Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 694: The flower of fire burns the woman’s spiritual thoughts

He didn't know what was going on with Young Master Hua Fan. Lin Feng guessed that since the woman plotted against him, she would definitely plot against Young Master Hua Fan. However, he didn't know if Young Master Hua Fan could find out what was wrong and resolve the crisis.

Therefore, without knowing it, the next time I see Mr. Hua Fan, I have to be on guard against Mr. Hua Fan.

Of course, these are all things that will happen later. What Lin Feng needs to do now is to deal with the dangers he encounters.

Lin Feng began to study the runes formed by the nine drops of blood. That rune was the medium between Lin Feng and the Ring of Punishment. Without this medium, Lin Feng would not have been able to get in touch with the Ring of Punishment before, so In Lin Feng's opinion, the key to finding out how the woman plotted against him should be this **** rune.

After Lin Feng carefully studied it, he found nothing. However, this situation was actually expected by Lin Feng. After all, the strength of the woman was so powerful. If she wanted to do something, she would hide everything. 's extremely perfect.

It is basically impossible to find clues, but Lin Feng has always been a person who does not believe in evil. Lin Feng thought of a way. Although he didn't know whether this method would work, he could give it a try.

Lin Feng's method sounds simple, which is to use sky fire to burn the blood rune.

Because the object of Lin Feng's suspicion is the blood rune. No matter how extraordinary the blood rune is, in Lin Feng's view, through continuous burning, Lin Feng believes that the blood rune will also undergo some changes.

When this change occurs.

Lin Feng felt that some clues about the woman would be exposed.

Tianhuo was summoned by Lin Feng.

The thirteen kinds of sky fires instantly overlapped, covering the Ring of Punishment, and began to burn the Ring of Punishment. Of course, the focus of burning was mainly on the **** runes of the Ring of Punishment.

At the beginning, the blood runes did not change at all.

However, as time passed, Lin Feng discovered that the blood runes had changed.

The blood rune was not destroyed, but Lin Feng discovered that there was another strange power hidden inside the blood rune. This power was extremely obscure, but extremely terrifying. It was an extremely high-level power. Even Lin Feng had never seen this level of power.

Moreover, Lin Feng also had a strong feeling that there might be an idea contained in that mysterious and high-level power.

Needless to say.

It must have been the woman's method of staying.

It seemed that Lin Feng's previous judgments were correct. The woman's method was hidden in the blood runes, and now he finally discovered it.

Lin Feng quickly controlled the sky fire to cover the special power hidden in the runes.

The sky fire burned brightly.

The powerful sky fire has the power to burn the sky and cook the sea. This kind of power is really shocking.

Lin Feng wanted to use the sky fire to destroy that power.

However, what surprised Lin Feng was that that power, under the burning of the sky fire, had the power to allow you to have tens of millions of magical powers, but I would remain unmoved.

The sky fire was not able to destroy that power.

As expected of that woman, her skills were really powerful.

But this was not a problem for Lin Feng at all. After all, Lin Feng had many methods. Lin Feng began to use these sky fires to construct a miniature sky fire array. Although the miniature sky fire array was very small, it was actually smaller than the ordinary one because it was too small. The difficulty of constructing the Sky Fire Array has increased several times, even more than ten times. Of course, the power has also increased accordingly, but it is not as exaggerated as several times or more than ten times. It only increases the power by about twice.

But even if the power is only doubled, it is still a big deal.

After the power is doubled.

The Heavenly Fire Formation indeed caused damage to that extremely special energy. Of course, it was not a destructive way, but a gradual destruction.

Destroy a little first.

Destroy a little more.

A little more destruction.

A little adds up to a lot.

In this way, if a small amount adds up to a large amount, then this energy will naturally be destroyed.

It seemed that he was aware that this energy was being continuously destroyed by Lin Feng.

A voice suddenly came out, "I really didn't expect you to be able to discover the hidden methods I arranged. I'm a little surprised!".

Lin Feng's face suddenly darkened when he heard this voice. It was the woman's voice.

Lin Feng did not expect that this woman would actually take the initiative to talk to him. She was really not afraid at all after she had done something bad and was discovered. Lin Feng was speechless.

Why are you so thick-skinned?

Lin Feng said, "Master Huafan and I have made an oath to help you destroy the sacred image of the temple, but you are still secretly arranging means to trap us. Isn't what you did a bit too much?"

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The woman's voice continued, "Don't you think the word "entrapment" is a bit too much? I set up these methods just to secretly observe whether you are working hard for me. What's more, the two of you are extraordinary. Who knows if you have a way to break the oath, it is not too much for me to set up some means to observe your behavior!"

After hearing what the woman said, Lin Feng suddenly sneered. Maybe the reason mentioned by the woman really was involved, but in Lin Feng's view, this was definitely not the main reason. The most important reason was that the woman wanted to have a job. After that, she crossed the river and burned the bridge, wanting to control him and Master Huafan. Naturally, she couldn't express such thoughts at the Zizhu Forest before, because that would cause him and Master Huafan to fight to the death.

And the means arranged by the woman can control him and Master Huafan silently.

Simple and practical.

If it were Lin Feng, Lin Feng would also like to use this method to control some opponents.

All I can say is that this woman is too thoughtful and calculating.

Lin Feng said, "Are you going to dissipate your power and disappear on your own, or let me destroy your spiritual thought?".

The woman's smiling voice came and said, "I would like to try to see if my divine will can transform you!".


As soon as the words fell, an extremely terrifying wave of spiritual thoughts suddenly emerged from the power.

Then, extremely violent power surged into Lin Feng's mind.

It seemed that he wanted to forcefully convert Lin Feng.

"very scary!". Lin Feng was a little shocked when he felt the fluctuation of spiritual thought. This was just a fluctuation of spiritual thought, but it was already so terrifying.

If the woman herself comes, it is simply unimaginable what kind of terrifying soul attack that woman can unleash.

Of course, what Lin Feng was facing now was just a divine thought.

No matter how powerful it is.

What should Lin Feng be afraid of?

Lin Feng quickly condensed the flower of fire, and the flower of fire instantly sealed the divine thought in it. Lin Feng planned to use the flower of fire to refine the woman's divine thought to death.

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