Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 678: Designing to transform Mr. Fan

Lin Feng was walking in the mountains and forests, observing this place. He knew that the time given to him was not particularly long. It would not take long for Young Master Hua Fan to pass by this area, but Young Master Hua Fan would pass through this dangerous place directly. The probability of the past is not too high. After all, this area is very large. Young Master Hua Fan might have crossed over from another area, but this is nothing. When the time comes, Lin Feng can lure Young Master Hua Fan over. That guy is definitely easy to take the bait.

Having the Spineback Dragon King help Lin Feng set up the formation would save Lin Feng a lot of time. In fact, when looking for such a place, Lin Feng had already simulated it in his mind many times.

So when he came here and saw the situation in this place, Lin Feng immediately knew what kind of formation to deploy to deal with Master Huafan.

Powerful means such as the Dragon Clan Secret Formation, the Triple Immortal Formation and other powerful methods should be added to the formation combination. This is the ultimate top-level formation mastered by Lin Feng. Under normal circumstances, Lin Feng would not spend such precious materials and huge resources. Focus on arranging this top-level formation.

But who makes Mr. Hua Fan so powerful? It is not easy to deal with that guy's terrifying strength. Only the most top-notch formation can be used to deal with him.

If the undead army can be mobilized, the undead army can be placed in a large formation.

It will be even easier to deal with Mr. Hua Fan.

But the key is that the undead army is still recovering. Don't expect to mobilize the undead army for the time being. Lin Feng thought of another good idea.

He felt that the top magic weapons he collected could play a huge role.

Treasures such as ancient weapons and above can be placed in different formation eyes.

Then burn a large amount of fairy stones to continuously provide energy for these top-level treasures. These top-level treasures can continuously form a blessing effect on the formation.

And it’s not just a simple blessing.

The attacks released by these top-level treasures are all kinds of. Lin Feng can completely control different top-level treasures to attack Master Huafan according to changes in the situation.

Lin Feng felt that his plan was quite good. Of course, Lin Feng didn't know whether it would really be able to suppress Master Hua Fan. After all, Master Hua Fan was indeed not a simple figure.

It took five hours.

Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King arranged everything.

Lin Feng then waited for Young Master Hua Fan's arrival, and half an hour later, Lin Feng sensed Young Master Hua Fan's aura.

To Lin Feng's regret, Master Hua Fan did not pass through the area where he had set up the formation.

Instead, they traveled through the mountain forest more than ten miles away from the formation area.

However, Lin Feng had already guessed about this situation. Although he was a little disappointed, it was not unacceptable. He had already made various plans, and he could just follow his plan.

Lin Feng quickly lurked, and he communicated with Beibei. The two of them worked together to hide their aura as much as possible, and then made a sneak attack on Mr. Hua Fan.

It would be best if you could hurt him.

If he could not be injured, Lin Feng would run away immediately and lead Master Huafan into the formation to activate the formation to deal with him.

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Lin Feng quickly caught up with Master Hua Fan.

Then he lurked behind Young Master Hua Fan. Lin Feng did not use the magic weapon. The energy fluctuation caused by activating the magic weapon would inevitably arouse Young Master Hua Fan's vigilance, and the probability of a successful sneak attack would be low.

Furthermore, the attack caused by activating a certain magic weapon may not be as harmful as the damage caused by Lin Feng's close-range melee combat.

Therefore, the sneak attack method adopted by Lin Feng was a purely physical sneak attack, with a pair of iron fists blasting directly towards Young Master Hua Fan.


Young Master Hua Fan was indeed alert. Lin Feng was already hiding. However, Young Master Hua Fan discovered him the moment he punched. Young Master Hua Fan turned around and punched Lin Feng. He held the power of thunder in his hand. Although the punch was rushed, it was also quite powerful.


Lin Feng was charging up a blow, and his attack would obviously be more powerful!


The next moment, the two sides exchanged a fierce punch. The powerful punch shook the void.

Lin Feng was knocked back more than ten meters.

However, Mr. Hua Fan, who had taken action in a hurry, was knocked back more than fifty meters, his arms were shaking violently, and he coughed violently several times, almost coughing up blood.

"Boy! It's you!".

After seeing the person who made the move, Mr. Hua Fan's eyes were spitting fire. He really didn't expect that not long ago, Lin Feng was praising him in various ways.

It all made Mr. Hua Fan feel elated.

That was so cool.

But how long has it been since Lin Feng actually dared to sneak attack on him in secret? What kind of strength do you have that you dare to sneak attack on me?

Mr. Hua Fan is really getting angrier the more he thinks about it, and now that he thinks about it, Lin Feng was probably not sincere when he praised him before. He must have praised him because he wanted him to let him go, but he really believed him. To flatter him, he was treating himself like a monkey. Thinking of this, Mr. Hua Fan was about to explode with anger.

Lin Feng looked at Young Master Hua Fan, curled his lips and said, "Young Master Hua Fan, your strength is not good, you can't even block my punch! Come on, come on, take another punch from me!".

Lin Feng said and was about to punch again.

Mr. Hua Fan said viciously, "Boy, you are dead this time. I am going to kill you. Let's see how I can punch you to death, you loser!".

"If I am useless, then you are Guisun! Guisun, take my punch!".

Lin Feng shouted loudly and was about to punch, but at this time, Lin Feng turned around and flew away.

Young Master Hua Fan was already gearing up to deal with Lin Feng, but unexpectedly, Lin Feng ran away.

At this moment, Young Master Hua Fan was furious.

Isn't this another time Lin Feng played a trick on him?

Master Hua Fan's eyes were spitting fire, and he quickly chased Lin Feng. He shouted angrily, "Boy, let me tell you, you have completely angered me. Today, no one in the sky or on earth can save your life!" ".

Lin Feng said, "I'm not afraid if no one in the sky or on earth can save me, as long as anyone swimming in the water can save me!".

Master Hua Fan was slightly startled when he heard Lin Feng's words, and then shouted angrily, "Boy, if you dare to tease me at this time, you are dead!".

The two sides were in tandem.

Entering the mountain forest where Lin Feng had set up a large formation, Lin Feng had actually concealed the aura here, so it looked very ordinary. Otherwise, Master Huafan would not have come in.

When Young Master Hua Fan followed Lin Feng into the formation.


The great formation was activated by the Dragon King hiding in the dark. Countless formation patterns were intertwined, sealing the sky and the earth.

Young Master Hua Fan was trapped in the formation.

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