Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 667: lost world

The current situation is really an extremely bad situation for Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing. Even if they want to withdraw now, they simply cannot do it.

Both of them tried to calm down. At this time, they should not panic, otherwise, the situation would be even worse for them.

Lin Feng looked at the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast and said, "Fellow Taoist, I don't think it's either you or me who will die between us. Maybe we can negotiate, what do you think?"

There was a look of ridicule in the eyes of the Holy Beast that shook the sky. It sneered, "Now that you know you are afraid, don't you think it's too late? I asked you to leave a long time ago, but you insisted on not leaving. It's too late to say anything now. But I can give you a chance now. You can end it on your own and suffer less pain. Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude to you!"

Lin Feng said, "Then try to see if the bones of your ancestors can really kill us!".

"Hmph, if you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with wine, then I will make you completely despair!". The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast sneered.

If the negotiation between the two parties fails, there will be no more nonsense and they will go straight to the killing move.

The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast continued to use its ancestral bones to deal with Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing.

Naturally, Lin Feng and the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing were not willing to die, and they all tried to fight against it. However, they were no match for the bones of the ancestors of the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast. The two of them were knocked away again. Lin Feng now relied entirely on his defensive magic weapons and His own strong defense prevented him from being defeated.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to withstand the attack of this skeleton. As for the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing, her situation is naturally much stronger than that of Lin Feng. The main reason is that she is stronger and can handle it more easily, and her bone shield It's very special. I don't know what creature's bones forged this treasure, but it's so extraordinary.

But even if that treasure is very powerful, it is only a matter of time before the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing is defeated.

Of course, Lin Feng is also facing such a situation. Lin Feng knows that the only means he can use now is to communicate with his ancestors.

If you want to communicate with your ancestors, you need to rely on the power of blood.

Lin Feng quickly activated his blood.

As the bloodline was activated by Lin Feng, Lin Feng did not dare to waste time and quickly tried to communicate with his ancestors with the help of the power of the bloodline.

Of course, it's not just about communicating with ancestors, if you can communicate with father, Ji Zixu and other elders who are still alive and extremely powerful.

The results achieved will also be extremely amazing.

But many times, there is always a gap between ideal and reality.

Lin Feng wanted to quickly communicate the power left by a certain ancestor or some other means.

But it has not been successful yet.

Time waits for no one, and the longer it takes, the more disadvantageous it will be to Lin Feng and the others.

But communicating with ancestors is not something that can be done quickly in a hurry, and Lin Feng is quite helpless.

The attacks from the bones of the ancestors of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast became more and more violent, after several consecutive attacks.

The defensive mask constructed by Lin Feng's defensive magic weapon has cracks. The appearance of these cracks is an extremely bad thing, because the appearance of these cracks means that the defensive mask constructed by Lin Feng's defensive magic weapon will be destroyed anytime and anywhere. .

Once destroyed, Lin Feng will face the attack of the bones of the ancestors of the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast in his flesh and blood body. Although Lin Feng's Vajra Indestructible Magic is quite powerful, it cannot withstand the opponent's too strong strength, which makes Lin Feng's heart tremble. , the situation on the side of the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing is similar to the situation on Lin Feng's side, and it is also quite bad.

After she was knocked out again, she couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. Her defensive magic weapon could no longer be used.

"Mom, you're so stupid, do you really think I'm easy to bully?".

The five-tailed fox fairy wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but curse.

She has been really frustrated recently.

I felt frustrated at Lin Feng's place.

Here, still hungry.

She also wanted to vent.

If she didn't vent it out, she felt like she would go crazy. She looked at Lin Feng and said, "You hold this monster back for a while, and leave the rest to me!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but perked up. It seemed that the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing also had some hidden and powerful methods.

I just don’t know what her methods are.

Should be extremely powerful.

Otherwise I wouldn't be so confident.

Lin Feng replied, "Okay!".

He took the initiative to kill the bones of the ancestors of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast.

And the other side.

The five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing also began to recite the spell, not knowing what method she was going to use.


The bones of the ancestors of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast let out a low roar and once again launched a frenzied attack on Lin Feng.

He is controlled by the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast.

I want to quickly deal with Lin Feng, and then deal with the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing.

But at this time, Lin Feng also tried his best to stop the bones of the ancestors of the Holy Beast that shook the sky. Although Lin Feng was knocked away by the bones of the ancestors of the Holy Beast that shook the sky time and time again, he quickly threw himself into the new battle. Who let him Lin Feng's body is terrifying enough, and his recovery ability is extremely powerful. It is very difficult to defeat him quickly.

Therefore, the skeleton of the ancestor of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast was really held back by Lin Feng.

This also allowed the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing to successfully use the method she wanted to use.

"Borrow the spirit!".

After the five-tailed fox fairy finished her clear spell, she suddenly shouted, and then a mysterious illusory world appeared above her, and a twisted vortex appeared in that mysterious illusory world.

That twisted vortex seemed to be connected to some unknown, incomprehensible place.

The five-tailed fox fairy held a bone knife in both hands. She raised the bone knife.

The bone knife in her hand vibrated with terrifying fluctuations, and the vortex seemed to sense it. A beam of light fell from the sky and connected with the bone knife in the hand of the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing.

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At this time, Lin Feng was once again knocked away by the bones of the ancestors of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast. His body hit the rock wall heavily and he was unable to get up for a while.

And the bones of the ancestors of the Holy Beast that shook the sky took this opportunity to quickly kill the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing.

"Shaking the Sky Holy Beast! Since you are inherited from the Shaking Sky Clan, have you ever heard of that lost world?" The five-tailed fox fairy looked at the heaven-shaking holy beast and suddenly shouted coldly.

"You mean, what you are communicating is..." A look of horror appeared in the eyes of the Holy Beast, but then he yelled, "Even if you communicate with that world, it is useless. What our family has inherited is You cannot compete with the bones of your ancestors! ’.

next moment.

The five-tailed fox fairy swung and clashed with the bones of the ancestors of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast. Nothing happened to the five-tailed fox fairy, but the bones of the ancestors of the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast were blown away.

The five-tailed fox fairy stepped forward and slashed five times in a row. Every time she took a shot, she seemed to suffer some backlash, and she kept vomiting blood.

But the attacks she unleashed were indeed powerful. Five consecutive sword strikes directly destroyed the bones of the ancestors of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast.

The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast also suffered backlash due to the destruction of its ancestor's bones. It was like being struck by lightning. It coughed up blood. Its huge body could no longer stand. It fell to the ground with a crash, which was extremely tragic.

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