Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 677: Revenge does not last overnight

Lin Feng quickly flew towards the depths. In the first half of the night, the Sacred Tree of Samsara was always visible, but in the second half of the night, about three o'clock in the morning, the Sacred Tree of Samsara disappeared. I don't know if something happened. What an accident.

However, Lin Feng is not worried that the Sacred Tree of Samsara will be taken away by others. It will not happen so quickly. Especially, this Sacred Tree of Samsara is definitely not simple. It may have given birth to its own spirit. If so, it will be even more difficult to get the Sacred Tree of Samsara. It would be difficult, unless the monk was recognized by the Divine Tree of Samsara, but Lin Feng felt that this possibility was not very high, because if he was really recognized by the Divine Tree of Samsara, he should have gotten it long ago, and there was no need for it. The wait is now.

And if someone really gets the recognition of the Divine Tree of Reincarnation, then just quietly refining the Divine Tree of Reincarnation. There is no need for the Divine Tree of Reincarnation to appear and attract so many monks.

Of course, these are just Lin Feng's own judgments. Lin Feng is not particularly sure whether this is the case. He has to find the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation to know what happened.

During the day, Lin Feng saw the figures of several other monks, some of whom he knew, and some of whom he did not.

For example, Lin Feng knew the Ant King.

This guy was so perverted, and he controlled the God-killing ant colony, which was really scary, so Lin Feng didn't provoke him.

The top priority is to get to the place where the Sacred Tree of Samsara is.

But halfway through, Lin Feng was attacked. A sword energy tore through the void and struck at Lin Feng.

Fortunately, Lin Feng reacted quickly enough and quickly avoided the attack of the sword energy.

Although he avoided the killing blow of the sword energy, the sword energy from the sword energy scratched Lin Feng's face, and blood immediately flowed out.

"Master Huafan, it's you!".

Lin Feng's face was extremely gloomy. When he felt the power of the sword energy, Lin Feng knew who was taking action. Young Master Hua Fan competed with him for the opportunity to enter the inside of that special star, but was defeated by Lin Feng. Young Master Hua Fan But he was furious. After all, this guy was ordered to kill the Qiankun Ghost Mother and other powerful figures.

Although he woke up a little late, his current strength is not as good as Qiankun Ghost Mother and others, but he is still unimaginably strong, even more powerful than the Desolate Demon.

After losing to Lin Feng, Young Master Hua Fan was holding back his breath. After seeing Lin Feng, he would have to vent his anger.


There was a slight tremor in the void, and a man holding a sword came out. This man holding a sword was none other than Young Master Hua Fan.

Master Hua Fan looked at Lin Feng with a playful look and said, "Do you know... I deliberately held back that sword strike just now, otherwise, you would have died by my sword!".

Although Mr. Hua Fan is extremely arrogant, he does have the qualifications.

Lin Feng did not refute Young Master Hua Fan, after all, this guy's strength was on display here.

Lin Feng grinned and said, "Thank you very much for your mercy, but having said that, I have always heard that Young Master Hua Fan is a person like the best young master in troubled times, but now he lost to me because of a small competition before. Just waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against me, doesn't it go against your good reputation as Young Master Hua Fan? This is not what a person like you, Young Master Hua Fan, would do, right?"

Hearing Lin Feng's praise of him, Mr. Hua Fan immediately felt very helpful.

Mr. Hua Fan is like this, he likes to be supported by others.

In fact, his character has not changed whether it was the last reincarnation or now. Needless to say, he was of noble birth, young, and had incredible cultivation. There are too many people who pursue him.

But this reincarnation is different.

He only woke up after the great change in the world. After he woke up, this ancient battlefield had already changed. The Qiankun Ghost Mother and others who were besieged by them back then were more powerful than him. Especially the Qiankun Ghost Mother, her subordinates were even more powerful. It has a huge army of monks.

Mr. Hua Fan suddenly became extremely low-key, and he did not dare to show his face on weekdays, for fear of being found by Qiankun Ghost Mother and others.

After all, the grievances and grievances in the previous life cannot be settled just by settling them.

If Qiankun Ghost Mother and others wanted to take revenge on him, wouldn't he be in misery?

No one is holding him up anymore.

This made him quite unhappy.

His loss to Lin Feng some time ago brought this unhappiness to an extreme. This was also the main reason why he wanted to kill Lin Feng.

But now that he was being courted by Lin Feng, he suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

Mr. Hua Fan said calmly, "I never said I wanted to kill you, and I just said that if I really wanted to kill you, your life would have been lost long ago. How could you still be here?" Talk to me?".

Lin Feng clasped his fists and said, "Then Young Master Hua Fan must want to guide my practice? Then I should really thank Young Master Hua Fan for all my kindness! Young Master Hua Fan has been famous for two reincarnations, and his reputation is indeed well-deserved and admirable! ".

"Hahahaha, you are good at talking, so I won't argue with you today. However, there is one thing I still want to mention. I will leave here soon. It is the time to employ people. If you surrender to Me, I will naturally reuse you. If you don’t surrender to me, you are my enemy. I will never be merciless towards my enemies!"

As Young Master Hua Fan spoke, he waved the sword in his hand, and the sword instantly split a mountain peak a few kilometers away in half.

Mr. Hua Fan said, "When I conquer the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, it will be your last deadline. Think about it carefully!".

Immediately, Young Master Hua Fan left quickly.

After Young Master Hua Fan left, Lin Feng couldn't help but cursed, "Fuck, it's really Shabi, you can't help but flatter you after a few compliments. You really think I can't deal with you, just wait and see how I deal with you!" ".

Lin Feng speeded up and overtook Mr. Hua Fan.

He planned to find a place where he could set up the formation halfway, because if he wanted to deal with Master Huafan, he had to rely on the power of the formation.

Lin Feng has such a character. If he suffers a loss, he will look for opportunities to retaliate.

No overnight ones.

at the same time.

Lin Feng also tried to see if he could get in touch with the Dragon King, Jiu Ni Emperor, Goddess Jiyao and others. It would be better if he could get in touch with him. With them joining in, he would be able to deal with Master Hua Fan. Easier.

However, Lin Feng was not able to contact the most powerful goddess Ji Yao, but he was able to contact the Dragon King on the back of the spine.

This already made Lin Feng very happy.

After all, the Dragon King on the back of the spine is a powerful man with more than fifty immortal palaces, and his role is huge.

And Lin Feng.

After meeting up with the Ridgeback Dragon King, they found a mountain forest.

There were undulating mountains in that forest, and the place Lin Feng was looking for was a cliff.

As soon as Lin Feng touched the cliff, he seemed to hear the sound of an iron horse, with murderous intent.

Lin Feng knew that the place was definitely not simple and contained a peerless killing intent. It was suitable for him to use the cliff area as the core place to set up a killing array to deal with Master Huafan.

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