Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 665: foundation

The woman said with an ugly face, "These stone statues are a bit evil. They can't be beaten. They are so powerful that they can't be destroyed at all. We must find a way to deal with these stone statues quickly, otherwise we will have to be tortured by these stone statues." die!".

What this woman said is not an exaggeration. These stone statues are indeed a headache. In fact, no matter what time, the presence of such an amazingly strong defense and powerful attack power is a huge headache. After all, They are so stupid that you can't attack them or break their defenses.

But if they attack you all at once, you may be seriously injured. What a huge contrast. How can you continue to fight this kind of battle?

"Find a way to deal with these guys during the battle!".

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

He once again fought with the stone beasts that surrounded him. On the other side, the woman also fought with several other stone beasts.

This kind of battle is obviously extremely detrimental to Lin Feng and the woman.

These stone beasts are really too perverted. Fortunately, these stone beasts mainly use physical attacks.

If these stone beasts had mastered extraordinary supernatural powers, Lin Feng and the woman might not be able to hold on for a long time. But even if they are only good at physical attacks, it is enough for the two of them to drink a pot. They are worthy of being the top race in the last reincarnation. The heritage passed down by the Shaking Heaven Clan.

If we make a comparison, the Shaotian Clan is somewhat similar to Beibei's race, or the Dominator Imperial Clan, although their number is very small.

However, each descendant is a strong person, and every few generations, a person who defies heaven may appear.

The methods passed down by such a race are truly terrifying.

Anyway, Lin Feng and the woman were really about to be beaten to the ground by these stone statues. Even though Lin Feng had the indestructible magic power to protect his body, they couldn't bear the continuous bombardment.

As for the woman, it was because of her advanced realm.

If her realm were lower and she didn't have Lin Feng's indestructible magical power to protect her body, she would have been killed by those stone beasts long ago.

The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast not far away looked at all this with an indifferent expression. It looked at Lin Feng and the woman as if they were looking at dead people. Everything seemed to be under its control.

And just when a Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast was charging towards Lin Feng, Lin Feng quickly dodged the attack of the Heaven-Shaking Saint Beast, and then punched back. The Heaven-Shaking Saint Beast shook its head to avoid Lin Feng's attack. , but could not completely avoid it.

Lin Feng's punch was originally aimed at the head of the Holy Beast, but due to the Holy Beast's avoidance, it finally hit the left eye of the Holy Beast. Lin Feng had actually hit one of the Holy Beasts before. The beast's eye, but that time it hit the right eye, and it did not cause any damage to the right eye of the heaven-shaking holy beast. Lin Feng was still sighing at the time, this kind of stone beast is so abnormal, even the eyes They have practiced to the extreme and can hardly find any weaknesses, which is really depressing.

But now there was a reversal. When Lin Feng punched the stone beast's left eye, the stone beast's eyeball exploded.

The stone beast let out an extremely miserable roar, and its huge body fell to the ground, torn apart and destroyed on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Even the woman and the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast couldn't help but be stunned.

Lin Feng then burst into laughter, "I know that this kind of stone beast cannot have no weaknesses. The more powerful it is, the more obvious its weaknesses will be. It's just that it's difficult for others to discover their weaknesses. Look, We are lucky enough to have successfully found the weaknesses of these guys!"

"It's true, luck seems to be on our side!" The woman said with a smile, her toes touched the ground lightly, her body was extremely dexterous to dodge the attacks of the two stone beasts, and she turned around and stabbed twice quickly.

puff! The first knife pierced the left eye of a stone beast. The stone beast let out a shrill roar, and its huge body immediately fell to the ground and was torn apart. As for the second stone beast's eye, it resisted the woman's stabbing attack. The woman's expression changed slightly, and the next moment she was slapped away by the stone beast's claw, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice, "The weak point of these stone beasts is either the left eye or the right eye, so be careful!".

He summoned the Era War Gun.

The spear is the king of all weapons.

As the saying goes, an inch long is an inch strong.

The Era War Gun is definitely a treasure that can play an amazing role, especially at this time, the advantages of the Era War Gun are fully utilized.

Lin Feng wandered among the beasts, avoiding the attacks of the stone beasts while looking for opportunities to take action. He shot more than ten times in a row. Although the shots were not successful, he had already taken away three stone beasts.

Of course, Lin Feng was also violently attacked by the stone beast in the process!

Lin Feng basically adopted a hard-on approach, and it was not difficult for him to withstand these attacks.

I saw stone beasts being killed by Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing one after another.

The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast seemed to be about to explode with rage. He roared angrily, "Both of you deserve death!".

"I want to see if you can still say these words later!". The woman glared fiercely at the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast.

In the duel with these stone beasts, she also suffered serious injuries, and of course she was quite annoyed. All of her annoyance was directed at the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast.

Lin Feng didn't say anything.

Instead, he concentrated on dealing with other stone beasts. He seized the opportunity, and another stone beast was pierced in the eye by him. Its body collapsed suddenly, and then died in pieces.

As for the guy from the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast, he started chanting a spell.

It was an extremely ancient language. Lin Feng did not know what language it was. Lin Feng guessed that it was a language created by the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast clan. It is estimated that no one except the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast clan knew what that language meant. .

After hearing that kind of language, Lin Feng's face couldn't help but darken slightly, because Lin Feng always felt that this guy who shook the sky had other methods.

The stone beasts are already so powerful.

The latter method may be even more terrifying.

So after seeing the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast reciting a spell, Lin Feng hurriedly said to the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing, "We have to fight quickly, otherwise we will wait until the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast shows up with a more powerful foundation." That’s bad.”

"Okay!", the five-tailed fox fairy gently responded to Lin Feng and continued to fight with the stone beasts.

Lin Feng and the Five-Tailed Fox Fairy Qingqing quickly killed the remaining stone beasts and headed towards the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast.

However, when they were still three meters away from the Holy Beast, a powerful light shield was released from the body of the Holy Beast. The light shield directly knocked Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing away. , the powerful force shocked the two people, their blood boiled, they were dizzy, and they almost fell to the ground.

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