Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 672: One punch blast

The person who silently followed the monk transformed by the fire of Guixu was naturally Lin Feng.

It turned out that Lin Feng had not left at all.

Instead, he lurked.

With Lin Feng and Beibei working together to lurk, it would not be easy to find them.

There was a reason why Lin Feng chose to lurk. The monks who were transformed from the Desolate Demon and the Fire of Ruin just now suffered varying degrees of injuries.

The injuries they suffered were not serious in a strict sense.

They will definitely find a place to heal.

And they will definitely not heal in the same place.

Although these two people have reached a cooperation agreement, they are actually extremely wary of each other. How can they heal in one place? Wouldn't it be tragic if they were attacked by a sneak attack while healing, so Lin Feng chose to lurk and prepare to find opportunities. Deal with the monks transformed by the fire of Guixu.

Therefore, it is naturally very simple to target him. First, because the Desolate Demon is too powerful. Even if he is injured, Lin Feng cannot kill him. Dealing with the Desolate Demon is basically an impossible option. Second, because the Desolate Demon is too powerful. To put it bluntly, the monks transformed from the Fire of Ruins are transformed from the origin of Heavenly Fire. If this guy is killed, the origin of Heavenly Fire should be extracted.

That's the ninth-ranked Skyfire.

If he could refine the Guixu Fire, then Lin Feng would have thirteen types of Heavenly Fire.

The power of various methods related to Sky Fire, such as Sky Fire Formation, Flower of Fire, etc., will also be greatly increased.


Tianhuo, who is ranked so high, even has the original power of a high-level quasi-pioneer level expert integrated into it.

Once Lin Feng refined this kind of sky fire.

Then, Lin Feng's own strength may improve a lot again.

Simply kill three birds with one stone.

Thinking about it makes people feel excited.

The monk transformed from the fire of Guixu was very cautious. Lin Feng could confirm that this existence had not noticed him. However, the monk transformed from the fire of Guixu was still wandering around in the mountains and forests. He was probably passing through this place. Try to sense the surroundings by walking in a circle.

See if there is anyone hiding in the dark, ready to deal with him.

But no matter what, Lin Feng's concealment method was extremely powerful, and the monks transformed from the fire of Guixu were not able to detect Lin Feng.


The monk transformed from the fire of Guixu entered a mountain forest with dense restrictions. This place did not look like his old nest, but he must have been here before, and he should be familiar with it, so he walked here , no restrictions were triggered.

If someone else walks through here, it will easily trigger the ban.

Then it attracted the attention of the monks transformed by the Fire of Guixu.

"This guy is too cautious." Lin Feng couldn't help but feel speechless. He had been circling outside for so long just to sense if anyone was following him, and now he had gone to such a restricted place to retreat and recover. It was rare to see such cautious people.

It's no wonder that the monks transformed from the fire of Guixu can rise.

The restrictions here are difficult for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng deduced based on his familiarity with the restriction of the battle method, plus some residual auras of the monks transformed by the Fire of Return to Ruins, and he could basically deduce the correct road map. However, during the deduction, Lin Feng actually encountered There were some minor troubles, mainly because the monk transformed by the Fire of Guixu was too cautious. When entering the depths, he even deliberately directed his breath to the wrong route map. If someone was really following him If he comes over, the other party will follow his aura and take the wrong route, and they will immediately be attacked by the formation restrictions here.

That is Lin Feng!

His formation skills are astonishing.

You can tell where the atmosphere is real and where the atmosphere is deliberate.

Replace it with someone else.

The probability of being fooled is still very high.

Along the way, Lin Feng did not cause any changes in the formation restrictions. He successfully passed through the area covered by the formation restrictions and arrived deep in the mountain forest.

Lin Feng saw it from a distance.

The monk transformed from the fire of Guixu sat cross-legged on a huge stone, holding flowers in his hands, eyes closed tightly, runes wrapped around his body, and bursts of very special sounds came from his body, as if Dao Ming's voice is the same.

He entered the cultivation state extremely quickly, which made Lin Feng a little surprised.

In terms of talent, the monks transformed by the fire of Guixu can be regarded as extremely evil.

However, the two sides entered a confrontational situation.

Lin Feng would also kill him later if he suppressed him, because Lin Feng did not allow Tianhuo to have such a powerful spirit.

That would have a certain impact on Lin Feng's complete control of Skyfire.

Lin Feng did not take action immediately, but waited.

He needs to wait for a golden opportunity before taking action.

Time passed quietly.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

Four hours.

Five hours.

At this time, the fluctuations in Gui Xuzhihuo's body became more and more intense.

Lin Feng knew that the Fire of Guixu had reached the most critical and important moment.

This is the best time to deal with the Fire of Guixu.

Regardless of whether it can directly damage Guixu Fire, as long as the status of the monk transformed by Guixu Fire is interrupted, then, at such an important node.

A monk transformed by the fire of Guixu! All are likely to encounter more serious backlash.

If this really happened.

Then, the injuries to the monks transformed by the Guixu Fire will be even more serious.

Lin Feng guessed that the strength of the monks transformed after returning to the ruins was probably between ten and fifteen immortal temples.

After the injury is added to the injury.

His strength will definitely fall again and again.

It will also be easier to deal with.

Of course.

If possible, Lin Feng hopes that his sneak attack on him can be successful. It is best to disperse this guy's magic power. When the time comes, if he wants to take action, he will be unable to do anything.

Lin Feng lurked over quietly.

Everything is going smooth.

Lin Feng came behind the monk transformed by the fire of Guixu.


Lin Feng suddenly rose up and punched directly towards the head of the monk transformed by the Fire of Return to Ruins.

This is the most deadly place.


The monk transformed by the Fire of Guixu was awakened. Although he did not turn around, he already knew who was attacking him based on his perception.

He didn't expect that.

Even though he was so careful, he was followed to this place.

He didn't even expect that Lin Feng would be so bold and not leave after escaping, but followed him all the way here.

It was too late for him to escape.

This made him frightened and angry.


The next moment, Lin Feng's extremely violent punch directly hit the monk's head transformed by the fire of Guixu.

The monk's head transformed by the Fire of Guixu was exploded by Lin Feng's punch.

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