Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 688: Break the illusion again

Master Hua Fan obviously did not expect that Lin Feng would help him. In his opinion, Lin Feng wished to see him finished.

"Don't think I'll thank you!".

Mr. Hua Fan said coldly.

Lin Feng said calmly, "I'm helping you not because you want to thank me, but because your opponent is me, and you have to die in my hands, not in the hands of these stone men and horses!".

Although those stone men and horses were already in the state of being revealed, those stone men and horses did not give up on killing the transformed master.

Those stone men rode stone horses and once again killed Master Transformation.

In his early years, Lin Feng had seen stone creatures like stone men riding stone horses.

I know that this kind of stone creature is very special.

So they are rarely born.

It's really surprising that so many people appeared in this place all at once.

Facing the attack of these stone men and horses, Master Huafan stood up quickly and fought with these stone men and horses again. This time, the pressure on Master Huafan was much less, but Master Huafan still had no The way to repel these stone men has a lot to do with his own extremely bad state, and also has a lot to do with the strength of those stone men and horses.

Don't look at how small those guys are individually.

However, the strength of existences such as the Stone Tribe cannot be judged by their size. Some Stone Tribe creatures that look particularly large look quite intimidating. They seem to be very powerful, but in fact their strength is only average. But some small stone creatures are often extremely powerful.

In the early years, Lin Feng heard that there was a stone ant the size of a thumb, which had killed powerful men in all the worlds with fear.

Those stone men and horses are difficult to deal with.

The two monsters attacking Lin Feng were equally difficult to deal with. Under the siege of twenty-three stone swords, they could still keep getting closer to Lin Feng.

The existences that appear here are indeed quite perverted.

What worried Lin Feng even more was that he actually felt new aura coming from around him.

"No, another terrible existence is about to appear!". Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Master Hua Fan naturally sensed it, and his expression turned unusually ugly.

Soon, those new existences also appeared under the influence of the domineering magnetic field and the sky fire formation.

These existences include: three silver mantis-like creatures, a stone monkey holding a stone stick, a creature that looks like the mythical beast Bai Ze, and a creature surrounded by black flames.

Originally, the opponents of Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan were so difficult to deal with, but now that such a group of powerful guys came out, the pressure faced by Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan suddenly increased dramatically.

The three silver mantis-like beings quickly merged with the two of the same race who were dealing with Lin Feng.

In addition, the mysterious existence lingering in the black flame seemed to be extremely interested in Lin Feng, who controlled many sky fires, and also came to kill him.

This way.

Lin Feng's enemies directly changed from two to six.

Lin Feng really felt like he wanted to cry without tears.

As for the stone monkey holding a stick, and the existence that looked like the mythical beast Bai Ze, they killed Master Huafan.

The stone monkey's strength is obviously more outstanding, it is fast, attacks fiercely, and knows how to cooperate with the other creatures.

When the other creatures were restraining Mr. Transformation.

The stone monkey seized the opportunity and hit Young Master Hua Fan with a stick, sending Young Master Hua Fan flying away. Young Master Hua Fan's body hit a rock wall hard before stopping, and then Spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Ah!" Young Master Hua Fan roared, and his scalp was scattered.

Mr. Hua Fan, with his hair disheveled, seemed to be crazy.

During this period of time, it was really frustrating for Young Master Hua Fan. This was definitely a major blow to the proud Young Master Hua Fan.

And even when he was fighting with Lin Feng, being plotted and chased by Lin Feng, Mr. Hua Fan felt that he would definitely be able to get out of trouble without risking his life.

But now, he really felt the smell of death.

Really! A feeling that made him quite uncomfortable!

On the other side, Lin Feng also felt uncomfortable, because the six beings who attacked Lin Feng also knew how to cooperate very well. The five silver mantis-like beings were responsible for the main attack and involvement, while the being hidden in the black flames was wandering around, at any time. Prepare to attack Lin Feng anywhere.

The combat power of these guys was terrifying, and Lin Feng was knocked away by the existence in the black flames with just a single oversight.

Fortunately, there is a defensive magic weapon to protect you.

Lin Feng was not seriously injured.

But even so, the blow just now made Lin Feng extremely uncomfortable. The powerful force shocked him and blood flowed from all his orifices.

"Mad! What the **** is this place? How come there are so many scary beings?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel extremely depressed.

He even felt that the existence of these creatures in this place seemed unreasonable. After all, in such a large place, it was a place that had been banned for a long time. Logically speaking, it was incredible that an extremely heaven-defying being could be born. Something happened.

But in this place, so many such terrifying existences appeared.

"Hey, that's not right..." Suddenly, Lin Feng grasped one thing keenly.

That is "unreasonable".

He felt that this place was very unreasonable. If this unreasonable speculation was true, wouldn't it mean that this place...


Lin Feng couldn't help but think of a certain possibility, but this possibility honestly shocked Lin Feng, because from beginning to end, Lin Feng never felt that he was in an illusion.

Even last time, Lin Feng was in an illusion and couldn't free himself from the illusion many times in a row. He still relied on the help of a mysterious powerhouse to resolve the illusion.

But even though that time was so dangerous, Lin Feng actually knew that he was in an illusion.

So if you are really caught in an illusion this time, it is difficult to imagine what the existence that casts the illusion is.

And don’t forget that even Young Master Hua Fan was also tricked.

Lin Feng quickly calmed himself down. Breaking the illusion was not an easy task, but Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field, eye of truth, clairvoyance and other means could help him break the illusion.

Lin Feng soon calmed down. At the same time, he was still reciting Buddhist scriptures silently in his heart. He also used all methods such as clairvoyance, but he still couldn't get rid of the illusion. Lin Feng even thought, maybe he had guessed wrong, and this place was not actually an illusion. , after all, he had used so many methods, at least he could break the illusion temporarily, but he was not able to break it.

The opponent's attacks became more and more powerful, and it became more and more difficult for Lin Feng to parry. This made Lin Feng's face look even more ugly. Now he couldn't even run away, and there seemed to be an obsession deep in Lin Feng's heart. Nian told Lin Feng that this was an illusion. Lin Feng thought that sometimes, using the simplest method might have miraculous effects.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng took out a dagger and stabbed himself directly in the arm.

The dagger stabbed into the arm.

Pain shot through his body.

Lin Feng's spiritual world also changed dramatically because of this severe pain, and then Lin Feng saw that the terrifying entities surrounding him had disappeared.

Not far away, Young Master Hua Fan was waving his sword, roaring and filial piety, like a madman possessed by a demon.

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