Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 664: terrible stone beast

Lin Feng and the woman looked at each other, and both of them could not help but frown slightly. The woman knew the reputation of the Shaking Heaven Clan extremely well, and Lin Feng heard about the reputation of the Shaking Heaven Clan from the woman, and also knew about the reputation of the Shaking Heaven Clan. of horror.

The Shaking Heaven Holy Beast in front of us is the last member of the Shaking Sky Clan. As the only descendant of the Shaking Sky Clan, when it was sealed in its infancy, did it have some other "inheritance" sealed to protect this beast? It is really hard to talk about the Holy Beast that shakes the sky. Therefore, the threat of the Holy Beast that shakes the sky cannot be completely ignored.

The woman said, "Otherwise, let's not take any risks and retreat quickly!".

Naturally, she did not want to get involved in this muddy water. It would not be of any benefit to her anyway, but Lin Feng was not willing to let Lin Feng leave here just because of the Holy Beast. After all, the Holy Beast represented more than just It itself, the race behind it, and some opportunities left by its ancestors. Lin Feng is quite interested in some opportunities or inheritance from the previous reincarnation. This can also allow Lin Feng to better understand the power of the previous reincarnation. Or, it can also be of great help to him in his future duels with those ancient beings.

Lin Feng said, "What are you afraid of? I don't believe that this heaven-shaking holy beast can really deal with us!".

"Kekeke, little brother, you are so courageous. Since little brother wants to go away, then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman!". When the woman saw Lin Feng's firm attitude, she also changed her tone, smiled charmingly, and looked at Lin Feng with bright eyes.

Lin Feng murmured a little in his heart, the look in this woman's eyes was so scary. Could it be that she was really conquered by him? Lin Feng found it a bit unbelievable. After all, not long ago, the two of them had a life-and-death fight, either you die or I die. At that time, this woman had no mercy at all. She would never give up until she killed him. look.

But in the blink of an eye, it changed into this posture.

Lin Feng couldn't help but say something in his mind, "This woman doesn't have the tendency to be abused, does she?"

Some people may be quite perverted in certain aspects. Lin Feng has seen a lot of such people, and this woman's own experience is quite tortuous and bizarre.

It is normal for her to feel a little distorted in her heart.

Of course, Lin Feng would not say these words. Anyway, they only have a temporary cooperative relationship now. After the matter of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast is resolved, they probably won't have much interaction.

The two entered the stone gate.


The stone door closed immediately.

Lin Feng said, "The Holy Beast that shakes the sky! You don't leave any escape route to yourself!".

"Haha, I closed the door just to catch a turtle in the jar!" The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast retorted sarcastically.

Lin Feng observed the cave where the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast was. The cave was unusually large and seemed to be divided into multiple caves.

Lin Feng and the others were on the outermost level.

The two quickly rushed inside.

It quickly reached the deepest position.

After arriving here, Lin Feng saw the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast squatting in the depths. In fact, with its strength, it could have transformed into a human form, but some ancient races were unusually arrogant.

Disdain to change into the appearance of other races.

In fact, this idea is a bit ridiculous. After all, transforming into a human form makes it easier to move around outside.

However, monks of some races still retain traditional concepts.

Naturally, people find it very ridiculous.

Lin Feng said, "Holy Beast that shakes the sky, I didn't offend you before, but you attacked me secretly and wanted to kill me. Let's settle this debt today!".

"I just want to kill you, eat you, and help me improve my cultivation. What can you do to me?"

The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast said viciously, "You were lucky enough to escape before, but today, you will definitely die!".

As soon as he finished speaking, the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast waved its huge claws.

A loud rumbling sound was heard.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng saw that the surrounding rock walls were shaking violently.

Stone beasts walked out from the rock wall and let out a deep roar.

The appearance of these stone beasts is very similar to the appearance of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast.

Apparently, these stone beasts! They are all created in the shape of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast. Although they are only stone beasts, their auras are extremely ancient and powerful.

These stone beasts are probably from the previous reincarnation, and they are all guarding this heaven-shaking holy beast.

And these stone beasts should be one of the "inheritances" here.

There were a total of sixteen stone beasts, their eyes flashing with a fierce green light, looking at Lin Feng and others coldly.

Feeling the stone beast's gaze, Lin Feng looked quite solemn.

But there is no fear, after all, he is a person who has seen too many big scenes.

How could I be frightened by the scene in front of me?

Lin Feng said to the woman, "Get rid of these stone beasts first!".

"good!". The woman nodded.


At this time, the dozen or so stone beasts had already let out low roars and charged towards Lin Feng and the woman. The woman sacrificed her bone knife.

Lin Feng summoned twenty-three stone swords.

The stone sword was as fast as lightning and took the lead to kill those stone beasts, and then beheaded the bodies of those stone beasts.

There was a sonorous collision sound immediately, and the stone sword left some traces and sparks on the bodies of the stone beasts, but it did not cause too serious damage to the stone beasts.

This made Lin Feng feel extremely shocked, because he knew very well how powerful the stone sword was. Logically speaking, the attack just now should have caused damage to the stone beast.

But things went counterproductive.

This shows how terrifying these stone beasts are.

The stone beast roared and continued to attack Lin Feng and the woman.

Soon these stone beasts came over and were divided into two groups.

Eight of them surrounded the woman and began to besiege the woman, while the other eight stone beasts surrounded Lin Feng and began to besiege Lin Feng.

The woman had at least forty or fifty Immortal Palaces and was extremely powerful. She felt that Lin Feng could not hurt the stone beast, but she could definitely hurt the stone beast.

But soon her expression suddenly changed, because her attack on the stone beasts did not cause much damage to the stone beasts. The defense power of these stone beasts was really terrifying.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, fought these stone beasts with his physical body. Firstly, because the stone beasts were already close, it was inconvenient to attack with magic weapons. Secondly, because these stone beasts were too weird, and it was difficult for magic weapons to destroy their bodies, so why not Try it with physical force.

However, the power of these stone beasts was obviously far beyond Lin Feng and the woman's imagination.

Lin Feng and the woman were retreating steadily under the siege of the stone beasts.

They were all blown away, and their bodies hit the rock wall heavily. The tyrannical force almost made the two of them spit out a mouthful of blood.

The stone beasts let out low roars and continued to attack the two of them.

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