Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 669: Sneak attack

Lin Feng looked at the five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing and said helplessly, "Beauty, please stop joking, okay?".

The five-tailed fox fairy Qingqing reached out and grabbed the clothes on Lin Feng's chest and pulled Lin Feng towards her.

The two of them were almost touching each other.

This posture.

As close as you want.

The five-tailed fox fairy said Qingqing, "The slave family is not joking with you!".

Lin Feng quickly struggled away.

He quickly took a few steps back and said, "Let's forget it, my little body can't bear it!".

The five-tailed fox fairy said Qingqing, "Look what you said, you have a body that is extremely strong and yang. This kind of body is unique. You don't need to worry about anything at all."

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

Lin Feng would not violate some principled matters, and Lin Feng had always been a person who liked to take the initiative, especially when it came to men and women.


He didn't even know what kind of person this five-tailed fox fairy was. Who knew if she could do it cleanly?

The five-tailed fox fairy said Qingqing, "You refused too quickly. This is not your true intention. You should think carefully before making a decision!"

Lin Feng said, "I have already thought about it clearly. There is no need to think about it any more. Since you are not willing to cooperate with me, let's just say goodbye. You can still think carefully during this period! You can go after you go out Look for me. I may be in the world of the reincarnation passage after a while. If I am not here, I will go back to the world of Kyushu. If you can’t find me in these places, you can go to the wasteland world. Find me!"

The five-tailed fox fairy sighed and said, "I originally set my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch. My little brother's choice really breaks my heart!".

Lin Feng said, "Is it really good to seduce one's friends?".

After leaving such words, Lin Feng left quickly.

The five-tailed fox fairy murmured the word "friend" Qingqing. After a long time, a look of disdain appeared on the corner of her mouth, "So-called friends are only used to betray others at critical moments!".

She didn't stop.

Went back to the cave quickly.

As for Lin Feng, after leaving that area, he planned to find a secluded place to recuperate. The losses in the previous battle were extremely serious. In addition, Lin Feng also had to find a way to repair the Book of the Dead. After all, the Book of the Dead was The bones of the ancestors of the Holy Beast that shook the sky were injured, so it could no longer be used. Lin Feng still didn't know what happened to the Book of the Dead now.

Lin Feng found a quiet valley, sealed the valley with a ban, and then sat cross-legged on a large smooth stone in the valley.

Lin Feng took out the Book of the Dead.

After careful exploration, he found that although the Book of the Dead had suffered some damage, the damage was actually not serious. Lin Feng was even shocked to find that the damaged parts of the Book of the Dead were slowly and actively being repaired.

"Can the Book of the Dead repair itself?"

Lin Feng was surprised. The Book of the Dead that he obtained earlier definitely did not have this ability, but some of the abilities of the Book of the Dead can be evolved.

This is because.

As the number of undead inside the Book of the Dead increases, the number of undead becomes more and more powerful.

It will form some unknown improvement to the Book of the Dead.

How this improvement was achieved, even Lin Feng, the current owner of the Book of the Dead, did not know, but Lin Feng knew that this improvement was astonishing.

It can make the Book of the Dead more and more mysterious.

Treasures like the Book of the Dead are extremely rare. It is indeed one of the oldest treasures in the world.

The degree of evolution of the Book of the Dead today is indeed amazing.

Lin Feng thought to himself, "Maybe I only need to provide some special energy supplies to speed up the repair of the Book of the Dead."

Not all energy can be called special energy. The special energy mentioned here is for the Book of the Dead, mainly the power of dark attributes.

This is not a problem for Lin Feng.

He controls thirty-four large worlds, and the dark forces born within these large worlds can be concentrated and supplied to the Book of the Dead.


Lin Feng also stored some extremely special dark attributes, such as the power of reincarnation, which can also help and speed up the repair of the Book of the Dead.

Lin Feng now hopes that the Book of the Dead can be repaired before fighting for the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. At that time, he can continue to mobilize the undead army to fight against the enemy.

After the matter with the Book of the Dead is resolved.

Lin Feng began to treat his injuries. As long as it was not a Tao injury, it was not a serious problem for Lin Feng, and the treatment would not be too troublesome.

Lin Feng entered time and space to heal his injuries.

After Lin Feng recovered from his injuries, Lin Feng quickly flew out of time and space, and he planned to continue looking for the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation.

Lin Feng removed the restriction and was about to leave, but the void behind him trembled slightly. The fluctuation was actually very small, but Lin Feng's power of perception was really powerful. Even though the fluctuation behind was almost undetectable, it was still sensed by Lin Feng. Lin Feng quickly Turning around, he did not attack, but stretched his arms in front of him, and at the same time activated the Vajra Indestructible Magic.

The time the other party gave Lin Feng was too short, and Lin Feng could only use these methods at most.

Of course, there is no way to use some of the top defense magic weapons. The defense mask was destroyed when used before, and it will take at least a few days to recover before it can continue to be activated.


Along with the fierce sound of collision, Lin Feng was blown away by the opponent. The tyrannical force almost broke Lin Feng's arm. Lin Feng's body hit the rock wall hard, and the shock The force that came out actually shook the thousands-meter-high mountain behind Lin Feng. This shows how terrifying the power Lin Feng had endured before was. If Lin Feng hadn't mastered the indestructible power of the Vajra and had an unparalleled physical body, he would have just been That one blow was enough to kill him.

"Boy, you are dead this time. No one in heaven or on earth can save your life!".

An eerie voice came.

Lin Feng saw clearly who had taken action. It was none other than Huang Mo's grandson.

The Desolate Demon was a much more powerful being than the Dragon King and the others.

And the Dragon King and others on the back of the spine are existences with more than fifty immortal palaces.

Therefore, this guy, Huang Mo, is probably an existence at the level of the Elder of the Universe. Even if he is not, he is still a strong person who is extremely close to this level. He is a quasi-pioneer of hundreds of immortal temples. There is no need to say how terrifying it is. There is absolutely no chance of winning for such an existence.

"Hey, Fairy Ji Yao, you're here, hurry up and join me to deal with this grandson of Huang Mo!". Lin Feng looked behind Huang Mo and said in surprise.

Hearing the arrival of Goddess Ji Yao, the Desolate Demon was shocked. Since she failed to kill the Goddess Ji Yao last time, the Goddess Ji Yao has become more and more powerful. Even the Desolate Demon is extremely afraid of her. In the eyes of the Desolate Demon, if it were not for Lin Feng , Goddess Ji Yao has died a long time ago, which is one of the main reasons why the wild demon wants to kill Lin Feng, but when Goddess Ji Yao arrives, he has to be careful. He looked behind him with a wary look on his face, but When he turned around to look, there was no shadow of Goddess Ji Yao behind him.

"You little beast, how dare you lie to me!" Huang Mo knew that he had been tricked by Lin Feng. He turned around and found that Lin Feng had fled into the distance. He roared and quickly chased Lin Feng.

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