Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 687: Appear

Although he didn't know what the thing behind him was, Lin Feng knew that the great danger was coming. His reaction speed was fast enough, and of course the speed of using his magical power was fast enough. He activated the magical power of Illusion Curse in an instant.

The moment Lin Feng activated the Illusive Curse, a cold light swept over where he was standing, and the void was torn apart instantly, which shows how powerful this attack is.

However, the being that attacked Lin Feng did not appear. It was still invisible. Lin Feng punched towards the void. He felt that the being might be hidden in that place, but to Lin Feng's surprise, he blasted away. Killed in the air, the secret existence seemed to ignore his attack, which made Lin Feng feel extremely incredible.

Lin Feng quickly retreated.

Since he was attacked by a sneak attack, there was no way to hide now, so he emerged from hiding.

Master Hua Fan, who was fighting in the distance, was not surprised when he saw Lin Feng. He knew that Lin Feng would definitely follow him in.

Lin Feng suddenly felt a dangerous energy coming from the left. The speed was unbelievable. Lin Feng quickly moved sideways, and a cold light tore his clothes. It was really dangerous. He almost hit him directly. The damage was done to his body.

"Are those who attacked me and those who attacked Mr. Hua Fan both the same beings?".

Lin Feng's expression also became solemn.

But Lin Feng always felt that the existence that attacked him was still different from the existence that attacked Young Master Hua Fan.

Mainly the smell is different.

However, their attack forms are extremely similar.

They all rely on stealth to attack others. This makes Lin Feng a little confused. He doesn't know why two seemingly different beings have such similar attack patterns.

Lin Feng instantly thought of a possibility.

These existences hidden in the dark are all good at hiding their bodies. Is it related to this place?

think carefully.

This possibility also seems to exist.

Lin Feng knew that he could not let the other party deal with him in a state of invisibility all the time, because the existence in the dark was also extremely powerful at controlling his own aura. If the other party had to deal with him in a state of invisibility all the time.

You may not necessarily be able to find these existences hidden in the dark.

However, these beings can always look for better opportunities to deal with themselves.

It may be no problem to evade their attacks once, twice, three times, four times, or even multiple times, but it is almost impossible to avoid them all the time. These guys have to show up.

As long as the existence in the dark appears, then when you confront these existences later, the situation will be much simpler.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng quickly used the domineering magnetic field. The magnetic field can have a huge impact on any living being, and it can also have a huge impact on the surrounding void world. The domineering magnetic field may indeed reveal the existence hidden in the dark.

But what Lin Feng used was not only his domineering magnetic field, but also his heavenly fire.

Lin Feng constructed an extremely powerful sky fire array based on the thirteen kinds of sky fires, which was superimposed with the domineering magnetic field. In this way, the sky fire array formed a special resonance with the domineering magnetic field, and this resonance was not Simple.

You must know that the domineering magnetic field itself has the effect of weakening the opponent's combat effectiveness. It is not difficult to weaken the combat effectiveness by 20 to 30%. Even a very powerful monk has a relatively strong resistance, but it will basically be weakened by 10%. Around ten.

With the blessing of the Skyfire Formation, the weakened combat power of those entities with strong resistance will at least increase by about 30 to 50% based on the original basis.

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Therefore, after the secret existence appears, his own strength will definitely be greatly restricted, which is naturally a happy thing for Lin Feng.

Boom boom!

The domineering magnetic field and the sky fire array were superimposed and suppressed, quickly spreading towards the surroundings, covering a distance of about fifty meters around Lin Feng.

This intensity is currently Lin Feng's favorite range.

This range allows him to advance and retreat in a well-founded manner while also unleashing his combat power to the greatest extent.

And Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field and the sky fire formation were superimposed and suppressed, and they really had an amazing effect.

The existence hidden in attacking Lin Feng appeared.

Lin Feng saw that there was not one being attacking him, but two.

This is a silver-white creature, about as tall as a person.

In appearance, it looks a bit like a praying mantis, with stronger and more developed hind limbs.

The forelimbs are not as powerful as the hind limbs, but they should not be underestimated.

Moreover, this monster's forelimbs are quite individual.

The left forelimb looks like a knife.

The right forelimb looks like a sword.

The swords merged, cutting and stabbing, the power was quite powerful, and the speed of this thing was ridiculously fast.

He is simply like a top killer hiding in the dark.

Just that sneak attack on Lin Feng.

Be someone else.

Either death or serious injury.

But now that these two creatures have appeared, their threat to Lin Feng has been greatly reduced.

Lin Feng waved his hand.

He directly summoned his stone sword.

The twenty-three stone swords were divided into two groups and quickly moved towards the two monsters to kill them.

The two monsters immediately waved their sharp claws like swords and collided with Lin Feng's stone sword. There was a clanging sound. What surprised Lin Feng was that these two monsters were not defeated by his stone sword. , this strength seems to be a bit stronger than imagined, definitely much stronger than Lin Feng's previous speculation.

The other side.

Master Hua Fan is obviously in a lot of trouble.

There was a terrifying presence in the dark that knocked Young Master Hua Fan away, causing Young Master Hua Fan to spit out a mouthful of blood, and his breath became even more confused.

It seems that the injury must have worsened.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He was thinking about whether to help a group of Master Huafan. It's not that Lin Feng was the one who went to help his enemies. The main reason was that he finally managed to bring Master Huafan to half death, and Lin Feng still wanted to suppress him. Transform into a mortal son.

Let Young Master Hua Fan serve him.

If Young Master Hua Fan really dies here.

Then wouldn't all his previous efforts be in vain?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng expanded the range of the domineering magnetic field and the sky fire formation a lot.

The domineering magnetic field and the sky fire formation quickly spread to Master Huafan.

The existence that was attacked by the domineering magnetic field and the sky fire formation suddenly appeared.

At this time, Lin Feng finally saw clearly what kind of creature was besieging Mr. Hua Fan.

It turned out to be more than a dozen palm-sized Stone Tribe creatures, those Stone Tribe villains, riding stone horses and holding stone swords.

The fighting power is terrifying, and the aura is extremely evil.

They were very different from the stone creatures Lin Feng had seen before. He didn't know what the amazing origins of these stone creatures were, and how they could be so terrifying.

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