Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 681: The heaven-defying triple immortal formation

Even the Dragon King on the back of the spine was extremely shocked at this moment. He had no idea that the destroyed formation could be restored to its original state in an instant. This was incredible and left people scratching their heads as to how this happened.

No wonder Young Master Hua Fan found it difficult to accept it.

Lin Feng said, "Everything is possible with me. Master Huafan, your consumption is already very serious. Why should you continue to fight with me? This is fine. If you are willing to surrender to me, I will definitely give you unimaginable benefits. Not only will it help you get back to the top, it will even make you stronger! ’.

"Ha ha ha ha…".

Mr. Hua Fan burst out laughing and said, "It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous! You, a monk with such a **** cultivation level, actually want to conquer me. Are you daydreaming? Although I don't know what tricks you played. Let the broken formation be restored to its original state, but since I can break it once, I can break it a second time!"

Saying this, Young Master Hua Fan continued to take action, hoping to break Lin Feng's formation once again.

Lin Feng greeted the Dragon King on the back of the spine and continued to activate the formation to attack Master Hua Fan. The immortal stones were burning as if they were free of charge. While activating the formation, he activated the treasures at the same time, using those treasures to further increase the power of the formation.

The power released by the formation was still powerful, and various attacks gathered together to kill Master Transformation. The main ones were still the giant Bagua Diagram and the Dragon Legion. Other attacks were auxiliary to these two attacks.

This time, Master Hua Fan discovered something was wrong. He felt that the power of Lin Feng's formation seemed to be more powerful than before.

At first, Young Master Hua Fan thought that it was because he had consumed too much and his strength had declined, which gave him the illusion that the formation had become stronger. Soon Young Master Hua Fan judged that this was not the case. The same large formation could destroy After being repaired, the power really became more powerful.

This discovery made Mr. Hua Fan feel a little incredible.

Generally speaking, when the formation is destroyed, no matter what method is used to restore the formation, the power of the formation should be reduced a lot, but now, the power of the formation is not only not reduced at all.

On the contrary, it became even more powerful.

This is a bit counterintuitive.

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will be confused.

In fact, the reason why this happened is not without reason. This is because the repair of the formation is "led by the triple immortal formation."

This is another great creation of Lin Feng's father in addition to the "Great Heaven and Freedom Divine Art", which is known as the number one technique in the world.

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Triple Immortal Formation! It was created by Lin Feng's father, Lin Baitian. Later, Lin Baitian taught the formation method to the second ancestor Dragon Soul. After the second ancestor Dragon Soul saw Lin Feng, he taught this technique to Lin Feng.

This is a very special formation, suitable for use in a combination of formations.

As the name suggests, the three-level immortal formation can be used on three major formations, and one level means one time.

For the first time, there is a 100% probability of restoring the destroyed formation, and the power of the restored formation can be increased by 150%.

The second time, there is a 60% probability of restoring the destroyed formation, and the power after restoration can be increased by 100%.

The third time, there is a 30% probability of restoring the destroyed formation. The power after restoration can continue to increase the power of the formation by 50% based on the last power! ".

Through the introduction of the triple immortal formation, we can know how incredible the triple immortal formation is. After the formation arranged by Lin Feng was destroyed just now, because Lin Feng added the triple immortal formation to the formation combination, And just now it was the first time that the triple immortal formation was destroyed.

so! Lin Feng knew that the next destroyed formation would be fully restored under the repair of the triple immortal formation, and its power would increase by 150%.

This is quite a terrifying improvement.

If it is destroyed again, there is a 60% chance that the triple immortal formation will be repaired, and its power will also be increased again.

Therefore, in Lin Feng's view, the ability of the triple immortal formation to restore the formation in the first two times is trustworthy.

The probability of the third repair has become 30%. To be honest, this probability is not high in Lin Feng's opinion.

It is a relatively risky situation.

So Lin Feng's idea is that there is no need to worry if the formation is destroyed for the first time, as the formation will definitely be repaired later.

Don't worry too much if the formation is destroyed for the second time. After all, the 60% chance of repair is quite high and it's worth a try.

If the formation is destroyed for the third time, then it is not worth fighting the odds. If you see that the formation is dying, just run away.

But now, we have reached the stage where the formation was destroyed for the first time.

Lin Feng was not worried at all.

The actual situation is similar to what Lin Feng speculated. After the formation was repaired, the power increased sharply by 1.5 times, and Master Huafan consumed a lot of money. Therefore, even if he used the four-image body, he would actually be under considerable pressure. for huge.

"Speeds like fire, ghosts and gods are difficult to approach. My body is immortal, and all things come to me."


Mr. Hua Fan shouted loudly, and as his voice fell, his four-image body and eight arms all turned into clasped hands, and all four heads were chanting incantations.

His body suddenly changed.

Gold and fire-like red surged out instantly and intertwined. He was bathed in that special color, so sacred.


Master Hua Fan used stronger secret techniques to deal with Lin Feng's formation.

But he himself was severely exhausted, and using stronger secret techniques would inevitably cause more serious damage to himself. However, in order to deal with Lin Feng's formation, Master Huaren had no other way.

Lin Feng and the Spineback Dragon King continued to activate the formation.

The immortal stone continued to burn crazily, constantly increasing the power of the formation.

However, the formation still could not withstand the attack of Young Master Hua Fan.

The great formation was destroyed by Master Hua Fan for the second time.

Young Master Hua Fan was almost exhausted, but there was no sign of it on his face. He looked at Lin Feng with a ferocious smile, "Boy, let me see how you die!".

Young Master Hua Fan quickly launched an attack on Lin Feng to avoid a long night and many dreams.

But at this time, Lin Feng continued to shout softly, "Recover!".


The destroyed formation was restored again.

Lin Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw the formation restored. After all, the probability of repairing the second time was 40% lower than the first time. If it failed, he could only run away. Fortunately, he succeeded.

The Dragon King on the back of the spine had a dumbfounded expression, thinking to himself, what the **** is going on? Has the formation been repaired again?

As for Young Master Hua Fan, when he saw this scene, he was so angry that he trembled all over and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Feng was so angry that he vomited blood.

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