Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 695: special spiritual thoughts

Needless to say, the power of the Flower of Fire is natural. It is made of condensed sky fire, which is quite terrifying. Moreover, Lin Feng is now many times stronger than before.

The power of the Flower of Fire method has naturally been greatly improved as Lin Feng's own realm has improved. Therefore, Lin Feng is still looking forward to using the Flower of Fire to destroy the woman's divine will.

The divine thought tried to break out of the Flower of Fire, but was restrained by the flame runes formed inside the Flower of Fire, and was sealed within it, unable to break out.

And inside the Flower of Fire, the flames were burning.

That powerful flame seemed to have the power to distort time and space. It was extremely terrifying and shocking.

The woman's spiritual thoughts began to be gradually burned away by the flames.

This situation naturally aroused the alertness of the woman's spiritual thought. Although it was just a spiritual thought, this divine thought was extremely extraordinary. This divine thought knew that it must quickly break the blockade of the Flower of Fire. If it continued like this, it would have to be condensed by Lin Feng. The flower of fire cannot be destroyed.

"Hmph, although your flame flowers condensed from sky fire are quite powerful, they are still far from enough to trap me!"

The woman's mind snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, that spiritual thought turned into a dazzling beam of light, rushing in one direction of the Flower of Fire.

Lin Feng also discovered this and quickly took action to strengthen the rune defense in that direction.

Clang clang clang!

Violent collision sounds were heard.

The light beam formed by the woman's spiritual thoughts locked on a position, and then continuously bombarded the same position.

Multiple consecutive bombardments had made that location weak, although Lin Feng had been trying to repair it.

But it was a pity that Lin Feng's speed at repairing that place could not match the speed at which the woman's spiritual thoughts destroyed the place, so this resulted in the place being torn apart in the end.

The woman's mind quickly flew out from that place and then entered Lin Feng's mind.

The woman's mind naturally had great confidence in herself. In her opinion, she could definitely transform Lin Feng's soul.

But when this part of her mind entered Lin Feng's mind, her mind suddenly discovered something.

That's it.

Lin Feng's soul disappeared.

"Soul and flesh become one!". The woman's spiritual thoughts came out with an extremely cold voice, and she was worthy of being a top powerhouse who had transcended reincarnation.

When he saw the situation on Lin Feng's side, he immediately thought of what was going on, and his guess was absolutely correct.

Lin Feng said, "Yes, I can make my soul and body become one, so just go and die!".

After the words fell, Lin Feng began to fight back.

Treasures such as the Xuanhuang War Drum that can cause huge damage to the soul, as well as powerful soul magical powers such as the God-Splitting Technique, were all used by Lin Feng.

In addition, Lin Feng's previous flower of fire weakened the woman's power of divine will.

Compared with the current strength of the woman's spiritual thought, it has actually declined considerably.

Therefore, Lin Feng easily took the initiative.

However, Lin Feng knew that this woman's spiritual will was a bit scary, and it was not easy to directly destroy her spiritual will, so Lin Feng adopted the method of slowly wearing out the woman's spiritual will.

This method would make Lin Feng much easier.

In addition, this method will make Lin Feng safer.

After all, if we attack with all our strength, the state of Lin Feng's soul and body may also change. Since that woman is so powerful, she might be able to find a flaw in Lin Feng. By then, some terrible things may happen, but now this Lin Feng doesn't have to worry about so many things.

The woman's mind seemed to know Lin Feng's plan, which made her a little annoyed. She said coldly, "Don't think that if your soul and body are one, I can't do anything to you. I will combine your soul with your body now." Separate your physical body, and then transform your soul!"

Lin Feng sneered, "Really? I would like to see what your spiritual thoughts are capable of doing such a thing!".

The woman's voice came out again, "You are totally wrong if you think that I am just a spiritual thought. Let me tell you! My divine thought can be used to get in touch with this deity. My deity releases power." Help me fight, do you think you can withstand it?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. He had never thought that such a thing would happen, but if he thought about it carefully, it made sense.

After all, women are so powerful, and it is normal to have some incredible methods.

But Lin Feng was not afraid. He sneered and said, "You are awesome, but you are too conceited and show off too much!".


The next moment, there was a loud noise.

Eleven sky-shaking stone tablets appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

Under Lin Feng's control, the eleven sky-shaking stone tablets were quickly assembled together and moved toward the woman's divine will to suppress it.

The woman's spiritual thought was originally intended to contact the deity.

But when Lin Feng's sky-shaking stone tablet was suppressed, the time and space where the world in Lin Feng's mind was was immediately sealed.

The woman's mind was unable to make any contact with the outside world.

"The Sky-shaking Stone Tablets, you actually control so many Sky-shaking Stone Tablets, you are really surprising me more and more!". The woman's mind was obviously extremely surprised after seeing so many sky-shaking stone tablets.

Lin Feng said, "You also surprised me, because I originally thought that your divine thought was an ordinary divine thought, but now it seems that my previous thought was extremely wrong. Your divine thought is definitely not an ordinary thought." Ordinary divine will, because no matter how powerful you are, it is absolutely impossible to be stronger than the pioneers. Therefore, no matter how powerful your ordinary divine will is, it cannot reach the height it is now, unless, The power of the source is integrated into your divine thought. Otherwise, it would not be so powerful. The source of the soul of a strong man of your level is a great supplement to me!"

"You are so outrageous that you dare to peek into my original power. Do you want to die?" The woman's voice became colder and colder. The beam of light transformed by the divine mind wanted to rush out of Lin Feng's mind so that she could communicate with him, and then It would not be a problem to deal with Lin Feng in turn.

However, Lin Feng's Sky-shaking Stone Tablet was really powerful. With the cooperation of the Sky-shaking Stone Tablet, Lin Feng used all kinds of methods to finally suppress the woman's spiritual thoughts.

Then, Lin Feng began to try to destroy the consciousness contained in the woman's spiritual thoughts.

"How dare you destroy my consciousness after eating the heart of a bear?" The woman's voice was extremely angry.

Lin Feng sneered and didn't even pay attention to her.

Lin Feng used extremely violent power to destroy the woman's consciousness like a tree.

Then, Lin Feng tried to sense the "virtual reality of spiritual thoughts".

"This is…".

I don’t know this.

After sensing the true situation of that divine thought.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen something incredible, with an expression full of shock.

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