Beibei, finally took action.

Beibei did not appear behind her, but to her left.

Many people think that a sneak attack behind is a better position, but in fact, this is not necessarily the case. The specific position to attack depends on the situation at the time.

Such as this time.

Beibei had three positions to choose from, behind the woman, on the left side, and on the right side.

The right side is the worst choice, because the right side is where the woman holds the bone knife in her right arm. If this position is attacked by a sneak attack, the woman can react at any time and anywhere. If Beibei is unlucky, this woman may be able to strike with a knife. It can kill Beibei.

Then the back seems to be a good choice, but in fact it is not necessarily the case. For example, this woman is a relatively cautious person. In addition to the defense of the bone shield, she also has runic defense formed on the outside of her body, especially on the back. Rune defense is the most powerful, but it's not deliberately targeting Beibei.

It is a relatively good habit that has been developed over a long period of time. To put it bluntly, this type of monks are mostly used to fighting alone. They are worried about being attacked by someone behind them, so there are more defensive runes constructed in the back, in case someone actually attacks them. , the defensive runes can also help to resist, so that you will not lose your life or be seriously injured due to a sneak attack.

Therefore, sneak attack on the woman's back was not a very appropriate choice.

Then there is another option, which is to sneak attack on the left side of the woman, which is the side where the woman is holding the shield.

Beibei's choice is really particular.

Because the attacks released by Lin Feng and the undead army were extremely powerful, and the woman mainly relied on the bone shield held in her left hand for defense.

Although the bone shield's defense is quite amazing, the two sides have been fighting for so long. In fact, the pressure on the woman using the bone shield to defend is also increasing.

Especially now, when she holds the bone shield and raises her hand to defend, the violent collision force will scatter a lot of the runes condensed on the bone shield and the defensive runes on her left body structure. Of course, this The woman was strong enough and her defensive magic weapon was powerful enough. Even though many runes were scattered, they were quickly repaired before Lin Feng's next attack. This was the fundamental reason why Lin Feng was unable to suppress the woman. .

And Beibei is looking for this time difference.

Taking a quick shot during the period between the defense runes being shattered and being repaired, this is the stage where the defense on the left side of the woman's body is weakest.

The target of Beibei's attack was the woman's left rib area.


Beibei charged up a blow, which was quite terrifying. There was a fierce collision sound. The woman was shocked. She didn't expect that someone could sneak up beside her quietly. This made her feel incredible. Obviously, This person was Lin Feng's helper. She secretly cursed Lin Feng as a despicable person for asking so many people for help.

But now is not the time to hate Lin Feng. The top priority is to quickly kill the person who attacked her. Otherwise, it will not be enough to vent her hatred.

She also saw clearly Beibei's appearance.

The bone knife in her right hand was slashed towards Beibei on the left, hoping to send Beibei flying away.

The speed of that knife was so fast that Lin Feng couldn't help but be shocked and sweated for Beibei. Fortunately, Beibei escaped quickly when the knife struck down Beibei, and the knife only struck Beibei. Although some hairs were removed, Beibei's body was not harmed. It was really a blessing among the misfortunes.

Beibei's choice can be regarded as indirectly saving Beibei. After all, sneak attack on the woman on the left side opened the distance between him and the bone knife in the woman's right hand. It was this distance difference that allowed Beibei to avoid the woman's blow. A sure blow.

next moment.

The woman was knocked away by Beibei's blow. Beibei's knockdown would not cause fatal damage to her, but Beibei's blow interrupted all the rhythm of the woman.

Just as Lin Feng expected.

The woman suffered a backlash. When she was knocked away by Beibei, she couldn't help but spit out three mouthfuls of blood, and her face became as pale as paper.

Seeing that this woman was injured, Lin Feng had no mercy at all. After all, this woman wanted his life, and she was also a devil-like figure. To pity such a person, wasn't this looking for death?

Lin Feng knew.

A great opportunity to suppress this woman has arrived.

Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate, and quickly joined forces with the undead army, unleashing a terrifying attack and blasting towards the woman.

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