Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 663: What does the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast mean?

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the woman couldn't help curling her lips and said, "If those ancient existences really had a chance to stay, they wouldn't have waited until this time. They would have been taken away by others long ago. Moreover, this The sky is big and the earth is big, do you know where this opportunity lies?".

Lin Feng said, "You may not understand this. Although in this world, some opportunities are destined by God, it is basically unrealistic for others to take those opportunities in advance. In my opinion, this opportunity that shakes the Tian Clan, It is left here for the descendants of the Shaking Sky Clan. I believe that the only remaining member of the Shaking Sky Clan will be able to find some clues and then find those opportunities!"

The woman said, "You are confident! I hope you can get what you want in the future!".

After saying this, the woman closed her eyes and seemed to be communicating with the magic circle. As time went by, Lin Feng could feel waves of fluctuations coming from the surrounding void. These fluctuations were not strong.

But from this fluctuation, Lin Feng captured some key information.

The magic circle should be activated.

In fact, during the entire process, those mysterious magic circles were not revealed.

But not long after, a Blood Gate appeared in the depths. This Blood Gate was located next to the deep passage, but Lin Feng now knew that the deep passage could not reach the place where the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast was. The specific passage was Lin Feng didn't know where he was going.

Anyway, he felt that the deep passage was not simple.

There are probably some secrets hidden.

Lin Feng had no interest in exploring these secrets.

"Come with me!". The woman opened her eyes, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng walked over.

This woman grabbed Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng didn't know what this woman was doing and wanted to struggle away, but the woman smiled and said, "What? Are you still afraid of me? I took the initiative to catch such a delicate beauty. If you still break free from your hand, are you still not a man?"

to be honest.

There's really nothing to say about the feel.

However, Lin Feng had no intention of having an affair with her. Lin Feng was even quite wary of this woman. Even if she swore an oath, he was still extremely wary.

Lin Feng struggled and said, "I don't need to prove to you whether I am a man or not!".

The woman smiled and said, "Look at how scared you are, as if I am some wild beast that wants to eat you. I caught you not because I want to tease you! But because this Blood Gate is special. Only with my personal guidance can you enter it, otherwise you won't be able to travel through it at all!"

Lin Feng didn't know whether what the woman said was true, but since she said so, Lin Feng couldn't continue to struggle.

Lin Feng said, "Then Fairy Lao is here!".

The woman gave Lin Feng an angry look, just like the interaction between young lovers, and said, "Why do you still call me fairy? It's too alienating. You should call me Qingqing!".

Looking at the woman's attitude towards Lin Feng, people who didn't know it would really think that the relationship between the two people had always been extremely harmonious. They would never have thought that not long ago, the two sides were fighting to the death.

Lin Feng replied, "Okay Qingqing, I will pay attention to it in the future!".

The woman seemed extremely satisfied with Lin Feng's attitude.

She grabbed Lin Feng's hand and walked towards the Blood Gate.


There was a flash of light, and when they appeared again, they had arrived at the fork in the road. They were standing at the entrance of the fork, with the main passage on the left.

The two entered the main passage.

Lin Feng asked curiously, "Qingqing, what's going on with that little tree?".

"That is a strange tree. It is very special. The spiritual fruit it produces is very terrifying and cannot be refined at all. Anyone who eats it will be in great misfortune. I never thought that you could conquer the powerful medicinal power of that fruit! ". the woman said.

Lin Feng said modestly, "Maybe I am lucky!".

The woman smiled noncommittally, probably not believing that Lin Feng was lucky. After all, even she was defeated by Lin Feng. She knew very well how terrifying Lin Feng's methods were.

This man is absolutely dangerous.

The woman said, "Come with me, let's fight quickly!".

"good!". Lin Feng responded.

Under the leadership of the woman, Lin Feng quickly walked towards the depths. There was no danger in this main passage, but Lin Feng felt that this trip would not go smoothly because he knew that there was a high probability that the heaven-shaking holy beast would Already knew he had entered this place.

If this is the case, the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast will definitely respond.

Lin Feng asked the woman if there was any hidden and terrifying method in the lair of the Holy Beast.

The woman said, "I haven't been awake for long, so I don't know some things very clearly. For example, what the specific situation is like in the lair of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast is unknown to me!" .

"But you don't have to worry. That guy's strength is just that. If you and I join forces, even if it really has some hidden terrible methods, we can handle it. What's more, don't you still have the Book of the Dead? , if the two of us can't do it, then you can sacrifice the undead army again. By then, the undead army will definitely play an important role, so there is no need to worry at all!"

If you think about it carefully, what this woman said makes perfect sense.

The worry in Lin Feng's heart was slightly reduced.

The deeper you go, the darker and colder the passage becomes. This passage is really too long and a bit unreasonable. There is a high probability that the laws of space have been imposed on it.

That's why this is going to be so long.

However, under the leadership of the woman, Lin Feng and the woman arrived at the depths of the passage an hour later. There was a huge stone gate here, blocking the way.

The woman said, "This is the place!".

As soon as the woman's voice fell, a voice came from the depths, "Five-tailed Fox Fairy, I have no grudges with you in the past, and we have no enmity in the past. Why did you bring this human to find me? Don't you think you did it?" Have you passed?".

Obviously this is the voice of the heaven-shaking holy beast.

The five-tailed fox fairy should be this woman's title in the past.

As for the name Qingqing, I don’t know if it is her real name. If it is not her real name, it is a pseudonym.

The woman said, "Oh! I have no choice but to do it. You can't blame me. Besides, who told you to provoke this guy? If you don't provoke him, he won't deal with you, so you have to blame me." You have yourself to blame!”.

"snort!". The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast snorted coldly and said, "I know what your methods are, but if you think that you can run into my cave to cause trouble with those methods, you are totally wrong. If you If you are not afraid of death, you can come in!"

As the voice of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast fell, the door that had been closed took the initiative to open.

The move of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast immediately made Lin Feng and the woman look confused. What did this guy mean?

Do you really have the confidence to deal with them?

Or are you bluffing, trying to scare them away?

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