Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 670: Huo Xiu takes action

As a strong man of the Demon God Clan, the Desolate Demon's aura was truly terrifying. Wherever he passed, everything was silent, and even the sounds of insects and birds disappeared.

Looking at this ancient battlefield, this guy's strength is also top-notch.

It is estimated that apart from the Evil Stone Statue, the Universe Ghost Mother, the Gengzi Demon Lord, the Old Stone Man, the Flower Fairy, and the giant in the sea, there are definitely not many people who dare to say that they can definitely defeat the Desolate Demon. .

Being targeted by such a being is naturally very bad. Unfortunately, the undead army cannot be mobilized. If the undead army can be mobilized, it would be easier to escape with the help of the undead army and the Desolate Demon.

Lin Feng tried to mobilize the Gate of Heart to travel long distances, but the perception of the wild demon was extremely powerful. He roared, which shocked Lin Feng's blood. The Gate of Heart seemed to be affected by his roar and was difficult to activate. .

"Boy, you ruined my good deeds last time. Otherwise, Goddess Ji Yao would have been suppressed and eaten by me. But your luck is stronger than Goddess Ji Yao, and your bloodline is also better than Ji Yao's. The goddess is even more powerful. Eating you will bring me greater benefits than eating Goddess Ji Yao!" The eerie voice of the wild monster came from behind, giving Lin Feng a creepy feeling. In fact, not only Goddess Ji Yao The strength has been improved.

Lin Feng felt that this wild demon seemed to be much stronger than when he saw him before.

This guy definitely had a chance, but he didn't know whether the chance he got was an inherent chance within the reincarnation barrier, or whether he had swallowed some powerful monk to improve his cultivation.

But no matter what the reason for his improved cultivation, it was extremely detrimental to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "Desolate Demon! After all, devouring others to increase your strength is just a heresy. If you continue to do such things, you will definitely suffer backlash in the future, and you will definitely end up with an extremely miserable end. But I have a method here that can greatly improve monks." The technique to break through the probability of success can be taught to you, and the two of us can settle our grudges, what do you think?"

What Lin Feng was talking about was of course the Xiaoyao Tian Gong. Lin Feng gave Xiaoyao Tian Gong to the wild demon sincerely. However, this matter is not that simple, because Xiaoyao Tian Gong was created by Lin Feng based on the Great Heaven and Freedom Divine Art. It has long been integrated into some of Lin Feng's Tao. If this wild demon really agrees to Lin Feng's peace terms and practices Xiaoyao Tian Gong, then Lin Feng will have the opportunity to control the wild demon through Xiaoyao Tian Gong.

But after hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang Mo said disdainfully, "Who do you think you are? You dare to come here and teach me a lesson after practicing for only three hundred years? I just like to devour others to improve my cultivation. What's the matter? I have the ability." Make me crazy immediately!"

Huang Mo's willpower is extremely strong, and it seems that it is basically impossible to change his mind.

Of course.

Lin Feng had actually expected this outcome, and he would not be disappointed.

Lin Feng said, "If we don't negotiate, then forget it, but if you want to catch up with me at this speed, it won't be easy!".

Lin Feng really wasn't bragging on this point, even if Huang Mo was awesome.

His speed was actually not as good as Lin Feng's.

Both sides ran away and gave chase.

Huang Mo was unable to catch up with Lin Feng for a long time, which made Huang Mo very angry. Huang Mo himself was not a good-tempered person and had a rather irritable personality.

He roared and said again and again, "Boy! If you have the guts, stop it. You just want to run, why are you so shameless?".

"What the hell? You actually said that I am shameless? You, a being who has transcended reincarnation, are deliberately trying to deal with me, a monk who has been practicing for more than three hundred years, and you even attacked me secretly. Which of the two of us is shameless? You still need me to say ? After this matter spreads out, you, the wild demon, will become the laughing stock of everyone. Don’t you have any idea? You even mocked me for being shameless. You guys really disgraced your demon clan, you demon gods. If the ancestors of the clan knew what you had done, they would probably be so angry that they would crawl out of their graves and come and whip you, this disdainful descendant of you!"

Lin Feng was famous for his venomous tongue in his early years. He could kill people with just one mouth. It was obviously not possible for Huang Mo to use words to stimulate Lin Feng. Instead, he was furious with Lin Feng's words.

"I must kill you!". The wild demon roared again and again. He was really angry to death now. He wanted to catch up with Lin Feng immediately and tear Lin Feng's body to pieces. Only then could he relieve the hatred in his heart. It was just that he wanted to beat Lin Feng in terms of speed. An easy thing.

Of course, the realm of the Desolate Demon is there, and it is almost impossible to get rid of the Desolate Demon quickly. This gives Lin Feng an extremely headache, but no matter how headaches he has, he has to face the situation in front of him. Lin Feng is thinking about it. How can we get rid of this guy, Huang Mo? Perhaps we can use some special terrain to get rid of this guy, Huang Mo.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng wanted to see if he could find such a place. If he really found such a place, then it would be a high probability to get rid of the wild demon.

But right now.

In front of Lin Feng, the void suddenly became distorted. Before this, Lin Feng had never thought that such a change would occur, and he did not sense the aura of other monks.

This speaks volumes.

The monk who distorted the void was absolutely extremely powerful, and his ability to conceal his own aura was also quite strong. At this time, Lin Feng suddenly noticed that the sky fire was moving.

"It's the fire of Guixu!".

Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but suddenly condensed. The ninth-ranked Fire of Guixu was on this island, and the origin of the flame had turned into a fire cultivator.

Lin Feng didn't expect it.

I haven't bothered to find the Fire of Gui Xu yet. The Fire of Gui Xu came to me first. I can sense some information about the Fire of Gui Xu. Presumably, the Fire of Gui Xu can also sense some of my aura. , it is normal for him to want to kill himself and devour the heavenly fire he refined.

Sure enough, the next moment, an illusory figure appeared in the twisted void.

It is the monk who was transformed from the fire of Guixu and is hidden here.

The monk transformed from the fire of Guixu slapped Lin Feng with his palm, and Lin Feng hurriedly exchanged a palm with him.

The two of them stepped back more than ten meters.

Although the monk transformed by the Guixu Fire did not hurt Lin Feng.

But he successfully hindered the time and process of Lin Feng's departure.

All of a sudden.

The wild demon behind quickly caught up.

"Boy, let's see how you die!" Huang Mo laughed ferociously and struck towards Lin Feng with one palm, wanting to take Lin Feng's life.

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