Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 689: cooperate

"What a terrible illusion." Lin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath. Thanks to his extraordinary skills, he successfully resolved this illusion. However, Master Huafan was still immersed in the illusion and couldn't extricate himself. It's not that Master Huafan was inferior to Lin Feng.

There are reasons why Young Master Hua Fan was so severely affected. First, Young Master Hua Fan himself was seriously injured. Such a serious injury would naturally lead to a significant decline in his abilities in all aspects. This is quite fatal. place.

In particular, the spiritual will will also be greatly affected due to injury. As we all know, the most important test of methods such as illusion is not the pure realm, but a test of a person's spiritual willpower. Injured monks, Naturally, there will be more serious interference.

The second is that Mr. Hua Fan himself does not study in-depth and thorough methods such as formations. The power that affects Lin Feng and the others is definitely blessed by formations. Of course, there may also be some other methods. Anyway, the methods It couldn't be just one kind of method. It should be a combination of multiple methods to have such a serious impact on a strong person like Lin Feng and Mr. Hua Fan. However, no matter how many methods were superimposed, the formation was definitely the core method. First, Young Master Hua Fan was naturally severely affected.

If he were in a normal state, he might not fall into an illusion based on his state, but in his current bad state, it would not be surprising at all to fall into an illusion.

Anyway, Young Master Hua Fan's current situation is not ideal.

"Isn't this a great opportunity for me to transform Young Master into a mortal?" Lin Feng showed a happy face.

He quickly rushed towards Mr. Hua Fan.

Then Lin Feng started to operate the Dadu Transformation Technique.

Now Lin Feng is almost going crazy with joy.

He really didn't expect that despite all the hard work, he could not suppress Young Master Hua Fan, but here he could directly transform Young Master Hua Fan.

God has opened his eyes.

However, when Lin Feng tried to input the power of transformation into Master Hua Fan's body, the power of transformation he exerted disappeared.

It was as if it had been absorbed by the void.

This situation is really weird. There is so much strangeness about this place.

Lin Feng was also very secretive about such a place.

We have to get out of here quickly.

So Lin Feng thought about suppressing Master Huafan first and taking him away together. After leaving this extremely weird place, it would not be too late to save Master Huafan. So Lin Feng played the suppression rune and tried Suppressing Young Master Hua Fan, but who would have thought that the suppression runes he played would also disappear.

It was as if he had been absorbed by the void in front of him.

Weird! It’s really weird!

This was also the first time for Lin Feng to see such an evil thing!

But at this moment, Master Hua Fan was no longer crazy, but recovered from the illusion, and then saw Lin Feng standing in front of him.

"Boy, you are looking for death!".

Master Hua Fan raised his sword and headed towards Lin Feng to kill him.


Lin Feng swore loudly and quickly retreated, dodging Master Huafan's sword.

Master Hua Fan held his sword and continued to kill Lin Feng.

However, at this time, Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "Stop, Young Master Huafan, let's not kill each other at this time!".

After Mr. Hua Fan woke up, he knew that he had been in an illusion and that something was very wrong.

Therefore, after hearing Lin Feng's shout, Master Hua Fan stopped, but he still kept a certain distance from Lin Feng.

Mainly because he was worried about Lin Feng sneaking up on him.

But in fact, Lin Feng had no intention of sneak attack on Young Master Hua Fan. This place was indeed too weird, especially when the power of transformation and the sealing runes that Lin Feng had just shot against Young Master Hua Fan were inexplicably swallowed up by the void. Lin Feng thought about it carefully. After thinking about it, this place was swallowed up by the void here.

It must be because there is a terrifying existence lurking in the darkness.

It's the existence in the dark that controls all of this.

Whether it was the previous illusion or the method just now, it fully demonstrated the horror of this existence in the dark.

It's impossible not to be careful.

Lin Feng looked around. It was pitch black and there was nothing around him. He shouted in a deep voice, "Come out, there's no point in hiding your head and tail!".

But no one gave Lin Feng any reply.

This made Lin Feng frown slightly, but Lin Feng had actually expected this situation for a long time. Since the other party was in the dark, he had too many advantages.

There is absolutely no need to expose yourself.

Mr. Hua Fan didn't speak because he was trying his best to stabilize his injuries.

Lin Feng looked at Mr. Hua Fan and said, "You should have a better idea of ​​what this place is about, right?"

Master Hua Fan said, "I don't understand this place either!".

"Damn, you didn't understand and you brought me here?" Lin Feng said speechlessly.

Mr. Hua Fan said with a sullen face, "If you hadn't pushed me so hard, I wouldn't have ventured into this place. You have to be blamed entirely. Now it's okay. One trap is a trap for two people!".

Lin Feng said, "Let's go back the way we came!".

Mr. Hua Fan doesn't have any objections to this either.

Although a fight with Lin Feng was inevitable after he went out, he had just stabilized his injuries and felt much better, so he was not afraid of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng really dared to take action.

Maybe he could find an opportunity to kill Lin Feng.

The two returned the same way.


They couldn't find their way out.

Lin Feng sighed, if this was the case, things would be a little troublesome, and they would definitely be targeted by the existence here.

"We must find that guy, otherwise we will all be trapped and die in this place!".

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult to find him!". Master Hua Fan said, "Follow me!".

Lin Feng was slightly hesitant. This place was too weird. Who knew whether this mortal master was setting a trap for him? If that was the case, it would be quite bad.

Master Hua Fan said, "Are you afraid that I will plot against you?".

There was a hint of provocation in his eyes.

Lin Feng said, "What a fright! It doesn't matter if I follow you for a while. Anyway, we are grasshoppers on a rope now!".

"Um!". Mr. Hua Fan nodded.

The two of them were fighting to the death before.

He definitely won't give up until the other party is killed.

But in the blink of an eye, the two of them became allies. Although they were only temporary allies, they were still allies. It really fully explained the true meaning that there are no permanent enemies in the world of cultivators, only permanent interests.

Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan walked all the way towards the depths.

This place became completely dark, and it was impossible to see anything. The two of them seemed to be heading towards the demonic abyss that swallowed all life.

Even strong men like Lin Feng and Master Hua Fan.

At this moment, I was also very anxious.

But they knew they had to move forward, there was no way back.

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