Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 666: The situation took a turn for the worse!

The light shield that knocked Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing away was definitely not condensed by the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast himself. He simply did not have the ability to condense such a powerful light shield. It must be one of the hidden methods. Such The underlying methods are not so easy to activate, and even some underlying methods may not be used after one use. Therefore, the Shaking Sky Holy Beast will not use these methods unless it is absolutely necessary, but obviously, for Shaking the Sky For the holy beast, now is the most important moment. If these hidden methods are not used at this time, when will they be used?

Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing stood up quickly. They looked at each other and continued to kill the heaven-shaking holy beast. Even now, there was nothing more to say. Just "do it" was enough.

The two of them released powerful attacks one after another in an attempt to destroy the defensive light barrier outside the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast.

The five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing still relied on her bone knife, but this time she was much more cautious. When she released a powerful attack with the bone knife, she also held a bone shield in her hand to protect herself tightly, mainly They were frightened by the previous situation. If this light shield rebounded their attacks again, it would be impossible without some defensive measures.

He had to be killed half to death.

Lin Feng used his stone sword, and the stone sword formed a sword formation, releasing a powerful and devastating attack, killing the light shield in front of him.

At the same time, Lin Feng also mobilized several defensive magic weapons and used them to construct a defensive light shield to protect himself.

When Lin Feng's stone sword killed him.

When the five-tailed fox immortal Qingqing Bone Sword released the sword energy, it killed him.

Sure enough, just like the previous situation, their attacks were bounced back, and these bounced attacks continued to kill them.

It's really scary!

Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy were prepared early in the morning and neutralized the rebounded attacks.

Lin Feng knew that he could no longer wait and must mobilize the undead army.

Otherwise, the subsequent development may gradually get out of control.

Thinking about this.

Lin Feng waved his hand and directly summoned the Book of the Dead.

The Book of the Dead reveals a world.

The undead legions are all in this world. Now the undead legions are taking action one after another, releasing destructive power and blasting towards the heaven-shaking holy beast.

What happened after this attack completely shocked Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing.

This is because.

The attacks of the undead army were actually bounced back by the defensive light shield that protected the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast. This was something that Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing did not expect. After all, the attack of the undead army was quite terrifying. What's more, Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing had attacked twice in a row before, which must have caused a lot of damage to the mask.

As a result, the possibility that the mask will be gradually destroyed by the undead army greatly increases.


The actual situation is exactly the opposite.

The current situation is really not good.

"You all go to hell!".

At this moment, the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast let out a low roar, and his eyes turned into blood-colored eyes.

It was a pair of devil-like eyes, as if they wanted to choose someone and be addicted to them.


next moment.

A huge skeleton was summoned by the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast. If you look closely, you can see that the skeleton is very similar to the form of the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast.

It is very likely that they are the bones of an ancestor of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast Clan.

Needless to say, the greatness and glory of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast Clan. If we really wanted to talk about it, it would take three days and three nights. Not to mention the existences of this clan that can be called heaven-defying, this clan, even the most ordinary clan members, In fact, it's also ridiculously strong.

And judging from the aura emanating from this skeleton.

When this skeleton was alive, he was probably not an ordinary member of the tribe. He was not one of the strongest members of the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast Clan, and he was definitely very close to those strongest members.

Such a perfect skeleton has been perfectly preserved. It is unknown what happened in the middle, but this skeleton is no longer as simple as a skeleton. Every step it takes, it seems to be in harmony with heaven, earth, and Tao. It was so powerful, even though it was just a skeleton, it looked so sacred.

Such an existence is amazing and shocking.


The skeleton moved and quickly moved towards Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing.

The five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing seemed to feel the horror of this skeleton. She said loudly, "Quick, quick, mobilize the power of the undead army, and let's work together to deal with it!".

The five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing is powerful.

But it was precisely because of her powerful strength that she could clearly feel the horror of this skeleton, and the more she knew, the more terrified she became.

Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate and quickly issued orders to the undead army.

The undead army had no reservations and directly launched the most powerful attack to assist Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing.

Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing also quickly mobilized their body's magic power and used extremely powerful methods to deal with the bones of this ancient powerful man from the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast Tribe.

But it was still useless. The skeleton of the heaven-shaking holy beast was too terrifying.

All the attacks that hit its body were actually eliminated by the mysterious talisman culture outside its body.

This method can simply be described as miraculous.

Then the skeleton of the heaven-shaking holy beast quickly rushed in front of Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing, quickly slapped its two claws, and flew the two people away quickly. Even if they were protected by the defensive light shield constructed by the magic weapon, The powerful concussive force still made Lin Feng's blood boil.

Lin Feng felt as if his body was about to fall apart.

The bones of the heaven-shaking holy beast immediately rushed towards Lin Feng. This guy obviously knew that the Book of the Dead was controlled by Lin Feng. After Lin Feng was eliminated, the Book of the Dead would no longer pose a threat. As for the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing, there was no threat at all. Being looked down upon by the skeleton of this heaven-shaking holy beast.

"Depend on!".

Seeing the bones of the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast approaching, Lin Feng couldn't help but cursed. He quickly let the undead army launch an attack on the bones of the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast, and he took this opportunity to quickly get rid of the lock of the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast's bones. At the same time, Lin Feng sacrificed the Flower of Fire.

The flowers of fire bombarded the bones of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast and exploded instantly, forming a destructive force.

Lin Feng originally wanted to see if he could blow up the body of the Holy Beast's skeleton, but what made Lin Feng depressed was that the explosion of the Flower of Fire was not able to blow up the body of the Holy Beast's skeleton, but it did not cause any damage to it either. The impact was actually quite significant, because Lin Feng saw that several bones had been broken, which would affect the strength of the bones of the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast.

The skeleton of the Holy Beast that shook the sky was furious and rushed towards Lin Feng quickly. The undead army once again blocked the skeleton of the Holy Beast that shook the sky, giving Lin Feng a chance to get rid of the skeleton of the Holy Beast that shook the sky.

This situation made the Skeleton of the Holy Beast Shaking Heaven quite angry. It roared angrily, gave up on killing Lin Feng, and instead quickly attacked the Book of the Dead.

The undead army continued to release powerful attacks in an attempt to repel the skeleton of the Holy Beast and prevent it from getting closer. However, the furious skeleton of the Holy Beast became even more terrifying and resisted the attack of the undead army, quickly killing it. When he arrived in front of the Book of the Dead, he slapped the Book of the Dead with his paw. The Book of the Dead was immediately thrown away. The powerful force dispersed many of the spirits of the Book of the Dead, causing some damage to the Book of the Dead and causing the undead to escape. The Book of the Dead became silent, which caused Lin Feng's expression to suddenly change, because once the Book of the Dead fell silent, the undead army inside the Book of the Dead would have no way to take action.

Expecting him and the five-tailed fox fairy to deal with the bones of the heaven-shaking holy beast would cost both of their lives.

(End of chapter)

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