Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 680: Instant recovery

The way of formation is always beneficial.

Some people may refute that the method of formation is actually of little use, especially against some top powerhouses, and its usefulness will be suppressed to the limit. The method of formation is just a boast. In fact, people who say such things , either they haven’t studied the art of battle deeply enough, or they don’t know anything about the art of battle.

The effect that a truly peerless formation can have is absolutely unimaginable. Just like Lin Feng and the others injured Young Master Hua Fan, it is almost impossible to hurt Young Master Hua Fan with such a powerful cultivation level. But Lin Feng and the others made the impossible possible, which was extremely shocking.

Of course, in addition to having something to do with the formations arranged by Lin Feng and the others, there is another point that must be mentioned, that is, the location of the cliff itself is full of killing formations. This place is already terrifying, and it is superimposed with Lin Feng’s formations. After they were together, it took on a new look and its power became even more terrifying, without any of the conditions.

This is why Lin Feng feels confident that he can suppress Young Master Hua Fan. In fact, Lin Feng has never thought about killing Young Master Hua Fan from the beginning to the end. He feels that this person is so powerful that it would be a pity to kill him directly. If he can conquer him This guy, that would be a pretty perfect thing.

If others knew that Lin Feng, a creator-level monk, wanted to conquer a strong man of the universe elder level, they would definitely think that Lin Feng was completely crazy, otherwise he would not do such a thing.

But if they knew the strong men Lin Feng had conquered along the way, they might not think so.

The attacks from Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King were both quite terrifying.

Their attacks quickly flew towards Mr. Huafan, who had been continuously damaged by the formation.

After Young Master Hua Fan screamed twice, he roared angrily, "Okay, okay, I really didn't expect that one day I, Young Master Hua Fan, would be forced to do this by an ant-like existence. I! Young Master Hua Fan! I will kill you! Otherwise, I will kill you!" , It’s hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart!”.

Lin Feng said, "You are already like this, how dare you speak so shamelessly?".

Young Master Hua Fan said coldly, "Do you think that I, Young Master Hua Fan, have wasted my reputation? Even though I haven't restored my strength to its peak yet, it's still not difficult to deal with you!".

Lin Feng believed the previous words. This guy was indeed not a person with a false reputation. He definitely had powerful methods. However, Lin Feng did not believe the last words. This guy had been injured, and he still had a superior attitude. Lin Feng was stunned. Somewhat speechless.

However, Lin Feng was also a little more vigilant, because he felt that this transformed young master might use some more powerful methods. He quickly communicated with the Dragon King on the back of the spine and asked the Dragon King on the back of the spine to be more careful.

"Four Symbols Dharmakaya!".

At this moment, a deep shout resounded throughout the world.

Lin Feng saw it.

Submerged by the Bagua Array and the Dragon Legion, Young Master Huafan's body began to grow in size.

He was originally the height of a normal person.

But in the blink of an eye.

It became hundreds of meters high.

Moreover, his body didn't just get bigger.

He actually turned into a body with four aspects, that is, in the four directions of southeast, left and right, a mortal son appeared in each direction. The four mortal sons seemed to be stuck together, a bit like the four-image Dharmakaya of Buddhism.

After transforming into this weird look, the transforming masters from the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest each came up with different magic formulas.


Suddenly, each of the four heads of Young Master Hua Fan spit out a word.

The sound he made when he drank was like the sound of Taoism.

Contains unimaginable power.

The left side forms endless divine power, the right side forms endless demonic power, the front forms endless immortal power, and the rear forms endless mortal power.

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The four powers of gods, demons, immortals and mortals have formed extremely special connections and resonances with each other.

When the four forces spread towards the surroundings.

The dragon army began to annihilate.

Even the giant Bagua picture is constantly collapsing.

"It's over, let's run quickly!" Seeing this scene, the Dragon King on the back of the spine was almost frightened to death, because the Dragon King on the back of the spine knew very well how terrifying the formation arranged by Lin Feng was, but now, Master Transformation showed The fighting power that came out was really terrifying. The Dragon King on the back of the spine had a strong premonition that Young Master Hua Fan would definitely be able to break the formation they had set up.

Judging from the combat power displayed by Young Master Hua Fan, once Young Master Hua Fan breaks the formation they have set up.

Then it would be very simple for Mr. Hua Fan to crush him and Lin Feng to death. If he didn't run away now, he might not be able to run away later.

Lin Feng still looked calm and calm. He said, "Although Young Master Hua Fan's method is extremely powerful, it is absolutely impossible for Young Master Hua Fan to last long. If he really breaks the big picture later, The formation doesn’t matter, I still have a backup plan!”

The Spineback Dragon King knew that Lin Feng was not a person who let go of things without mercy. Since Lin Feng said this, it meant that Lin Feng really had some more powerful methods waiting for Master Transformation.

As for what this method is, it is still unknown. Whether it can deal with Master Transformation, I don't know. Let's take it one step at a time.

Master Hua Fan's attack was really powerful, pushing forward heavily and destroying the heaven and earth, which was shocking.

After defeating many of Lin Feng's attacks.

Start destroying the formation arranged by Lin Feng.

A large number of formation structures began to be destroyed.

Not long after, Lin Feng was even exposed in the eyes of Young Master Hua Fan. Of course, the Dragon King was also exposed, but Young Master Hua Fan ignored the Dragon King at all. In fact, he had already discovered the Dragon King and knew about the Dragon King. The Back Dragon King is quite powerful, but so what, in his eyes, he is still like an ant.

What he was really interested in was Lin Feng. He wanted to see the frightened expression on Lin Feng's face, but unfortunately, he didn't see it.

Master Hua Fan felt that Lin Feng must be faking, so he sneered and said, "Boy, I'll see how you die later!".

Boom boom boom!

Young Master Hua Fan continued to unleash even more terrifying attacks. His attacks were indeed too powerful. They completely destroyed the formation arranged by Lin Feng.

Mr. Hua Fan took a few deep breaths and calmed down a bit. The main reason was that this secret technique was extremely taxing on his body and would even bring some side effects. However, in order to deal with Lin Feng, he felt that everything was worth it.

Master Hua Fan looked at Lin Feng triumphantly and said with a ferocious smile, "Go to hell!".

His four-image body was about to attack Lin Feng.

The Dragon King on the other side had a worried expression on his face. The main reason was that Master Transformation's methods were too terrible. Now that he was without the protection of the formation, he felt really unsure. He didn't know if Lin Feng's back-up tactics could really work. effect.

At this moment, Lin Feng gently uttered one or two words: "Recovery!".

After Lin Feng's voice fell, Master Hua Fan saw something that he couldn't accept.

He used the heaven-defying secret technique and finally destroyed the formation.

In an instant, you are back to your original state!

"This is impossible!". Master Hua Fan couldn't accept this, and he angrily shouted filial piety.

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