Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 671: Counterattack and Tracking

The power of Huang Mo's palm is really powerful. This guy was almost mad to death by Lin Feng before, so this palm is so powerful without any reservations. If he is hit by this palm, his life will be lost here. .

Lin Feng did not dare to be careless, and did not dare to confront Huang Mo head-on. Instead, he cast an illusory spell to avoid Huang Mo's attack. He tapped lightly in the void, quickly retreated, and landed on a tree a hundred meters high. On the top of the giant tree, the Desolate Demon and the monks transformed by the Returning Fire stood in the void on the left and right of Lin Feng, completely locking Lin Feng to death, leaving Lin Feng unable to escape.

"Boy, your ability is extraordinary. You managed to dodge my attack. However, although the method just now was extraordinary, if I guessed correctly, that method has a cooling time. Since you have already used it, It is absolutely impossible to use such a method again in a short period of time, so, how many moves do you think you can sustain under my hand? One move, or two moves?" Huang Mo looked at Lin Feng with a sarcastic look.

This guy's disdain for Lin Feng was revealed in his bones.

How infuriating, but Lin Feng couldn't do anything yet. Who made this guy so powerful?

Of course, the most important thing now is to escape. Most people would probably be deeply desperate when they encounter the situation Lin Feng is facing now, but Lin Feng is not desperate.


Lin Feng had already thought of a countermeasure.

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and glanced at the Desolate Demon, and then looked at the monk who was transformed from the fire of Guixu. He said, "We finally met, but I never thought that you would join forces with the Desolate Demon to deal with me. It's sad and lamentable. The top strong men in the last reincarnation all like to use all kinds of despicable means. There are so many strong men, but there is no one who is heroic. It's no wonder that in the last reincarnation, you These people have become a tragedy. With your behavior, it will be regarded as evil if you are not punished!"

Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

There seems to be disdain in the language, and there seems to be some regret.

But clearly disdain prevailed.

"Boy, shut up! Who do you think you are, and you dare to judge me?" Huang Mo scolded him coldly.

Lin Feng said, "What? You have such a high level of cultivation, don't you even have this little belly? Waste is waste. In the last reincarnation, I was a waste. Even if I come back from this reincarnation, I will still be a waste!".

Lin Feng's words made the Desolate Demon so angry that even the fire cultivator was shocked. He didn't expect that Lin Feng dared to say such words. You must know that the Desolate Demon Lin Feng faced was the equivalent of the universe. An existence at the level of an elder. In fact, if there are others here at this time, they will definitely be as shocked as Huo Xiu when they hear Lin Feng's sarcastic remarks about the wild demon, and then they will have doubts in their hearts. This kid, How dare you be so presumptuous towards the wild demon.

"Little beast, you deserve to die!" Huang Mo shouted angrily and was about to attack Lin Feng.

At this time, Huo Xiu, who was transformed from the fire of Guixu, said, "Fellow Demon Daoist! Don't be angry because of the words of a dying man. The most urgent thing is that we should join hands to construct a double seal here. You can create One by one, I will construct another one. In this way, no matter how many methods this kid has, I don’t believe that he can quickly break the double blockade we have arranged!”

have to say! The mind of the monk transformed by the fire of Guixu is really too careful.

He teamed up with Huang Mo to deal with Lin Feng.

Normally, since their side is so powerful, they don't need to be so cautious when dealing with Lin Feng, but since he is cautious by nature, there is nothing he can do. It can only be said that Lin Feng was unlucky to meet such a monk.

But in fact, Huang Mo felt that this was not necessary, but since the monks transformed by the fire of Guixu had said so, it would not work if he did not give him any face. After all, if it were not for him, there would be no way to block Lin Feng here this time, so Huang Mo The demon said, "Okay, then I will do as you said! Now, let's gather the sealing circle to seal this place!".

The two men immediately started to take action. At this time, Lin Feng actually had the opportunity to try to break out, but Lin Feng did not do so because Lin Feng did not know whether he could successfully break out, and judging from the current situation, it was successful. The probability of breaking out does not seem to be high, after all, Huang Mo can intercept him anytime and anywhere.

If that's the case, then don't waste your efforts. When the Desolate Demon and the monks transformed from the Fire of Guixu were each deploying blockade methods, Lin Feng seemed to be secretly arranging some methods, but what specific methods were deployed? , it is unknown.

It didn't take long for the monks who were transformed from the wild demon and the fire of Guixu to set up two layers of sealing formations.

Huang Mo looked at Lin Feng and said, "I'm quite surprised that you didn't take advantage of this great opportunity to escape!".

Lin Feng said calmly, "Are you two clowns capable of letting me escape? What a joke. If I want to deal with you two clowns, it's not easy to catch me!"

Huang Mo was choked up by Lin Feng's words, and he said angrily, "Boy, I really want to see what you have the ability to say such ignorant and stupid things!".

The fire cultivator who was transformed from the fire of Guixu was a gloomy person. After hearing Lin Feng's words, he felt that Lin Feng should not be such an ignorant and arrogant person. Since Lin Feng dared to say such things, it was Didn't he have something to rely on? He quickly sent a message to Huang Mo and said, "This kid is not simple. I'm afraid he has some tricks that we don't know about. We have to be careful in our actions!".

Huang Mo said, "What are you afraid of? With our strength and means, can he still turn the world upside down? Let's see how I take him down!".

As soon as the voice fell, the wild demon began to prepare an attack.

Although the monk transformed from the fire of Guixu was a little worried in his heart, to be honest, he actually felt that Lin Feng could not make any waves, so he nodded and began to prepare an attack, cooperating with the wild demon. It would be best to deal with Lin Feng together and ensure that Lin Feng is annihilated in one fell swoop, so that future troubles can be avoided forever.

Lin Feng also started to use his skills at this time. He said, "Let you know how powerful I am!".

The desolate demon and the monks transformed from the fire of Guixu all looked disdainful, and soon their attacks came. Lin Feng, who originally seemed to be using his magical power to confront the two, suddenly used the Mirror Flower Shadow. Using his magical power, Lin Feng neutralized the attacks of the two men and bounced them back instantly.

Bang bang.

The unsuspecting Desolate Demon and the monks transformed from the Fire of Returning to the Ruins were blasted away by the attacks that bounced back instantly. Their attacks were quite terrifying, so the damage they received when they were blasted away was not light. , every one of them couldn't help but vomit blood.

"Beibei!" Lin Feng shouted. Beibei and Lin Feng, who had been prepared for a long time, took action together, instantly breaking through the blockade between the two, and quickly shuttled out.

"Damn it, let him run away!" Huang Mo roared angrily.

Lin Feng disappeared in the blink of an eye, and he had no idea where to look for Lin Feng.

The face of the monk transformed by the fire of Guixu also became extremely gloomy. This result was really too bad.

"Let's find a place to heal first!" Huang Mo said unwillingly, but he was injured by the rebounded attack and his injuries were not serious. Healing his injuries was obviously much more important than finding Lin Feng.

The wild demon chose a direction and flew quickly, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"You are brave and foolhardy. You only know how to make noises. What a fool!".

The monk who was transformed from the fire of Guixu spat in the direction in which the Desolate Demon left after the Desolate Demon left. He seemed to be extremely contemptuous of the Desolate Demon. He also chose a direction and planned to heal his wounds first, but he What he didn't know was that a figure was hidden in the void and followed him silently.

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