Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 676: Huge improvement

Ning Keer said, "It is said that there are some extremely important things left over from the pioneer era!".

After hearing Ning Keer's words, Lin Feng couldn't help but show a look of shock on his face. No wonder the spirit of Shidian wants to go to the end of the sunset. The things there are so extraordinary.

It would probably be of great help to the spirit of the Stone Palace.

In fact, how can it help the spirit of Shidian?

To many people.

They can all be of great help. For example, they have the same effect on Ning Keer, Lin Feng, Poison Ancestor, Evil Saint, Beibei, etc.

However, it is difficult to find the end of the sunset. If it were easy to find, the spirit of Shidian would have found the end of the sunset long ago.

Lin Feng only needed to know this matter for the time being. Now was not the time to discuss this matter in detail. He said, "Okay, let's discuss this matter again after we get together with the others!".

Ning Keer thought there was no problem and said, "Okay!".

Lin Feng did not stay here any longer and left immediately.

He returned directly to his residence.

"It's really an attractive place!" Lin Feng tapped the table lightly.

In the past, this kind of opportunity would have been difficult to come by.

But now is before the end of reincarnation. All kinds of heaven-defying opportunities have appeared one after another. It depends on who can get these opportunities. Some unknown people before may seize a certain opportunity and soar into the sky. Don't think that this is the case. It's a joke, that's the reality. Every time the times change, countless ordinary people will rise.

These ordinary characters can be regarded as characters who have grasped the changes of the times.

Of course, these characters account for too small a proportion among the endless group of monks.

Lin Feng needs to seize several big opportunities, not only for himself, but also for the monks around him. No matter how powerful one person is, it is difficult to achieve anything. He must have a group of powerful monks around him to achieve anything.

It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future.

Lin Feng did not enter the time and space to refine the origins of the pioneers because he felt that the time was not right and he needed to wait a little longer. Although his current state has recovered, his psychological state has not yet reached the point where he can refine these origins. Degree.

Three days later, Lin Feng, Du Zu and others met together. When Du Zu and the others saw the strange stone statue of Taizongzi, they couldn't help but be slightly startled, and then they roughly guessed what was going on.

Taizongzi was probably subdued by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is forming the strongest heavenly group. A powerful figure like Taizongzi will definitely be included in his sight, and he will not kill Taizongzi easily.

Du Zu and others still have a lot of opinions against Taizongzi. After all, he almost died in the hands of Taizongzi before, but that is already a thing of the past, let him be a thing of the past.

Nowadays, there is a number one figure like Taizongzi in the strongest heaven group. For the strongest heaven group, it is definitely a huge supplement, which can greatly improve the strength of the strongest heaven group. .... Lin Feng took out the 25% of the origin. He said, "The number of pioneer origins is very small, but the effect of this thing is very good, so even if the quantity is smaller, it is estimated that it will still be enough." It can improve everyone’s cultivation level a lot!”

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone couldn't help but get excited. The origin of the pioneer is something that is simply unimaginable in dreams. Now we really have to get the origin of the pioneer.

The biggest benefit of refining the pioneer's origin is actually not improving one's cultivation level.

Rather, it changes the body through the origin of the pioneer.

Specifically, the pioneer origin is the most powerful and mysterious origin between heaven and earth. It is the origin that is most in line with the way of heaven. This origin can transform the body of the monk and make the body of the monk more in line with the way of heaven. , In this way, practicing will be more effective with half the effort.

It is equivalent to drastically increasing a person's potential.

This kind of improvement will benefit a monk throughout his life.

This is even more important than improving your realm.

As top monks, everyone naturally knows the various benefits brought by the pioneer origin. This is also the fundamental reason why everyone looks forward to the pioneer origin.

Everyone has obtained the origin of the pioneers. Poison Ancestor and the others have gone back to retreat, while Beibei and the others are still in retreat in time and space.

But after this retreat, Lin Feng planned to let Beibei and the others leave time and space.

But be outside and act with them.

The main purpose of doing this is to further sharpen Beibei and others, so that they can participate in more battles and increase their combat experience, so that they can better face various dangers in the future.

If he and Lin Feng are separated one day, he won't be at a loss.

Lin Feng felt that his mentality had been adjusted well.

He also had the idea of ​​​​retreating to practice, but before retreating, Lin Feng needed to have a good chat with the spirit of Shidian.

Mainly talk about things at the end of the sunset.

Lin Feng went to see Ning Keer.

Ning Keer knew why Lin Feng came here.

She invited Lin Feng in to discuss the matter in detail.

Ning Keer represents the spirit.

The two parties talked about a lot of things, including how many clues Ning Keer had now, whether there were any specific tokens, etc.

Speaking of tokens, Ning Keer actually had one here. She took out a sheepskin scroll and handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng opened the sheepskin scroll. He found that the sheepskin scroll was blank and had only one red dot. The red dot represented their location.

On the westernmost side of the parchment scroll, there is a black spot, which seems to represent the end of the setting sun.

But there are no routes.

This was not the first time Lin Feng had seen this kind of sheepskin scroll map. It was very special. Lin Feng didn't know the specific drawing method. It was drawn using a secret method. There were probably not many people who mastered this secret method.

Ning Keer said, "The sheepskin scroll is blank, with only two points marked. There is no road map or any coordinate points in the middle. However, the sheepskin scroll is the only token, but I can't find the answer I want from it! ". .... Lin Feng nodded. He studied the sheepskin scroll carefully. He wanted to see if the road map of the sheepskin scroll was hidden for some special reason. However, after careful study, Lin Feng discovered that the sheepskin scroll There seems to be really no road map, really a blank slate.

Lin Feng touched his chin and pondered this matter slightly. If the parchment scroll was really the only clue, then it stands to reason that he should be able to find the end of the sunset with the parchment scroll, but now he cannot find the end of the sunset with the parchment scroll.

What's the problem?

Lin Feng asked, "Didn't you find some other more useful clues over the years?"

Ning Keer said, "There are no particularly important clues, but a few times, I found that the parchment map made strange movements!".

"When did the abnormality occur?". Lin Feng asked curiously, this matter is quite important.

Through the time, place, or other information of the change, some extremely important information may be inferred.

It will be of great help in finding the end of the sunset.

"At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, there were about six times like this, and something happened!" Ning Ke'er said.

Lin Feng said in surprise, "Did you remember the time specifically?"

Ning Keer nodded and said, "The first time the abnormal movement occurred, I specifically remembered the time of the abnormal movement. Then a few times later, I found that the time was exactly the same. However, after we explored it at that time, we still found that the time was exactly the same. Still can’t find anything special!”

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "Sometimes it is like this. Some clues are found, but they may not be of substantial use. How about leaving this sheepskin scroll with me first? I need to study the sheepskin scroll!"

"no problem!". Ning Keer said.

Lin Feng said, "Then let's fly deeper into the sea to see if something special can happen. We can observe and make the next decision!"

"Can!". Ning Keer said.

Lin Feng left Ning Keer's residence and did not go back to the room directly. Instead, he came to the deck. The ancient starry ship Xuanyuan had already given birth to its own spirit, and it could fly by itself without the need for puppet control.

The ancient starry ship Xuanyuan quickly flew deeper into the West Sea World. Lin Feng had a new plan. He planned to continue to sense the breath of the fifth stone Buddha.

See if it can be sensed. If it can be sensed, things can be handled smoothly. How much time will this save?

Back in the room, Lin Feng made contact with the four stone Buddhas he had in his possession.

He tried to use these four stone Buddhas to induce the fifth stone Buddha.

After carefully sensing it, he did not get any information feedback. This situation made Lin Feng frown slightly. Logically speaking, he had already obtained four stone Buddhas. It should not be particularly difficult to sense the fifth stone Buddha. That's right.

However, the result was so different from what he expected. Lin Feng felt that something might have gone wrong, which led to the current situation. ….It’s hard to say what kind of deviation exactly it is.

Since he didn't sense it, let's postpone the matter until later. Lin Feng entered the time and space, adjusted his state, and then took out the porcelain bottle that sealed the origin of the pioneers.

Fifty percent of the pioneer origins are sealed here. Although the number is not particularly large, the effect is absolutely amazing.

Lin Feng opened the seal and swallowed up all the pioneer origins.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng felt a powerful energy burst out within his body.

This kind of powerful energy made his body feel extremely uncomfortable. That is to say, his physical body was very powerful. What if he had a less powerful physical body and swallowed up so many sources at once, even if he hadn't refined this source? , just the impact of the energy escaping from the source is enough to make a monk collapse.

As expected of the pioneers, although the number is small, it is still very astonishing.

Lin Feng felt a little happy, hoping that these pioneer origins would play a greater role than he imagined.

Lin Feng began to try to refine the origin of the pioneer.

Lin Feng has refined various origin powers. For Lin Feng, refining these origin powers is not a difficult task. However, refining the pioneer origin today made Lin Feng feel a little strenuous. The pioneer origin, It's so difficult to refine.

This is still the origin of the pioneers after endless years. Compared with the past, it has declined a lot. If it is the origin of the pioneers at the peak of the past, wouldn't it be more difficult to refine?

As time went by, the origin of the pioneers gradually decomposed into pure energy that could be absorbed. Lin Feng did not absorb this pure energy immediately, but used his mana to wrap up this pure energy. His mana spread all over his body. As he traveled around the place, the power formed from the origin of the pioneers began to continuously improve Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng could naturally feel this situation clearly. This was a situation that he was happy to see.

Just imagine.

Lin Feng's physical condition was already extremely good before he was transformed by the pioneer origin. What if he was transformed by the pioneer origin?

You can imagine how powerful Lin Feng's body will be at that time.

In addition to his physical condition, Lin Feng's magic power was also transformed after being integrated into the original power of the pioneers. Not only did it become more pure and powerful, but there seemed to be some unknown power in his magic power.

With the addition of this unknown power, Lin Feng could clearly feel that his magic power became different. The same magic power was much more powerful than before.

The transformation of the body by the pioneer origin is not just these, but there are many details that Lin Feng did not notice, but it seems that there is no need to do these, just enjoy the whole process.

Lin Feng's magic power became more and more powerful, his magic power became more and more pure, and his body became more and more outstanding. Finally, Lin Feng completed a transformation. His previous state was the fourth level of Quasi-Creator, and now he has broken through to the fifth level of Quasi-Creator. .

The soul level was originally the second heaven of the Creator's first great realm, but now it has broken through to the third heaven of the Creator's first great realm.

The physical level has also completed an extremely important transformation. His physical body has broken through from the middle stage of the Creator Realm to the late stage of the Creator Realm. This is a very critical improvement.

This improvement in energy is of great help to Lin Feng.

It is crucial to the improvement of overall strength.

Moreover, even though his own realm and strength have been greatly improved, Lin Feng still has a large amount of pioneer origin that has not been refined in his body. In other words, the improvement just now is just the beginning. It's not over yet.

Lin Feng continued to refine the pioneer origin in his body...

Wangzai Lao Mantou reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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