Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 686: What is that thing behind him?

When Lin Feng entered the magic well, he immediately discovered that there was another world inside the magic well. He seemed to have entered a special space without gravity. His body was floating in this special space, surrounded by It was pitch black, but there were two bright spots at the bottom and two at the top. Lin Feng guessed that the bright spot at the top should be the bright spot at the entrance. As for the bright spot at the bottom, it might be the bright spot leading to a mysterious place.

And this so-called mysterious place is naturally the place that contains huge dangers, and it is also the place that Young Master Hua Fan wants to take advantage of. Lin Feng doesn't know what kind of place it is. Lin Feng tries to move towards it. The bright spot flew away. Since the body was almost in a weightless state, the speed when flying here was relatively slow. But just as Lin Feng flew toward the bright spot below, Lin Feng suddenly felt as if something was flying over. .

"Ouch! What bit me!".

Lin Feng screamed in pain, something bit him on the neck, Lin Feng slapped him in the past, and then saw that he slapped a mosquito flat, but what surprised Lin Feng was that the mosquito that had been flattened was very small. He quickly recovered, then fluttered his wings and ran away. Lin Feng was very shocked when he saw this scene. What happened to the mosquito? His force just now was not weak. A mere mosquito should have been swatted to death long ago. Yes, it seems that it is definitely not an ordinary mosquito.

Lin Feng felt the burning pain at the place where he was bitten. He stretched out his hand and touched it. He didn't know it until he touched it. When he touched it, Lin Feng was startled. He found that the place where the mosquito bit him had a big swollen bump, and the skin seemed to be necrotic. Generally, of course, it might not be that serious. This is because Lin Feng's physical body is strong enough. If it were someone else, something terrible might have happened. Then Lin Feng felt as if there was a strange force rushing straight from his neck. His forehead made him extremely dizzy, and he almost fell to the ground.

This situation shocked Lin Feng. Lin Feng guessed that it might have something to do with that mosquito. The poison of that mosquito was too powerful. Lin Feng quickly asked the white jade toad to help him absorb the mosquito's poison. The white jade toad quickly took action to **** it. After cleaning these poisons from Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng's body became much more comfortable immediately, and the swelling on his neck also disappeared.

But at this time, Lin Feng heard the almost inaudible sound again. Just like the situation just now, Lin Feng guessed whether the poisonous mosquitoes were coming again. Lin Feng quickly took out the sky fire, and the sky fire suddenly burned, and then As the sky fire burned, the surrounding darkness was dispersed, and Lin Feng saw dense mosquitoes flying towards him from all directions.

Lin Feng's scalp felt numb when he saw the dense mosquitoes.

In particular, Lin Feng had already experienced the horror of this poisonous mosquito. If he was bitten by so many mosquitoes, he would have to die immediately. Fortunately, Lin Feng discovered it in time and could use sky fire to eliminate these mosquitoes. .... But Lin Feng soon discovered that the sky fire he had sacrificed was not able to burn these mosquitoes to death. The dense mosquitoes were still flying towards Lin Feng, as if they wanted to **** Lin Feng dry.

"Damn it, what kind of mosquito is this? So weird?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel guilty, because Lin Feng was a well-informed person, but even he had never seen such a weird mosquito, which showed how scary these mosquitoes were, but Lin Feng was not worried, just now it was just One kind of sky fire can be used. He has many sky fires at his disposal, and he can quickly superimpose different sky fires. The more sky fires are superimposed, the higher the temperature of the sky fires, and the ignition points of different sky fires are different. These different ignition points burn repeatedly, The damage caused to anything, including monks, is the most serious.

Two layers of sky fire superimposed.

Three layers of sky fire superposition.

Four layers of heavenly fire superimposed.

Five layers of heavenly fire superimposed.

Six layers of heavenly fire superimposed.

A full six layers of sky fire were superimposed. After the six layers of sky fire were superimposed, mosquitoes in a large area began to die, especially those mosquitoes that had flown to Lin Feng and were about to bite Lin Feng. They also began to die one after another. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

These **** mosquitoes dared to come to him and cause trouble. They were simply asking for their own death.

Lin Feng continued to urge the sky fire to spread in all directions, hoping to kill more mosquitoes, but at this time, Lin Feng suddenly felt a thought containing a murderous intention and warning coming from the depths of the darkness. After this thought, Lin Feng quickly withdrew the sky fire. He only used the sky fire to protect an area of ​​about two meters around him, and then quickly flew towards the bright spot below.

There was a reason why Lin Feng did this.

He felt that the being that had just issued hostility and threats to him was probably a being like the Mosquito King. After all, it was impossible for such a large and strange group to be without a king.

Although Lin Feng didn't know what kind of existence the Mosquito King was, he must be extremely difficult to offend. In that case, it was better not to provoke the Mosquito King.

So he chose to leave quickly.

The Mosquito King probably felt that Lin Feng was not someone to be trifled with, so he did not order any more mosquito swarms to attack Lin Feng, and he himself also did not attack Lin Feng.

that's all.

Lin Feng successfully passed through the bright light and entered another space.

Here is an underground world, a bit like a world in the earth's crust. There are strange rocks and magma everywhere. There are even flames burning in the void, and the temperature is frighteningly high.

But this temperature is nothing to Lin Feng.

As soon as Lin Feng arrived here, he heard the sound of fighting coming from deep inside.

This made Lin Feng's spirit perk up. Could it be that Master Transformation was fighting with something? This guy brought him here because he wanted to use this dangerous place to get rid of him, but he probably didn't. Thinking that this place was really scary, and there were dangers beyond his expectation.

Therefore, before he could get rid of himself, he himself was robbed first. Lin Feng lurked in the void and flew towards the direction of the fight. Because he was invisible, Lin Feng was not afraid of others seeing him. Soon after, Lin Feng saw There seemed to be something in the void attacking Young Master Hua Fan, but the thing attacking Young Master Hua Fan was invisible and did not appear.

Mr. Hua Fan, on the other hand, held a sword and fought with the existence that was attacking him invisibly. A series of sonorous collision sounds were heard. Mr. Hua Fan knocked away the existence that was attacking him invisibly again and again. Now Hua Fan The young master's face was very pale. It was obvious that he had not recovered from his injuries, and now he was attacked by a terrifying entity, which further aggravated his injuries.

Lin Feng originally thought of a scene in which a mantis stalks a cicada and an oriole follows, but Lin Feng suddenly felt a strong murderous intention coming from behind. The killing intention appeared so fast that Lin Feng almost lost his ability. He noticed that the murderous intention was so terrifying that Lin Feng even felt that his body was torn in half by the terrifying murderous intention behind him, which made Lin Feng look pale with horror.

What is that thing behind him? .

Wangzai Lao Mantou reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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