Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 675: What a good plan!

Lin Feng first spent a certain amount of time repairing his own condition. After his condition returned to its optimal state, Lin Feng summoned the suppressed Fire of Return to Ruins. The Fire of Return to Ruins suspended in front of him, twisting the void. , which makes people’s hearts beat.

In fact, during this period of time, Lin Feng's cultivation has been progressing extremely fast. Generally, if the cultivation continues to improve in a short period of time, it can easily cause the foundation to be unstable.

If the foundation is not stable, it will have a series of bad effects on the monks later, which is something that must be avoided at all costs.

But Lin Feng doesn't have to worry about his unstable foundation now, because the recent continuous wars have already helped Lin Feng stabilize his realm.

When being refined, flames such as the Fire of Return to the Ruins can also be burned to further temper the body. These can help Lin Feng further consolidate his realm.

Therefore, Lin Feng can refine the Fire of Guixu with complete confidence and confidence.

The first thing Lin Feng had to do was to kill the spirit of Gui Xuhuo.

The original flame of the Returning Fire was suppressed by Lin Feng. Killing the spirit of the Returning Fire was not a difficult task for Lin Feng.

The spirit of the Returning Fire seems to have felt its fate.

The original arrogance completely disappeared at this moment.

Some, just fear.

"Spare my life, I am willing to surrender, but please don't kill my soul." The voice of Gui Xu Zhihuo Ling resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng responded coldly, "Isn't it too late to know now? Stop talking nonsense, you are dead today!".

Seeing Lin Feng's firm attitude, Lingtong knew that Lin Feng would never let him go, and he began to break the rules.

He began to curse Lin Feng constantly.

The scolding is as unpleasant as it sounds.

Lin Feng ignored his curse. If a dying person wants to curse, let him curse.

Lin Feng directly used the twelve kinds of heavenly fire under his control to burn the spirit of the Guixu Fire.

Under the burning of the twelve kinds of heavenly fire, the spirit of the Guixu Fire is also difficult to resist.

The breath became weaker and weaker.

An hour later.

The spirit of the Returning Fire could not hold on, and was completely refined to death by Lin Feng, while Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts began to quickly capture the memory of the soul of the Returning Fire.

The memory of the soul of the Fire of Return is extremely numerous.

Lin Feng was mainly interested in some memories related to the Fire Ancestor. The rest of the memories were of average interest to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng captured the corresponding information.

Lin Feng quickly checked.

You wouldn't know if you didn't check it. After checking it, Lin Feng was shocked.

This Fire Ancestor is indeed a powerful figure, one of the most powerful people born from the last cycle of fire.

It is said to be the strength of two hundred immortal palaces.

But Lin Feng felt more than that. After all, the reincarnation of Guixu Fire had been trapped here and never left at all.

As for the strength of the Fire Ancestor's two hundred Immortal Palaces, it was probably something that happened endless years ago.

Not now at all!

After such a long time, who knows how powerful this Fire Ancestor is.

"Hey, this guy also knows some of the inheritance of the Fire Ancestor. That's great. I can find the weaknesses of the Fire Ancestor through the inheritance of the Fire Ancestor!". After Lin Feng made a new discovery, his eyes couldn't help but light up slightly. When he was about to study the contents of these inheritances carefully, he didn't encounter any trouble.

Lin Feng suddenly felt as if he was pulled into a world of flames by an invisible and mysterious force.

This flame world is like a flame world formed underground, surrounded by magma and blazing flames.

The rocks here have turned into an extremely strange fire stone due to being burned by flames and magma over the years.

The flaming stones look like the faces of evil spirits.

Lin Feng saw a blazing flame appearing deep in the flame world.

In the flame, there was a pair of eyes staring at him.

At that moment, everything disappeared in Lin Feng's mind, only those eyes were left, and those eyes were so terrifying.

As if to destroy his willpower.

This surprised Lin Feng. Lin Feng quickly activated the domineering magnetic field and cut off the connection with those eyes with the powerful and overbearing power formed by the domineering magnetic field.

Lin Feng then returned to normal.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

In the real world, Lin Feng opened his eyes and gasped violently.

Lin Feng still had a horrified look on his face.

That guy has such terrifying methods. Fortunately, his methods are not weak, otherwise, he might have fallen into the hands of that guy. And if he guessed correctly, it should be the Fire Ancestor who just secretly calculated his existence.

"Is the Flame World the place where Fairy Fire Ancestor lives? I don't know where it is!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

After being manipulated by Fire Ancestor in this way, those memories also dissipated. Lin Feng's idea of ​​using magical powers to find Fire Ancestor's weaknesses was completely out of the question.

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But from Lin Feng's point of view, this didn't matter, since he had already obtained the Fire of Return to Ruins anyway.

The next step is to refine the fire of returning to ruins.

the whole process!

Lin Feng was extremely cautious, fearing that something would go wrong.

This time's refining was the same as the previous refining. It was not just a physical test for Lin Feng.

The test of spiritual will is also unimaginable.

The pain endured by refining Heavenly Fire is definitely ten times, or even dozens of times more painful than being cut to pieces with a thousand knives.

This kind of pain made Lin Feng, a person with extremely strong willpower, almost collapse.

But the good thing is.

Lin Feng's willpower is too strong, coupled with his rich experience.

The damage caused by the sky fire to him was gradually suppressed by him, and the fire of returning to the ruins, as time went by, was not as violent as before.

Feeling the fire of returning to the ruins that was becoming more stable and peaceful, Lin Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

What happens next should be smoother.

But at this moment, something happened that Lin Feng didn't expect.


Terrifying fluctuations erupted from the Guixu Fire, and then a vicious voice came out, "Little beast, even if I die, I will drag you with me to be buried with you!".

This is the voice of the Fire Spirit of Guixu.

Lin Feng had previously investigated and found out that he had completely killed the spirit of the Returning Fire, and there were no residual thoughts left, so he could rest assured to refine the Returning Fire.

But now it seems that he miscalculated.

The spirit of the Returning Fire was really powerful. It actually had a residual thought hidden in it. This residual thought had not taken action before, but it was planned to suddenly take action when Lin Feng felt that there was no problem and therefore relaxed his vigilance.

The Fire of Guixu suddenly became violent. The powerful flame source surged towards Lin Feng's other twelve heavenly fires. It seemed that it wanted to form a fire collision, which would cause the skyfires to explode. When the time came, Lin Feng would Exploded to pieces.

What a good calculation.

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