Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 662: The Shaotian Clan from the last reincarnation

A powerful attack came, and this time, the woman suddenly ran into big trouble, mainly because after she was knocked out by Beibei, she suffered a backlash and suffered serious injuries. This time, her combat power suddenly increased. Plunged a lot.

So when faced with the attack from Lin Feng and the undead army, this woman could no longer compete with them and was violently blasted away.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "I've said it before, it's not certain who will win in the end. What do you think now?"

The woman looked at Lin Feng fiercely and said, "Boy! I didn't expect that I would fall into your hands, but I advise you to stop now and speak kindly to me, otherwise, you will be in trouble. ".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. How long had it been since then? This woman dared to say such threatening words to him. It was indeed a bit abnormal, but looking at this woman, it didn't look like she was abnormal.

Therefore, she may be saying something like this now because she really has something to rely on.

If not, how dare you.

Lin Feng decided to deceive this woman. He said in a cold voice, "I see if your brain is funny. Don't you know what situation you are in now? You dare to threaten me here. It's really funny. Well, didn’t you say you wanted me to cry? I want to see how you cry later!”

Saying this, he will release a more powerful attack.

But the woman said, "Then did you know that this place belongs to an independent space, and only I can open the way out. I can completely destroy some magic circles now. Even if you suppress me, it will take a long time to restore the magic circles." When the time comes, you will be trapped in this place, and it’s hard to say what the situation will be like outside when you get out!"

Sure enough, this woman has a trump card.

Moreover, the trump card is not small.

Lin Feng frowned slightly and pondered, thinking about how to solve the problem at hand. Now his advantage was actually quite obvious. It was only a matter of time before he suppressed this woman. But just like what the woman threatened, if she really let her After destroying the magic circle, it's hard to say what the situation will be like.

Lin Feng was not willing to gamble!

Therefore, it is not impossible to agree to the woman's conditions.

Lin Feng said, "I don't have to argue with you, but you have to promise me one thing!".

"whats the matter?". The woman looked at Lin Feng with vigilant eyes. People who didn't know would probably think that Lin Feng had done something evil to the woman. Otherwise, how could he scare such a delicate beauty like this?

Lin Feng said, "Later, help me deal with the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast!".

The woman thought for a while and said, "Okay, I can promise you!".

Lin Feng said, "There is no basis for what you say, I need you to swear an oath!".

The woman rolled her eyes at Lin Feng angrily, and said sweetly, "I hate it. Isn't it just something you men like to do, so why would you let others do such a thing?"

Lin Feng said, "Come on, you can't seduce me, and you women, you call me a good brother one moment, and turn your back on me the next moment. How can I just believe your words? Hurry up and hurry up." !".

Seeing that Lin Feng had no room for accommodation, the woman couldn't help but glared at Lin Feng fiercely, but in the end she honestly made the oath.

After seeing the woman make the oath, Lin Feng felt relieved and put away the Book of the Dead, and Beibei returned to time and space.

Lin Feng knew that the woman was injured and did not rush her.

Instead, let her stabilize her injuries.

The woman sat cross-legged, as if she was planning to use her energy to heal her injuries. Lin Feng threw a pill to her, but he didn't say anything. He believed that the woman also knew what the pill was for.

The woman said delicately, "It seems that my little brother still loves me!".

Lin Feng pretended not to hear what the woman said.

This woman's mouth is too fickle.

Fortunately, Lin Feng was not interested in her. If he was interested in her and even pursued her, he would not be tortured to death by her.

Waited for half an hour.

The woman opened her eyes.

Her breath has stabilized a lot. It seems that although the time is short, her recovery should be quite good.

Lin Feng said, "Can we take action now?".

The woman looked at Lin Feng with a sad look, as if she was looking at the heartless man who was always in trouble and finally abandoned her, and said, "We have known each other for such a long time, don't you want to know what they are called?"

"Forehead…". Lin Feng was speechless, thinking that we might not meet each other later anyway, I just want to know what your name is.

But the words can't be said so straightforwardly, so Lin Feng asked, "You still don't know how to call a fairy?".

"You can call me Qingqing!". the woman said.

She then asked, "You still don't know how to call me Young Master?".

"You can call me whatever you want!". Lin Feng said calmly.

The woman naturally saw that Lin Feng was unwilling to reveal his true identity, so she curled her lips and didn't ask any more questions.

Lin Feng said, "What is the origin of the Holy Beast that shakes the sky? Its methods are indeed a bit weird, and it can even complete evolution during battle!".

The woman said, "The Holy Beast Shaking the Sky is probably the descendant of the last reincarnation monster clan, the Shaking Sky Clan. Its strength is only about a dozen Immortal Palaces. If it evolves, it is estimated that its combat power can be doubled or tripled, which is comparable to its several dozen." Compared with such a great ancestor, it is far behind!"

"Shaking Clan? Is there such a race? This is the first time I've heard of it!" Lin Feng said in surprise, mainly because the woman described the Shaking Sky Clan so powerfully that even Lin Feng was moved. This Shaking Sky Clan immediately aroused great interest in Lin Feng.

The woman said, "A reincarnation lasts three thousand eras, and an era lasts ten billion years. Now is the end of reincarnation. The last reincarnation happened thirty trillion years ago. So many things have been buried in the dust. Among them, it is not known to future generations. It is normal for you not to know how powerful the Shaking Sky Clan is!"

"Back then, I had a chance encounter with a strong man from the Shaking Sky Clan, but we didn't have much of an encounter. He was indeed an extremely terrifying existence. Their clan had run through the history of the previous reincarnation, but in fact it was quite... Low-key, even in the last reincarnation, the monks who knew their clan were as rare as a feather. Over the long years, there were only a dozen clan members in their clan, but there were several who had reached the pinnacle of strength. , can really shake the world, but unfortunately, those existences of the Shaking Sky Clan have finally fallen one after another. Up to now, it is estimated that the Shaking Sky Clan only has the Holy Beast from this ancient battlefield left in the world!"

Lin Feng said, "If I suppress the only remaining Heaven-shaking Holy Beast and let him work for me, wouldn't it be possible to find the place where several Heaven-shaking Holy Beasts fell in the previous reincarnation?"

Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly became excited.

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